Physique Chimie Terminale Hachette Corrigé

Physique Chimie Terminale Hachette Corrigé

Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Traite Elementaire de chimie​

Daftar Isi

1. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Traite Elementaire de chimie​


Traité élémentaire de chimie ( Elementary Treatise on Chemistry ) adalah buku teks yang ditulis oleh Antoine Lavoisier yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1789 dan diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris oleh Robert Kerr pada tahun 1790 dengan judul Elements of Chemistry in a New Systematic Order berisi All the Modern Discoveries .  Ini dianggap sebagai buku teks kimia modern pertama.

Buku itu mendefinisikan unsur sebagai zat tunggal yang tidak dapat dipecah dengan analisis kimia dan dari mana semua senyawa kimia terbentuk, menerbitkan penemuannya bahwa fermentasi menghasilkan karbon dioksida (gas karbonik) dan roh anggur, mengatakan bahwa itu adalah " lebih tepat disebut dengan kata Arab alkohol karena terbentuk dari sari atau gula yang difermentasi serta anggur ", dan menerbitkan persamaan kimia pertama" anggur harus = asam karbonat + alkohol ", menyebut reaksi ini " salah satu reaksi yang paling luar biasa dalam kimia. ", mencatat" Dalam percobaan ini, kita harus berasumsi bahwa ada keseimbangan atau persamaan yang sebenarnya antara unsur-unsur senyawa yang kita mulai dan yang diperoleh pada akhir [[reaksi kimia. "

Buku tersebut berisi daftar 33 elemen, hanya 23 di antaranya merupakan elemen dalam pengertian modern. [5] Unsur-unsur yang diberikan oleh Lavoisier adalah: cahaya , kalori , oksigen , azote ( nitrogen ), hidrogen , belerang , fosfor ( fosfor ), arang , radikal muriatic ( klorida ), radikal fluorik ( fluorida ), radikal boraks, antimon , arsenik , bismut , kobalt , tembaga , emas , besi , timah, mangan , merkuri , molibdena ( molibdenit ), nikel , platina ( platinum ), perak , timah , tungstein ( tungsten ), seng , kapur , magnesia ( magnesium ), barit ( barit ), argill ( tanah liat atau tanah tawas ), dan silex .

Hukum kekekalan massa , yang di Prancis diajarkan sebagai Hukum Lavoisier, diparafrasekan dalam kalimat "Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme." ("Tidak ada yang hilang, tidak ada yang dibuat, semuanya diubah.")


2. write down his personality and physique (tuliskan kepribadiannya dan fisiknya) Pliss di jawab sekarang

personality of pak bacu is friendly and annoying and no physic

write down his personality and physique (tuliskan kepribadiannya dan fisiknya)


Fisik merujuk kepada postur tubuh seseorang. Karena dalam teks tidak tercantum fisik dari pak bacu, maka daripada itu, hanya dibahas tentang personalitas nya dari pak bacu.

Pak Bacu's personality are hard worker, friendly , annoying and fussy.

( Kepribadian pak bacu adalah pekerja keras, ramah, usil dan cerewet )

Penjabaran kepribadian :

1. ==> Hard worker

Reasons :

==> He sweeps the yard every morning and afternoon

==> He cleans the toilets

2. Friendly

Reasons :

==> He knows all the students' names.

3. Annoying

Reasons :

==> He teases the writer and laughs at her in front of the writer's friends

4. Fussy

Reasons :

==> He don't stop warning the students to litter the rubbish into the rubbish bin.





CODE. :5



3. 8.Quelle verbe on utilise pour décrire le caractère et le physique de quel qu’un ? 10.Quel vocabulaire vous trouvez dans ce petit texte ? Et dites le vocabulaire !


8. verbe actif. désolé si c'est faux

10. défiez les verbes actifs! désolé si faux!


encore désolé.

