Paroles De Hornet La Frappe Gasolina

Paroles De Hornet La Frappe Gasolina

Paroles pernapasan pada kaming​

Daftar Isi

1. Paroles pernapasan pada kaming​


rongga hidung -faring-trakea-bronkus-paru -paru

semoga membantu :)

maaf kalo salah soal nya ngga jelas sihh lain kali kalo nulis yng bener ya dek:)

2. purpose the bee and the hornet​

tujuan lebah dan lebah

3. sebuah pesawat tempur f-16 Hornet sedang terbang pada ketinggian 3.500 m diatas tanah.karna mengalami cuaca yang tidak besahabat,pesawat tersebut terbang merendah hingga ketinggian 1.800 m.berada pada ketinggian berapa pesawat tempur F-16 Hornet sekarqng?

3500 - 1800 = 1700
jadi  pesawat itu terbang pada ketinggian 1700 meter

pada ketinggian 1.700

4. Read the following text carefully!Hi everyone. First of all, I want to introduce myself. My name is Salsabila Hutama. You can callme Salsa. I am a new student here, at SMP Jiwa Muda Palembang. Luckily, I'm your classmate now.I am from South Sulawesi. Now, I live on Jalan Kerajaan No. 05, Palembang. I live with my parentsand brother.My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hutama. My father is a policeman. My mother is a tailor. My brother'sname is Hendra Hutama. He is the first child in my family. He goes to school at SMA Sriwijaya Palembang.I have a hobby. I like swimming every Sunday morning. I usually swim with my brother. Afterswimming, I always eat strawberry pudding. It's my favourite food. My favourite drink is Mocha Frappe.It's fresh that's why I like it. I think that's all for my introduction. Thank you for your attention.Task 2Answer the questions according to the text!1. Is Salsa a new student?Answer:2. Where is Salsa from?Answer:3.With whom does Salsa live?Answer:4. What is Salsa's mother?Answer:6. What is the name of Salsa's brother?Answer:7. What is Salsa's hobby?Answer:​

Answer :

1. Yes, she is

2. She comes from South Sulawesi

3. She lives with her parents

4. Her mother is a tailor

6. Her brother's name is Hendra Hutama

7. Her hobby is swimming

5. Ada beberapa jenis mimikri yang dilakukan oleh hewan-hewan tertentu. Jenis mimikri yang dilakukan oleh lebah hornet dan bumblebee adalah ….Mimikri kompetisimimikri mertensianmimikri batesianmimikri mullerian​

| mimikri |

mimikri merupakan suatu hewan menyerang musuhnya dengan cara mengeluarkan suara seperti belalang dan kelelawar. mereka menggunakan mimikri. mimikri memiliki beberapa jenis yaitu mimikri batasian yang di mana jenis itu dilakukan oleh lebah hornet dan bumblebeee

maka jwbnnya adalah Opsi 3

6. susunlah paragraf ini:1. This made Mrs Bee angry because she had built the beehive all by herself and it belonged to her.While they were arguing a hornet flew by Mrs Bee asked the hornet to be the judge.2. While Mrs Bee went about to built a beehive,Mr Bee didn't move an inch.Seeing this,the horned said,"The beehive belongs to Mrs Bee.3. A pair of bees lived in a large and cozy beehive Mrs Bee was always busy doing all kinds of work,but Mr Bee and nothing at all.4. One day,Mrs Bee said to Mr Bee,"my dear".I have been collecting honey from morning to noon.I am feeling very tired now.Why don't you help"?5. "Can't you see I'm having a nap? If you continue to disturb me,I shall ask you to leave my beehive," replied Mr Bee.6. The hornet was very wise." I order both of you to build a new beehive each.Your work will prove who had actually built this beehive".Said the hornet.

