Scientific Innovations And Responsibility

Scientific Innovations And Responsibility

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1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan "Getting Management Attention for Ideas and Innovations"? Terima kasih




semoga membantu Anda ya

2. Ballerina workplace and responsibility

Work Environment
A prima ballerina’s most regular workplace is wherever her ballet company is permanently based and holds its non-tour performances. This might be somewhere like a theater. The principal dancer will accompany the ballet company on any international tours it goes on. As well as appearing with their companies, prima ballerinas also perform independently at international arts festivals such as the Festival Internacional de Marionetas de Sintra in Portugal and Germany’s Northwest Phalen Tanz Festival. A principal dancer may also perform as a guest artist with companies other than her own.

A prima ballerina may train for up to six days a week, having just one rest day. On a typical performance day, she will start her morning with a ballet class, warming up beforehand. The rest of the day will consist of rehearsals and some downtime for rest and self-care. The dancer will be at the venue of the performance at least two hours before curtains up. In this time she gets her hair and makeup done, changes into costume and stretches. A work such as "Giselle" takes two hours to perform, after which the prima ballerina’s work day is done.

3. jelaskan mengenai authority and responsibility​

Kewenangan (bahasa Inggris: authority) adalah hak untuk melakukan sesuatu atau memerintah orang lain untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu agar tercapai tujuan tertentu.

responsibility adalah tanggung jawab

4. Apa yang di maksud dengan cara consentrasion of power and responsibility upon the president

concentrasion of power and responsibility upon the president adalah kekuasaan dan tanggung jawab pemerintahan tertinggi berada ditangan presiden.

5. Apa pendapat kalian tentang " our rights and responsibility as a student and teenagers on digital world today"

Our right are : we should know about the newest technology. Meanwhile we should study with technology, for example we do national exam with computer basic test. Responsibility : we should use it only for our knowledge, not for porn or hacking another account.

6. Mohon bantuannya kakak !!!! Researchers use ………. that scientists create (such as about biology, chemical and physics) to conduct their product research. →Their scientific paper →The scientific papers →What is scientific paper →What their scientific paper

Jawaban:  The scientific papers


Pertama, coba didentifikasi terlebih dahulu apakah kalimat ini memiliki Subject dan Verb. Setelah mengetahui apakah kalimat tersebut memiliki subject + verb yang lengkap, kita bisa mengeliminasi 2 atau beberapa pilihan yang dirasa kurang tepat.

Jika kita melihat kalimat di atas, subject dan verb terdapat lengkap di dalam kalimat tersebut. Karena itu ruang kosong dalam kalimat diatas dapat diisi dengan noun. Jika melihat pilihan yang tersedia diatas, manakah yang merupakan noun?

dan satu-satunya kalimat yang merupakan noun diantara empat pilihan jawaban adalah pilihan  the scientific papers. maka kamu dapat memilihnya sebagai jawaban yang benar.

7. Why America has so many innovations

Karena mampu untuk terus-menerus meningkatkan efisiensi, produktifitas, dan inovasi usaha guna meningkatkan daya saing dalam dunia yang lebih bersaing

8. write 5 names of proffesions and the job description(responsibility)!​



Promotes coffee consumption by educating customers; selling coffee and coffee grinding and brewing equipment, accessories, and supplies; preparing and serving a variety of coffee drinks, along with pastries and cookies.


Nurses work as part of a team of professional and medical staff that includes doctors, social workers and therapists.


Accountants are employed by organisations or private clients to audit accounts, provide financial advice and undertake accounts administration.


Animators create films for production companies, major animation studios and computer games companies


Architects design new buildings and suggest changes to existing buildings


Semoga membantu

9. write 5 names of proffesions and the job description(responsibility)!​


Doctor: healing the sick

Police: directing traffic

Nurse: treating patients and helping doctors

Teacher: teaching students

Architect: designing buildings


Semoga membantu

10. Negative responsibility Positive responsibility

tanggung jawab negatif
tanggung jawab positif


11. difference of scientific and design method​


Scientists use the scientific method to make testable explanations and predictions about the world. Engineers use the engineering design process to create solutions to problems.


nggak bisa bahasa inggris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12. differentiate between economic institutions and scientific institutions​


Lembaga ekonomi adalah lembaga yang membahas tentang keuangan, pemasukan, keluaran, dan lain sebagainya. Umumnya lembaga ekonomi membahas tentang keuangan atau perekonomian negara.

Lembaga ilmiah adalah lembaga yang membahas tentang akademik dalam kegiatan pengkajian dan penelitian di bidang ilmu hukum.


Pada dasarnya lembaga - lembaga yang ada di sebuah negara bertujuan untuk mengatur dan untuk membantu pemerintahan dalam mewujudkan tujuan untuk membangun Negara.


[tex] - [/tex]

13. Responsibility, apa itu responsibility​


Responsibility artinya adalah tanggung jawab


Berani bertanggung jawab dan bisa dipercaya

Eeh, itukah maksudnya? Heheh

14. The difference and similarity between Scientific approach and discovery learning


Difference between inquiry and discovery method of teaching

Inquiry is the process of answering questions and solving problems based on facts and observations, while discovery is finding concepts through a series of data or information obtained through observation or experimentation. The inquiry process emphasizes the intellectual (mental) development of the child.