4. A.Il y a des erreurs dans le texte suivant. Soulignez et corrigez : (Bacalah teks berikut ini, ada penggunaan kata kerja /predikat yang kurang tepat. Temukan, garis bawahi dan betulkan!) J’est un chien. Il s’appellent Hector et il ai très gentil. Mon frère et moi, nous êtes impatients d’aller le promener cet après-midi. Si tu est libre, tu peux venir avec nous. B. Complètez avec le sujet : je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles (Lengkapilah dengan kata ganti yang benar !) 1. ______ s'appelle Mary, a un petit ami, ______s'appelle Paul. 2. ______ sont étudiants à la fac de droit et ______ habitent à la cité universitaire. 3. ______ travailles ou étudies ? ______ suis étudiant en physique. 4. ______ habitez à Paris ? Oui, habitons à Paris. 5. ______ sont marocaines, mais ______ étudient en France. 6. ______ aimes la musique rock ? Oui, ______ aime le rock mais préfère la pop. 7. ______ parle japonais et anglais, et ______ étudie le français. 8. ______ achetons le journal, ______ ne regardons pas la télé.

Le présent de l'indicatif


J’est un chien. Il s’appellent Hector et il ai très gentil. Mon frère et moi, nous êtes impatients d’aller le promener cet après-midi. Si tu est libre, tu peux venir avec nous.

J’ai un chien. Il s’appelle Hector et il est très gentil. Mon frère et moi, nous sommes impatients d’aller le promener cet après-midi. Si tu es libre, tu peux venir avec nous.


1. Elle s'appelle Mary, a un petit ami, il s'appelle Paul.

2. Ils sont étudiants à la fac de droit et ils habitent à la cité universitaire.

3. Tu travailles ou étudies ? Je suis étudiant en physique.

4. Vous habitez à Paris ? Oui, nous habitons à Paris.

5. Elles sont marocaines, mais elles étudient en France.

6. Tu aimes la musique rock ? Oui, je aime le rock mais préfère la pop.

7. Je/Il/Elle parle japonais et anglais, et je/il/elle étudie le français.

8. Nous achetons le journal, nous ne regardons pas la télé.



Dalam tata bahasa Prancis, suatu kata kerja atau verbe akan mengalami konjugasi atau perubahan saat digunakan dalam kalimat. Konjugasi suatu verbe menyesuaikan dengan subyek, temps (kala), dan mode (modus) yang digunakan.

Par exemples ...

Manger (makan).

Je mange tous les jours. Saya makan setiap hari.J'ai mangé hier. Saya makan kemarin.Je vais manger demain. Saya akan makan besok.Tu manges tous les jours. Kamu makan setiap hari.Tu as mangé hier. Kamu makan kemarin.Tu vas manger demain. Saya akan makan besok.

Avoir et être

Avoir dan être adalah dua verbe yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Prancis.

Avoir berarti mempunyai. Avoir diikuti obyek langsung.


J'ai les cheveux longs. Aku mempunyai rambut panjang.Elle a beaucoup d'amis. Dia mempunyai banyak teman.

Konjugasi avoir dalam présent:

j'ai tu as il/elle/on a nous avons Vous avez ils/elles ont

Être adalah verbe copulaire atau kata kerja yang menghubungkan subyek dan penjelasnya. Fungsinya mendefinisikan subyek.


Je suis indonésienne. Aku orang Indonesia.Ils sont beaux. Mereka tampan.Pierre est professeur de français. Pierre adalah guru bahasa Prancis.

Konjugasi être dalam présent:

je suis tu es il/elle/on est nous sommes vous êtes ils/elles sont

Conjugaison des verbes du 1er groupe

Berdasarkan konjugasinya, kata kerja dalam bahasa Prancis dibagi dalam 3 kelompok, yaitu:

1er groupe = verbe berakhiran -er2e groupe = verbe berakhiran -ir3e groupe = verbe yang konjugasinya tidak beraturan

Untuk verbe dalam 1er groupe, konjugasi présent dibentuk dengan mengganti akhiran -er dengan -e, -es, - e, -ons, -ez, dan -ent.


s'appeIer (bernama)

je m'appelle tu t'appelles il/elle/on s'appelle nous nous appelons vous vous appelez ils/elles s'appellent

habiter (bertempat tinggal)

j'habite tu habites il/elle/on habite nous habitons vous habitez ils/elles habitent

travailler (bekerja)

je travaille tu travailles il/elle/on travaille nous travaillons vous travaillez ils/elles travaillent