Urutannya kalo menurutku, 3-4-5-1-6-2. Jadinya,

A pair. Of bees lived in a large and cozy beehive. Mrs bee was always busy doing all kinds of work, but Mr bee and nothing at all.
One day, Mrs bee said to Mr bee, "my dear. I have been collecting honey from morning to noon. I am feeling very tired now. Why don't you help?"
"cant you see i'm having a nap? If you to disturb me, i shall ask you to leave my beehive.
This made mrs bee angry because see had built the beehive all by myself and it belonged to her. While they were arguing a hornet flew by. Mrs bee ask the hirnet to be the judge.
The hornet was veey wise. "i order both of you to build a new beehive Each. Your work will prove who had actually built this beehive." said the hornet.
While mrs bee went about to built a beehive. Mr bee didnt move an inch. Seeing this, the hornet said, "the beehive belongs to mrs bee.

Semiga bisa membantu\(^o^)/

7. Tentukan sisa dan hasil bagi dengan cara hornet dari suku banyak f(x)=4x⁴- 5x²+ 3x- 1 dibagi dengan (2x²+x-1)

(2x^2+x-1) di faktor kan menjadi
jadi :
2x=1 ...….... x=1/2
x= -1
utk nilai x di pilih salah satu
saya pilih x = -1
di Horner
lihat foto
sisanya adalah -5
hasil bagi 4x^3 - 4x^2 - x + 4

8. Delia's favourite drink is strawberry milkshake.Answer:Task 10Read the following text carefully!Hi, everyone. First of all, I want to introduce myself. My name is Salsabila Hutama. Youcan call me Salsa. I am a new student here, at SMP Jiwa Muda Palembang. Luckily, I'm yourclassmate now. I am from South Sulawesi. Now, I live at Jalan Kerajaan No. 05, with my parents and brother,My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hutama. My father is apoliceman. My mother is a tailor. My brother's name is HendraHutama. He is the first child in my family. He goes to schoolat SMA Sriwijaya Palembang.I have hobby. I like swimming every Sunday morning. Iusually swim with my brother. After swimming, I always eatstrawberry pudding. It's my favourite food. My favourite drinkis mocha frappe. It's fresh, that's why I like it. I think that's allfor my introduction. Thank you for your attention.inevieUo100Task 12devevAnswer the questions according to the text!was noitam1. is Salsa a new student?0 20000 26Answer:2.Where is Salsa from?Answer:​


1. Yes she is

2. she from south sulawesi


1. Is Salsa a new student?

:Yes, she is.

2. Where is Salsa from?

: She's from South Sulawesi.


pada baris ketiga dan kelima pada teks

pada kalimat " I am a new student here" dan " I am from South Sulawesi "

✧༺♥༻✧semoga Membantu

9. Retell the following text using your own words. Do it in turns. When a honeybee stings, it dies a gruesome death.The bee's stinger is structured in such a way that once it punctures human skin, the bee can't yank it out without self-amputation.As the honeybee tries to pull out the stinger, it ruptures its lower abdomen, leaving the stinger embedded, pulling out estive material, muscles, glands and a venom sac.What re instead a string of dig sults is a gaping hole at the end of the abdomen The honeybee stinger is hollow and pointed, like a hypodermic needle.It contains two rows of lancets, or saw-toothed blades.These blades are barbed in shape, and face outward like a harpoon As a bee stings, the blades alternate, "scissoring together into your flesh," said Mark Winston, a biologist and the author of Bee Time: Lessons from the Hive.It looks and works like a screw anchor, meaning that once in, the stinger can't retract.Muscles connect the stinger to a venom sac, from which a cell-destroying toxin is pumped into the hole The scent of the venom released from the honeybee signals a threat to the hive.It is only the female honeybees, also known as the worker bees, that sting.Each hive contains 60,000 worker bees, followed by a few hundred male drones and a single female queen bee.The queen bee only stings when fighting for dominance against another queen, Winston said.While the hornet and the wasp are known for being aggressive, honeybees are more docile, and typically only attack when threatened

Hedeuh panjang bet dah kalimatnya.. aku jelaskan ulang dengan kata kata sendiri dalam bahasa inggris sebisaku yaa..