This study aimed to compare the mathematics learning outcomes eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga Gowa taught through Discovery Learning Based Learning and Problem Based Learning Using Scientific Approach to the material opportunities. This type of research is a research experiment. The subjects were students of class VIII.A and VIII.B SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga Gowa in the second semester of the 2014/2015 school year numbered 80 people consisting of 40 people in each group. Data collected consist of data of student learning outcomes and student response data to the device and learning. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive Research data show learning outcomes of students who are taught by the teaching model of Discovery-based learning using a scientific approach is at the high category with an average of 82.42 with a standard deviation of 6.09 from the ideal score of 100. The average value of gain 0.75 with a standard deviation of 0.06 of an ideal score of 1 at the high category, and learning outcomes classical completeness of 87.5%, while the response is in the category of students with more positive with an average of 3.29. Learning outcomes of students taught by teaching model Problem-based learning using a scientific approach at the high category with an average of 87.00 with a standard deviation of 7.06 from the ideal score of 100. The average value gain of 0.82 with a standard deviation 0.07 of an ideal score of 1 at the high category, and classical completeness learning outcomes by 95%, while the response is in the category of students with more positive with an average of 3.48. Descriptive mastery learning outcomes and student response is different. Testing the hypothesis of the differences in the results of learning is done by using independent test samples t test with SPSS 20 for significant learning outcomes with a value of α = 0.05 and for normalized gain significant value to the value of α = 0.05. It can be concluded there is a difference in response and student learning outcomes are taught through discovery learning model based learning and problem based learning model study using a scientific approach in class VIII SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga


15. Apa pendapat kalian tentang " our rights and responsibility as a student and teenagers on digital world today"

kita harus memanfaatkan nya dengan benar dan menghindari dampak negatif yang ditimbulkannya

16. difference and similarity between Scientific approach and discovery learning


Difference between inquiry and discovery method of teaching

Inquiry is the process of answering questions and solving problems based on facts and observations, while discovery is finding concepts through a series of data or information obtained through observation or experimentation. The inquiry process emphasizes the intellectual (mental) development of the child.

This study aimed to compare the mathematics learning outcomes eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga Gowa taught through Discovery Learning Based Learning and Problem Based Learning Using Scientific Approach to the material opportunities. This type of research is a research experiment. The subjects were students of class VIII.A and VIII.B SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga Gowa in the second semester of the 2014/2015 school year numbered 80 people consisting of 40 people in each group. Data collected consist of data of student learning outcomes and student response data to the device and learning. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive Research data show learning outcomes of students who are taught by the teaching model of Discovery-based learning using a scientific approach is at the high category with an average of 82.42 with a standard deviation of 6.09 from the ideal score of 100. The average value of gain 0.75 with a standard deviation of 0.06 of an ideal score of 1 at the high category, and learning outcomes classical completeness of 87.5%, while the response is in the category of students with more positive with an average of 3.29. Learning outcomes of students taught by teaching model Problem-based learning using a scientific approach at the high category with an average of 87.00 with a standard deviation of 7.06 from the ideal score of 100. The average value gain of 0.82 with a standard deviation 0.07 of an ideal score of 1 at the high category, and classical completeness learning outcomes by 95%, while the response is in the category of students with more positive with an average of 3.48. Descriptive mastery learning outcomes and student response is different. Testing the hypothesis of the differences in the results of learning is done by using independent test samples t test with SPSS 20 for significant learning outcomes with a value of α = 0.05 and for normalized gain significant value to the value of α = 0.05. It can be concluded there is a difference in response and student learning outcomes are taught through discovery learning model based learning and problem based learning model study using a scientific approach in class VIII SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga


17. Apa pendapat kalian tentang " our rights and responsibility as a student and teenagers on digital world today"

my opinion is our rights and our responsibility as a student and teenagers on digital world today is be smart and wise in using it also don't be unsocial 

18. Concentration of power and responsibility upon the president


Pemerintahan negara dikuasai secara khusus oleh president


19. Researchers use ………. that scientists create (such as about biology, chemical and physics) to conduct their product research. Their scientific paper The scientific papers What is scientific paper What their scientific paper


The scientific papers


Peneliti menggunakan ………. yang dibuat oleh para ilmuwan (seperti tentang biologi, kimia dan fisika) untuk melakukan penelitian produk mereka.

Makalah ilmiah mereka

Makalah ilmiah

Apa itu karya tulis ilmiah

Apa karya ilmiah mereka

arti dari pertanyaan tersebut !

20. Uraikan mengenai Adanya pembagian wewenang dan tanggung jawab (authority and responsibility )​.

Secara singkat uraian perlu adanya wewenang dan tanggung jawab atau authority and responsibility agar aturan yang diciptakan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan tidak keluar dari jalur yang seharusnya.


Wewenang merupakan suatu hak yang dimiliki seseorang atau sekelompok orang untuk melakukan sesuatu atau memerintah seseorang lainnya untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu agar tercapai tujuan tertentu. wewenang biasanya dihubungkan dengan kekuasaan.

Tanggung jawab merupakan sebuah pengertian dasar untuk memahami manusia sebagai makhluk susila dan memagami tinggi rendahnya akhlak yang dimilikinya. tanggung yang diberikan pada umumnya memiliki hukuman ketika dilanggar.

perlunya  wewenang dan tanggung jawab dalam sebuah lingkungan sosial, negar, bisnis atau organisasi adalah agar tidak terjadinya penyelewengan penggunaan hak memerintah orang lain sehingga tujuan tidak dapat dicapai. Dengan diberikannya tanggung jawab kepada seseorang, wewenang akan menjadi terbatas sehingga hak-hak dan kewajiban yang diperintah dapat berikan dengan layak.

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Materi tentang wewenang dan tanggung jawab


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Scientific Innovations And Responsibility Scientific Innovations And Responsibility Reviewed by Romero on Mei 09, 2023 Rating: 5

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