Apprenez en davantage :Avoir et être -ésent de l'indicatif - verbes du 1er groupe -



Matiére : Français

Catégorie : Grammaire

Niveau : Élémentaire (A1)

Code : 17

Mots-clés : présent, conjugaison, 1er group

5. Michael Phelps is an American swimmer. He was born in Baltimore on 30th June, 1985. He is 6 ft, 4 inches tall. He weighs 195 pounds. Those make his physique ideal for a swimmer - tall - broad shoulders and narrow hips. He was the greatest swimmer in the 2008 Olympic game in Beijing. He had an ultimate goal - to break the 7 gold medals held by Mark Spitz since the 1972, and he did it. He got 8 gold medals in Beijing.  Although many people were skeptical that it could be done, he proved them wrong.Phelps' recent accomplishment will make him the world's richest professional swimmer with the salary estimated 5 million dollars a year. 8. What does the text tell you?  A. Michael Phelps, the Olympic swimmer from America. B. A history of a young and talented swimmer. C. The world's swimming record in Beijing, 2008. D. Some tips to be a good swimmer. 9. How many gold medals did Michael get when he broke Mark Spitz's record?  A. 4. B. 6. C. 7. D. 8. 10. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?  A. Michael Phelps earns much money from swimming. B. The salary of a swimmer is the highest. C. The richest man in the world is a swimmer. D. The popular swimmer can get 5 millions dollars a year. 11. "And he did it." The underlined word refers to ....  A. getting gold medal B. winning the swimming contest C. breaking the record D. earning much money​


8. A (Michael Phelps, the Olympic swimmer from america)

9. D (8)

10. A (Michael Phelps earn much money from swimming)

11. C (breaking the record)

6. PERTANYAAN DILEMPIRANMawar: Hi, Eko. I heard that you will go to Bali next week. Eko : That's true. My family and I will spend our long holiday there. You've been to Bali a couple of times, right? Mawar : I have. It's beautiful place. Eko : I see. Can you recommend me a good spot to visit? Mawar : If you want a different experience of Bali, you should visit Nusa Penida. Eko : I haven't ever heard of the place. Where is that? Mawar : It is located in the southeast part of Bali. If you go there, go check Kelingking Beach. Eko : What is interesting about the beach? Mawar : Besides the beauty of the beach, the unique formation of the hill there looks like a T-Rex head. Eko : Really? I think I would like to see that. Mawar: You should. However, going there is quite challenging since it is a secluded area and you have to do a rugged 400m cliffside hike. If you want to journey there, prepare your physique properly. Eko : I see, What if I don't feel like hiking once I go there? Mawar : Well, if you won't do the hike, you can just enjoy the scenic view and take photos from above. For most people, it is more than enough. Eko : What can I do once I reach the bottom? Mawar: If you reach the bottom, you should play at the beach freely. It's like having a beach for yourself. Eko : That sounds fun. I think I will go there after hearing what you've said. Any more tips I should know? Mawar : Just be careful if you want to play at the beach. There are no official lifeguards at the moment. Make sure you don't go too far into the water. You should also bring enough water if you don't want to have dehydration. Eko : I see. Thanks, I'll remember that.mohon bantuannya terima kasih​

If clause + imperative:If you go there, go check Kelingking Beach.If you want to journey there, prepare your physique properly.Just be careful if you want to play at the beach.If clause + suggestion:If you want a different experience of Bali, you should visit Nusa Penida.If you won't do the hike, you can just enjoy the scenic view and take photos from above.If you reach the bottom, you should play at the beach freely.You should also bring enough water if you don't want to have dehydration.

- Introduction:

If-clause adalah kata hubung yang dapat menghubungkan antar kalimat dan klausa untuk menyatakan suatu pengibaratan dan juga petunjuk atas kegiatan yang akan dilakukan nanti. Imperative merupakan kalimat yang memberikan petunjuk/perintah, dan suggestion merupakan kalimat yang memberikan saran untuk sebaiknya melakukan apa yang disarankan.