Honeybee stings is probably so deadly. It is arranged in such a way that the bee can't wrench it out without self amputation since once it has been impaled human skin. When the honey bee tries to pull out the stinger, it will break the lower abdomen, leave behind the stinger stucked, pulling out estive material, muscles, glands and a poison sac. What are instead a string of dig sults is a gaping hole in the end of the abdomen The honeybee stinger is hollow and pointed, like a hypodermic needle. It contains two rows of lancets, or toothed saws. These blades are spiked in shape, and face out like a spear. As a bee sting, the knife alternates, "Cut together into your flesh," said Mark Winston, a biologist and author of Bee Time: Lessons from the Hive. It looks and works like a screw anchor, which means that once inside, the sting cannot pull back. The sleeve connects the stinger to the poison pocket, from which the poison destroys the cell is pumped into the hole. The muscle connects the stinger to the poison sac, from which the cell's destructive toxins are pumped into the hole. The smell of toxins released from honey bees signals a threat to the nest. Only female bees, also known as worker bees. , the sting. Each nest contains 60,000 worker bees, followed by several hundred male drones and a single female bee queen. the queen bee is just a sting when fighting for domination against another queen, Winston said, While bees and wasps are known to be aggressive, honey bees are more docile, and usually only attack when threatened.

Moga membantu :)

10. Asian giant hornets (Vespa mandarinia) areconsidered the world's largest hornetThese giant hornets are positively huge. Theirbodies are 1.8 inches long and they have a 3-inchwingspan. Besides, these insects have a stinger that'salmost a quarter of an inch long. That, along witha highly toxic venom, gives them some seriousstinging power. In fact, when people get stung bymultiple giant hornets, there's a good chance they'lldie. One Japanese entomologist who's been stung byone of these hornets said it was like having "a hot nailbeing driven into my leg."Aside from being monstrously huge, these insectsare a golden orange-yellow with brown-black stripes.If you're a beekeeper in Asia, you'll run into thesehornets regularly because they love to hunt and killhoneybees. However, most people don't really need toworry about Asian Giant Hornets. These insects don'thave much interest in people and their hives areusually located in forests.Asian giant hornets are voracious insect predators,and beehives offer an especially inviting target sincethere are so many larval insects available in one place.In fact, a small group of giant hornets can slaughtera honeybee colony containing tens of thousands ofinsects in just a few hours.. The text tells us about ... of Asian giant hornets.A. the dangerB. the habit and dietC. the characteristicsD. the general descriptionA94. Who should be aware of the Asian giant hornets?A. BeekeepersB. Bee loversC Bee collectorsD. Bee busters95. The phrase "a hot nail being driven into my leg"implies that the sting is ...A very deepB very strongC. very painfulD. very sorrowfulAsian giant hornest are" voracious " insect predators,... (last paragraph) What does the underlined mean? A. Very hungry B. Very dangerous C. Very poisonousD. Very angry​


93. C // 94. A // 95. C //  96. A


11. bantu jawabkan bagi yang bisa bahasa Inggris1.when does salsa eat strawberry pudding?2.why does salsa like mocha frappe?​