Imperative biasanya terdapat kata kerja perintah dan suggestion biasanya terdapat kata kerja sugesti dan kata kerja bantu should yang sebagai kunci dari suggestive sentence.

- Discussion:

Untuk mengelompokan yang mana if-clause imperative dan if-clause suggestion, perlu kita baca teksnya lalu menggarisbawahi kalimat yang ada kata if-nya.

Jika menemukan kata should, maka kita dapat masukkan ke dalam kelompok if-clause + suggestion.Jika menemukan kata kerja imperatif, maka kita dapat masukkan ke dalam kelompok if-clause + imperative.

Berikut adalah kalimat pada teks di atas yang berupa pernyataan (bukan kalimat pertanyaan) terdapat kata if.

If you want a different experience of Bali, you should visit Nusa Penida. (memberikan saran jika mau pergi ke Bali untuk mengunjungi tempat itu)If you go there, go check Kelingking Beach. (menyatakan perintah termasuk kalimat imperatif)If you want to journey there, prepare your physique properly. (kalimat imperatif)If you won't do the hike, you can just enjoy the scenic view and take photos from above. (menyatakan saran untuk kegiatan pengganti jika tidak mau mendaki)Just be careful if you want to play at the beach. (menyatakan saran yang kuat (nasehat), dan ini termasuk kalimat imperatif)If you reach the bottom, you should play at the beach freely. (kalimat saran)You should also bring enough water if you don't want to have dehydration. (kalimat saran)

That's all I can explain. Thank you and I fully expect my answer is helpful. Keep spirited, have a nice day, and I wish you the best. Good luck!  ^^

7. Note: Please translate it in Indonesia with your own language and DO NOT USE ANY TRANSLATION1. Exercise DailyExercise daily for at least an hour. You do not have to kill yourself from running, jogging, etc., but you should have some sort of moderate physical activity in your everyday life. If you're looking to shed a few pounds fast, do a higher-level intensity workout. For example, go on a walk at a brisk pace for an hour. Or, you can jog and set certain intervals to sprint during that hour. Make sure you're not in severe pain during your workout. Just a warning, your muscles will ache after a high intensity workout. It may be irritating, but that means your body is changing for the better. Be sure to stay hydrated, stretch, and eat foods with a decent amount of protein after each workout. The protein will help keep your muscles, not fat, rebuilding.2. Eat the Right Foods and Portion Each MealNo matter how bad your stomach is telling you to go for candy over healthy food, try to stay away from sweets. Sugar from candy will not help you get in shape. Even if it's just a single candy bar, one will eventually lead to another. Fruits and vegetables are the best thing to eat when getting into shape. Apples, for example, do a good job at making the stomach feel full for up to 3 to 4 hours. Green vegetables such as green beans and broccoli keep the digestive system clean and running. Also, stick to lean meats like turkey and chicken. Seafood, such as, shrimp, and tilapia are also great alternatives. These foods are full of protein and healthy nutrients to help keep muscles fit and ready for workouts. In addition, be sure to portion what you eat. Having a good metabolism comes from portioning meals. Try to plan out eating six times a day and setting smaller portions, rather than having three large meals throughout the day. This will also help you find yourself breathing smoother when working out rather than huffing and puffing for air. This is because you will have less food in your digestive system, which means more energy is used toward your exercise.3. Keep Track of Calories and Food Intake Per DayKeeping track of how many calories you eat in a day will be helpful in planning out your physical exercise. Ever wonder why body builders' body masses are so big? That's because they plan out their meals and take in more (healthy) calories than the average person. On the other hand, losing weight and striving for a skinnier physique willinvolve more physical exercise than calories you ingest.4. Be Sure to Get SleepEven though most of us have eight-hour jobs during the day or night, it is crucial to get enough sleep to recharge the body's batteries. Six to eight hours of sleep will keep the body going throughout the day, but if you happen to feel tired at any point after coming home from work, by all means take a small nap before exercising. You should only nap for about a half hour. This will prevent you from staying up later in the night.5. Stay MotivatedAn important key to being in shape is to set goals and keep a positive mindset. If you stay positive, you will be able to push yourself to get that fit body you've always wanted.


1. Latihan Setiap Hari

Berolahragalah setiap hari setidaknya selama satu jam. Anda tidak harus bunuh diri dengan berlari, joging, dll., Tetapi Anda harus melakukan aktivitas fisik yang moderat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Jika Anda ingin menurunkan berat badan beberapa kilogram dengan cepat, lakukan latihan intensitas tingkat tinggi. Misalnya, berjalan-jalan dengan kecepatan tinggi selama satu jam. Atau, Anda bisa jogging dan mengatur interval tertentu untuk sprint selama jam itu. Pastikan Anda tidak mengalami rasa sakit yang parah selama latihan. Sekadar peringatan, otot Anda akan terasa nyeri setelah melakukan latihan intensitas tinggi. Ini mungkin menjengkelkan, tetapi itu berarti tubuh Anda berubah menjadi lebih baik. Pastikan untuk tetap terhidrasi, meregangkan tubuh, dan makan makanan dengan jumlah protein yang cukup setelah setiap latihan. Protein akan membantu otot Anda, bukan lemak, membangun kembali.

2. Makan Makanan dan Porsi yang Tepat Setiap Makan

Tidak peduli seberapa buruk perut Anda menyuruh Anda memilih permen daripada makanan sehat, cobalah untuk menghindari makanan manis. Gula dari permen tidak akan membantu Anda menjadi bugar. Bahkan jika itu hanya satu batang permen, satu pada akhirnya akan mengarah ke yang lain. Buah dan sayuran adalah makanan terbaik untuk dimakan saat sudah bugar. Apel, misalnya, bekerja dengan baik untuk membuat perut terasa kenyang hingga 3 hingga 4 jam. Sayuran hijau seperti kacang hijau dan brokoli menjaga sistem pencernaan tetap bersih dan berjalan.

Selain itu, pilihlah daging tanpa lemak seperti kalkun dan ayam. Makanan laut, seperti udang, dan nila juga merupakan alternatif yang bagus. Makanan ini penuh dengan protein dan nutrisi sehat untuk membantu menjaga otot tetap fit dan siap untuk berolahraga. Selain itu, pastikan untuk memberi porsi pada apa yang Anda makan. Metabolisme yang baik berasal dari porsi makan. Cobalah untuk merencanakan makan enam kali sehari dan menetapkan porsi yang lebih kecil, daripada makan tiga kali besar sepanjang hari. Ini juga akan membantu Anda bernapas lebih lancar saat berolahraga daripada terengah-engah. Ini karena Anda akan memiliki lebih sedikit makanan dalam sistem pencernaan Anda, yang berarti lebih banyak energi digunakan untuk olahraga Anda.

3. Catat Kalori dan Asupan Makanan Per Hari

Mencatat berapa banyak kalori yang Anda makan dalam sehari akan membantu dalam merencanakan latihan fisik Anda. Pernah bertanya-tanya mengapa massa tubuh binaragawan begitu besar? Itu karena mereka merencanakan makanan mereka dan mengambil lebih banyak kalori (sehat) daripada orang kebanyakan. Di sisi lain, menurunkan berat badan dan berjuang untuk mendapatkan bentuk tubuh yang lebih kurus akan melibatkan lebih banyak latihan fisik daripada kalori yang Anda konsumsi.

4. Pastikan untuk Tidur

Meskipun kebanyakan dari kita memiliki pekerjaan delapan jam di siang atau malam hari, sangat penting untuk mendapatkan tidur yang cukup untuk mengisi ulang baterai tubuh. Tidur enam hingga delapan jam akan membuat tubuh tetap sehat sepanjang hari, tetapi jika Anda merasa lelah pada suatu saat setelah pulang kerja, tentu saja, tidurlah sebentar sebelum berolahraga. Anda sebaiknya hanya tidur siang sekitar setengah jam. Ini akan mencegah Anda begadang di malam hari.