Jawaban:1. After swimming

2. Because it's fresh

Maaf ya klo salah


12. AUSTIN, Texas (AP) – The state’s highest criminal court rejected convicted killer Karla Faye Tucker’s bid for clemency, to keep from becoming the first woman executed in Texas since the US Civil War. The Court of Criminal Appeals on Wednesday turned aside her argument that the state’s clemency process is unconstitutional. §2     Ms Tucker, who is scheduled to die Tuesday by lethal injection, has asked the board of Pardons and Paroles to commute her sentence to life in prison. The board can deny her request or forward a recommendation to Gov. George W. Bush. §3    Ms Tucker, 38, was condemned for murdering a man and woman with a pickax during a 1983 break-in. She has since insisted she found God behind bars and would be content spending the rest of her life in prison doing his work for the rehabilitation of young criminals. §4    In interviews organized by her prison minister-husband, Dana Brown, she insists she’s a new person, content to spend her life in prison doing God’s work and setting an example for young people. “We all have the ability, after we’ve done something horrible, to make a change for the good,” Ms Tucker, 38, said earnestly on CBS television. “I’m so far removed from the person I used to be out there. For me, what’s weird is thinking back on some of the things I used to do, and thinking, ‘I did that?’” §5     A spokeswoman for Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson said Wednesday his 700 Club television program will broadcast the last prison interview with Ms Tucker on the day she’s scheduled to be executed. Robertson, who supports the death penalty, has said Ms Tucker should be spared to continue preaching the word of the Lord to fellow convicts. The interview was conducted on Tuesday. §6     “She feels very strongly about what the Lord has done to change her life,” said Robertson’s spokeswoman, Patty Silverman. “She wanted to be sure that the message of what God did in her life got out.” §7    Texas last executed a woman in 1863, when Chipita Rodriguez was hanged for the murder of a horse trader. The only woman executed in the United States since the Supreme Court allowed capital punishment to resume in 1976 was Velma Barfield. She died by injection in North Carolina in 1984 for poisoning her boyfriend. (taken from Athens News, Jan 30th, 1998) Find a word or expression in the text which has a similar meaning to the following.1. to refuse to accept a request (v) (§1) ………………………………………2. willingness not to punish someone too severely (n) (§1) ……………………………………… plan that something will happen at a particular time (v) (§2) ………………………………………4. to change a punishment to a less severe one (v) (§2) ……………………………………… 5.helping someone to live a useful life again after they have been in prison (n) (§3) ……………………………………… 6.very seriously (adv) (§4) ………………………………………7. someone who starts a business, organization, school, etc. (n) (§5) ……………………………………… 8.someone who has been proved to be guilty of a crime and sent to prison (n) (§5) ……………………………………… kill someone, especially legally as a punishment for a serious crime (v) (§5,7) ……………………………………… start doing something again after a pause or interruption (v) (§7)​


kerjain sendiri jangan nanya terozz


jangan mwngandalkan aplikasi ini sebagai kunci jawaban

13. Asian giant hornets (Vespa mandarinia) are considered the world's largest hornet. These giant hornets are positively huge. Their bodies are 1.8 inches long and they have a 3-inch wingspan. Besides, these insects have a stinger that's almost a quarter of an inch long. That, along with a highly toxic venom, gives them some serious stinging power. In fact, when people get stung by multiple giant hornets, there's a good chance they'll die. One Japanese entomologist who's been stung by one of these hornets said it was like having "a hot nail being driven into my leg."Aside from being monstrously huge, these insects are a golden orange-yellow with brown-black stripes. If you're a beekeeper in Asia, you'll run into these hornets regularly because they love to hunt and kill honeybees. However, most people don't really need to worry about Asian Giant Hornets. These insects don't have much interest in people and their hives are usually located in forests.Asian giant hornets are voracious insect predators, and beehives offer an especially inviting target since there are so many larval insects available in one place. In fact, a small group of giant hornets can slaughter a honeybee colony containing tens of thousands of insects in just a few hours.1. Why do the Asian giant hornets have some serious stinging power?2. How are the physical appearances of the Asian giant hornets?3. Why don't most people really need to (harus) worry about Asian giant hornets?4. Where is the habitat of Asian giant hornets?5. What does the phrase "in just a few hours" mean in bahasa?​


1) Their bodies are 1.8 inches long and they have a 3-inch wingspan. Besides, these insects have a stinger that's almost a quarter of an inch long. That, along with a highly toxic venom, gives them some serious stinging power

2)Their bodies are 1.8 inches long and they have a 3-inch wingspan Aside from being monstrously huge, these insects are a golden orange-yellow with brown-black stripes.

3)Because it lives in the forest

4)in forest

5)Hanya dalam beberapa jam

Semoga Membantu Maaf jika ada kesalahan

14. Zasr 11Read the following text carefully!Hi everyone. First of all, I want to introduce myself. My name is Salsabila Hutama. Youcan call me Salsa. I am a new student here, at SMP Jiwa Muda Palembang. Luckily, I'm yourclassmate now. I am from South Sulawesi. Now, I live at Jalan Kerajaan No. 05, Palembang. Ilive with my parents and brother.My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hutama. My father is apoliceman. My mother is a tailor. My brother's name is HendraHutama. He is the first child in my family. He goes to schoolat SMA Sriwijaya Palembang.I have hobby. I like swimming every Sunday morning. Iusually swim with my brother. After swimming. I always eatstrawberry pudding. It's my favourite food. My favourite drinkis mocha frappe. It's fresh, that's why I like it. I think that's allfor my introduction. Thank you for your attention.DA sviaTask 12anon10od overAnswer the questions according to the text!sas con1. Is Salsa a new student?uonon 25Answer:2.Where is Salsa from?Answer:3.With whom does Salsa live?Answer:What is Salsa's mother?Answer:of Salsa's brother?​


1. Is Salsa a new student?

Answer: Yes, she is.