5. Tetap Termotivasi

Kunci penting untuk menjadi bugar adalah menetapkan tujuan dan menjaga pola pikir positif. Jika Anda tetap positif, Anda akan mampu mendorong diri sendiri untuk mendapatkan tubuh bugar yang selalu Anda inginkan


maaf kalau salah

8. Once Superman or Kal-El and his parents, Jor-El and Lara lived on an alien planet called Krypton. Being aware of Krypton's impending destruction, Jor-El started building a spacecraft to take Kal-El from Krypton to the Earth. When it was time to launch the spacecraft, Krypton was very dark so Jor-El was as blind as a bat Soon Jor-El placed young Kal-E inside the craft Lara could feel the tension near the spacecraft in the last moments in Krypton She knew that it was the end of the planet, and she could do nothing about it. She watched her husband, Jor-El, launching the spacecraft smoothly. Suddenly there was a loud explosion that made Jor-El and Lara stop breathing instantly. Luckily, the spacecraft could escape from Krypton. The strong explosion changed the planet into planetary debris and transformed a radioactive substance that was lethal to super-powered by Earth's yellow sun Kryptonian. Jonathan and Martha Kent, Americans, were driving their car not far from their house when they saw a spacecraft land in the rural area. Then they speeded to the spot and found a young boy inside the spacecraft. They adopted Kal-el and named him Clark Kent. After living together, Clark's adoptive parents noticed that Clark had grown up with superhuman powers. His adoptive parents taught Clark to use the powers for helping others, especially the poor and weak people. They also advised him to keep the secret of his superhuman power to protect his family and friends. Clark agreed to do it because he didn't want to endanger his family and friends, To use his powers to help humanity, Clark disguised himself by creating the alter ego of Superman. In order to get a new appearance, Clark added several elements to each identity to keep them distinct enough to prevent people from matching them. When Clark was Superman, he would appear in the red and blue costume with the letter 'S' emblem and a cape. The real Clark always wore glasses, styled his hair differently, changed his body language, significantly altered his voice, and wore looser clothing and suits that hid his physique. When he was old enough, Clark Kent left his town for a bigger city to begin his career as a reporter at the Daily Planet. In Metropolis he met his friends and co-workers, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and an editor, Perry White. Clark's mission as Superman was written as headline stories by his friend, Lois. Lois didn't know the subject written was not far from her.Cari kata adjective, adverb dan verb di cerita tersebut​


Here are the answers about the story

of Kal-El, a.k.a, Man of Steel. It mainly

focuses on the characters.

The answer about The Rough-Face Girl is

not available.

Superman: protagonist, superhero;

He had superhuman power and

helped the weak and poor people.

Superman's father (Jor-el):

deuteragonist; He saved Kal-El from

the Krypton destruction

Superman's mom (Lara); tertiary;

She didn't have any important role

in the story, except supporting the


Superman's adoptive parents:

confidant, and deuteragonist; They

teach Clark Kent to be modest and

help the poor and the weak.

The characters' quality:

1. Kal-El: loyal, helpful, responsible

2. Jor-El: brave, skilled, brilliant

3. Lara: soft, gentle

4. Jon Kent: loyal, faithful, kind

5. Martha Kent: caring, kindhearted,




Dalam narasi tentang kisah Superman

diatas, disebutkan setidaknya lima

karakter yaitu Kal-El, Jor-El, Lara, Jon dan

Martha Kent. Kepribadian mereka telah

disebutkan diatas sesuai dengan kisah


Untuk tipe karakter sendiri, ada

setidaknya tujuh tipe, empat diantaranya

disebutkan diatas yaitu

1. Protagonist atau lakon dalam

sebuah cerita.

2. Antagonist atau lawan dari lakon


3. Foil atau karakter yang memiliki

karisma yang menonjol, bisa

berfungsi sebagai antagonist, love

interest, atau yang mendorong

terjadinya konflik dalam cerita.

4. Deuteragonist atau karakter

pembantu protagonist dalam


5. Tertiary atau karakter pelengkap

yang tidak penting dalam konflik


6. Confidant atau tokoh yang

mendampingi lakon, sebagai mentor

atau guru.

7. Love interest, atau kekasih atau

pasangan lakon.

9. PINK BEACH Pink Beach or Pantai Merah Muda is one of the beaches in Komodo island, East Nusa Tenggara. The beach is called Pink Beach because the sand beach is pink. Beach colors mixed with crushed coral, shells, calcium carbonate from marine invertebrates that are very small, and also Foraminifera, microscopic amoeba that has a red body shell. At Pink Beach, there are so many marine organisms. No fewer than 1,000 species of fish, 260 species of coral, and 70 species of sponge can be found here. Having so much marine life, this place is a proper spot for snorkeling and diving for sea sports lovers. The pink color of its beach is a mixture of white sand. ELEPHANT Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth, and they’re one of the most unique-looking animals, too. With their characteristic long noses, or trunks; large, floppy ears; and white, thick legs, there is no other animal with a similar physique. Most experts reqognize two species of elephant: the Asian elephant and African elephant, who live on separate continents and have many unique features. There are several sub species that belong to one or the other of these two main species, though experts argue over how many subspecies there are and whether or not they constitute separate species. African elephants live in sub-Saharan African, the rainforests of Central and West Africa and the Sahel desert in Mali, according to National Geographic. Asian elephants live in Nepal, India and Southeast Asia in scrub forests and rain forests. Answer the questions: 1. What is text 1 about? 2. What does text 2 tell you about? 3. Which of the two text above is a descriptive text? 4. How do you know that? tolong bantuannya kak

1. Pink beach (Pantai pink atau merah muda)

2. Elephant (Gajah)

3. Pink beach(Pantai pink atau merah muda)

4.Because text 1 describes in detail about pink beach. So that the reader feels as if he feels what is written in the text 1(Karena teks 1 menjelaskan secara rinci tentang pantai merah muda. Sehingga pembaca seolah-olah merasakan apa yang ditulis di teks 1)

10. cerita b Inggrispertanyaan nya ada di fotoOnce Superman or Kal-El and his parents, Jor-El and Lara lived on an alien planet called Krypton. Being aware of Krypton's impending destruction, Jor-El started building a spacecraft to take Kal-El from Krypton to the Earth.When it was time to launch the spacecraft, Krypton was very dark so Jor-El was as blind as a bat. Soon Jor-El placed young Kal-El inside the craft. Lara could feel the tension near the spacecraft in the last moments in Krypton. She knew that it was the end of the planet, and she could do nothing about it. She watched her husband, Jor-El, launching the spacecraft smoothly.Suddenly there was a loud explosion that made Jor-El and Lara stop breathing instantly. Luckily, the spacecraft could escape from Krypton. The strong explosion changed the planet into planetary debris and transformed a radioactive substance that was lethal to super-powered by Earth's yellow sun Kryptonian.Jonathan and Martha Kent, Americans, were driving their car not far from their house when they saw a spacecraft land in the rural area. Then they speeded to the spot and found a young boy inside the spacecraft. They adopted Kal-el and named him Clark Kent.After living together, Clark's adoptive parents noticed that Clark had grown up with superhuman powers. His adoptive parents taught Clark to use the powers for helping others, especially the poor and weak people. They also advised him to keep the secret of his superhuman power to protect his family and friends. Clark agreed to do it because he didn't want to endanger his family and friends. To use his powers to help humanity, Clark disguised himself by creating the alter ego of Superman. In order to get a new appearance, Clark added several elements to each identity to keep them distinct enough to prevent people from matching them. When Clark was Superman, he would appear in the red and blue costume with the letter 'S' emblem and a cape. The real Clark always wore glasses, styled his hair differently, changed his body language, significantly altered his voice, and wore looser clothing and suits that hid his physique.When he was old enough, Clark Kent left his town for a bigger city to begin his career as a reporter at the Daily Planet. In Metropolis he met his friends and co-workers, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and an editor, Perry White. Clark's mission as Superman was written as headline stories by his friend, Lois Lois didn't know the subject written was not far from her. Clark smiled from ear to ear knowing that his identity remained a secret.​

Here are the answers about the story of Kal-El, a.k.a, Man of Steel. It mainly focuses on the characters.

The answer about The Rough-Face Girl is not available.