2. Where is Salsa from?

Answer: She's from South Sulawesi.

3. With whom does Salsa live?

Answer: She live with her parents and her brother.

4. What is Salsa's mother?

Answer: She's a tailor.

✧༺♥༻✧semoga membantu


Jawab pertanyaan Menurut teks!

sas con

1. Apakah Salsa seorang siswa baru?

uonon 25



Darimana Salsa berasal?

Menjawab: sulawesi


Dengan siapa Salsa tinggal?

Menjawab:parents and brother

Apa ibu Salsa?

menjawab:is a tailor

saudara laki-laki Salsa?

menjawab:My brother's name is Hendra

Hutama. He is the first child in my family. He goes to school

at SMA Sriwijaya Palembang

15. Tolong cariin minimal 5 kalimat passive sentence di bawah ini When a honeybee stings, it dies a gruesome death. The bee’s stinger is structured in such a way that once it punctures human skin, the bee can’t yank it out without self-amputating. As the honeybee tries to pull out the stinger, it ruptures its lower abdomen, leaving the stinger embedded, pulling out instead a string of digestive material, muscles, glands and a venom sac. What results is a gaping hole at the end of the abdomen. The honeybee stinger is hollow and pointed, like a hypodermic needle, Mussen said. It contains two rows of lancets, or saw-toothed blades. These blades are barbed in shape, and face outward like a harpoon. As a bee stings, the blades alternate, “scissoring together into your flesh,” said Mark Winston, biologist and author of “Bee Time: Lessons from the Hive.” It looks — and works — like a screw anchor, meaning that once in, the stinger can’t retract. Muscles connect the stinger to a venom sac, from which a cell-destroying toxin is pumped into the hole. But lets back up. It is only the female honeybees, also known as the worker bees, that sting. Each hive contains some 60,000 worker bees, followed by a few hundred male drones and a single female queen bee. The queen bee only stings when fighting for dominance against another queen, Winston said. And while the hornet and the wasp are known for being more aggressive, honeybees are more docile, and typically only attack when threatened

This message will have the right to change. The comments on the ways in which you can see the new year, but I am not sure if I am a man who has been a while.

16. ANSTask 11Read the following text carefully!Hi, everyone. First of all, I want to introduce myself. My name is Salsabila Hutama. Yocan call me Salsa. I am a new student here, at SMP Jiwa Muda Palembang. Luckily, I'm yoclassmate now. I am from South Sulawesi. Now, I live at Jalan Kerajaan No. 05, Palembangive with my parents and brother.My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hutama. My father is aoliceman. My mother is a tailor. My brother's name is HendraJutama. He is the first child in my family. He goes to schoolt SMA Sriwijaya Palembang.I have hobby. I like swimming every Sunday morning. Isually swim with my brother. After swimming, I always eattrawberry pudding. It's my favourite food. My favourite drinkmocha frappe. It's fresh, that's why I like it. I think that's allr my introduction. Thank you for your A sviaTask 122Uополаod sevey7swer the questions according to the text!5 as noioIs Salsa a new student?200079 28Answer:Where is Salsa from?southAnswer:With whom does Salsa live?live with her parents and herShecorronowansauth sulanks!Answer: Tho 2136What is Salsa's mother?Answer:.Shes a tarlarWhat is the name of Salsa's brother?Answer:What is Salsa's hobby?Answer:What is Salsabila's favourite food?Answer:​


Is Salsa a new student?

Answer: Yes, she is

Where is Salsa from?

Answer: She's from South Sulawesi.

With whom does Salsa live?

Answer: She live with her parents and her brother.

What is Salsa's mother?

Answer: Shes a tailor

What is the name of Salsa's brother?

Answer: Hendra Jutama

What is Salsa's hobby?

Answer: She like swimming

What is Salsabila's favourite food?

Answer: Strawberry pudding

✧༺♥༻✧semoga Membantu

17. an Gambar dibawah ini adalah alat pembuat minuman kopi yang biasanya digunakan di dunia industry yaitu disebut A Espreso B. Frappe C. Cappuccino D. Irish kopi E Coffe Late




jadikan jawaban terbaik ya:)


A. espresso


A. espresso

18. Dua buah jet F16 Hornet dan F15 Tiger saling berpapasan, pengamat dibumi mengukur kecepatan jet F16 = 0,75 c dan jet F15 = 0,85 c. Tentukan kecepatan relatif jet F15 terhadap jet F16?

Kecepatan relatif jet F15 terhadap jet F16 adalah 0,98 c. Untuk mencari kecepatan relatif jet F15 terhadap jet F16 gunakan persamaan kecepatan relativitas yaitu:

[tex]v_x = \frac{v_x' + v}{1 + \frac{v_x'.v}{c^2} }[/tex]


Vx adalah kecepatan benda relatif terhadap pengamat diam (m/s).Vx' adalah kecepatan benda retaif terhadap pengamat bergerak (m/s).v adalah kecepatan pengamat bergerak relatif terhadap pengamat diam (m/s).c adaah kecepatan cahaya.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Pada benda yang bergerak mendekati kecepatan cahaya, teori relativitas Newton menjadi tidak berlaku. Menurut einstein, relativitas kecepatan benda yang lajunya mendekati kecepatan cahaya akan memenuhi persamaan:

[tex]v_x = \frac{v_x' + v}{1 + \frac{v_x'.v}{c^2} }[/tex]


[tex]v_{F16} = v_x' = 0,75 c\\ v_{F15} = v = 0,85 c[/tex]


Kecepatan relatif jet F15 terhadap jet F16 ([tex]v_x = ....?[/tex])


[tex]v_x = \frac{v_x' + v}{1 + \frac{v_x'.v}{c^2} }\\\\v_x = \frac{(0,75c) + (0,85c)}{1 +\frac{(0,75c).(0,85c)}{c^2} } \\\\v_x = \frac{1,6 c}{1 + \frac{0,6375 c^2}{c^2} }\\\\v_x = \frac{1,6 c}{1 + 0,6375}\\\\v_x = \frac{1,6 c}{1,6375} \\\\v_x = 0,98 c[/tex]

Jadi, kecepatan reatif jet F15 terhadap jet F16 adaah 0,98 c.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang kecepatan relatif pada:


19. Complete the blanks!Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named DewiSanggalangit. Her ……………………….(1) and gentle manner attracted Princes and Kings from neighboring. Unfortunately DewiSanggalangit seemed not keen enough to settle down.After her contemplation, DewiSanggalangit went to meet the King, "Father, whoever wishes to be my ……………………….(2) must be able to perform show that has never existed before."The request was announced publicly.Soon,it became a contest for everyone who had been wishing to marry her. All of them failed, except two men, Raja Singabarong, the King of Lodaya kingdom, and Raja Kelonosewandana, the King of Bantarangin. Then, they were on fighting. Raja Kelonosewandanawon the fighting. Five days later he ……………………….(3) to Kediri to propose a marriage to DewiSonggolangit. One hundred forty twin horses were tailing behind him, accompanied by a strange two-headed animal which was dancing in excitement to the music of gamelan and hornet. Everyone was happy to see the show. DewiSonggolangit……………………….(4) his proposal and became the Queen of Bantarangin in Wengker.

1. beautiful

2. husband

3. went

4. accepted

1. Looks (?)

2. Husband

3. Goes

4. Accepted

Maaf kalau salah

Video Update

Paroles De Hornet La Frappe Gasolina Paroles De Hornet La Frappe Gasolina Reviewed by Romero on April 25, 2023 Rating: 5

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