Superman: protagonist, superhero; He had superhuman power and helped the weak and poor people.Superman's father (Jor-el): deuteragonist; He saved Kal-El from the Krypton destructionSuperman's mom (Lara); tertiary; She didn't have any important role in the story, except supporting the husband.Superman's adoptive parents: confidant, and deuteragonist; They teach Clark Kent to be modest and help the poor and the weak.

The characters' quality:

Kal-El: loyal, helpful, responsibleJor-El: brave, skilled, brilliantLara: soft, gentleJon Kent: loyal, faithful, kindMartha Kent: caring, kindhearted, motherly


Dalam narasi tentang kisah Superman diatas, disebutkan setidaknya lima karakter yaitu Kal-El, Jor-El, Lara, Jon dan Martha Kent. Kepribadian mereka telah disebutkan diatas sesuai dengan kisah diatas.

Untuk tipe karakter sendiri, ada setidaknya tujuh tipe, empat diantaranya disebutkan diatas yaitu

Protagonist atau lakon dalam sebuah cerita.Antagonist atau lawan dari lakon tersebut.Foil atau karakter yang memiliki karisma yang menonjol, bisa berfungsi sebagai antagonist, love interest, atau yang mendorong terjadinya konflik dalam cerita.Deuteragonist atau karakter pembantu protagonist dalam misinya. Tertiary atau karakter pelengkap yang tidak penting dalam konflik ceritaConfidant atau tokoh yang mendampingi lakon, sebagai mentor atau guru.Love interest, atau kekasih atau pasangan lakon. Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang tipe karakter dalam narasi atau kisah pada link berikut ini

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

11. Pertanyaan berikut mungkin agak membingungkan.bagaimana cara agar kita bisa meningkatkan kosa kata bahasa Inggris kita agar kita bisa bicara dengan tata bahasa seperti teks dibawah ini?teks:"Do not hold disdain for my attractive physique. Perhaps if you groomed yourself more eloquently you will not find yourself a bachelor still. Even more so, perhaps the young lady you court will return your correspondence when tries of the surgeon or magistrate she fancies".Inti dari pertanyaan: Bagaimana cara agar kita bisa meningkatkan kosa kata dan tata bahasa didalam bahasa Inggris?​


rajin mempelajari kosakata bahasa inggris,belajar kepada yang berilmu,dan kalau bisa sering mengobrol dengan orang yang pandai bahasa inggris

12. Aujourd'hui, j'ai beaucoup de travail, j'étudie les maths, la biologie et la chimie, aussi le sport. J'étudie des matières tous les jours du lundi au vendredi. Donc les samedis et dimanches jours fériés. -Qu'en penses-tu?​


Hari ini saya banyak pekerjaan, saya belajar matematika, biologi dan kimia, juga olahraga. Saya mempelajari mata pelajaran setiap hari dari Senin sampai Jumat. Jadi Sabtu dan Minggu adalah hari libur nasional


pertanyaan nya apa?


Hari ini saya banyak pekerjaan, saya belajar matematika, biologi dan kimia, juga olahraga. Saya mempelajari mata pelajaran setiap hari dari Senin sampai Jumat. Jadi Sabtu dan Minggu adalah hari libur nasional. -Bagaimana menurut anda?


maaf kalo salah

13. Tolong cariin word ya1. The appearance of something in terms of a geometric figure such as a square, triangle, or rectangle2. The way a living creature generally behaves or acts3. A set of non-physical characteristics, such as a humorous, kind, or polite4. A measure of spatial extent in a particular direction, such as height, width, breadth, or depth5. The physique of a human body, such as muscular, thin, or sturdy6. A distinguishing element of a face, such as an ice, a nose, or lips7. The substance that something is made or composed of, such as wooden, plastic, or leather8. The place where something is coming from, such as England, Indonesia, Banjarmasin, or Medan9. Any nounal word of phrase which indicates a particular, person, place, class, or thing10. The hairy coat of various mammal species, especially when fine, soft, and thick​

Geometric shape: Bentuk geometrikBehaviour: Tingkah lakuCharacter: KarakterDimension: DimensiPhysique: FisikFacial feature: Fitur wajahMaterial: BahanOrigin: Asal usulProper nouns: Kata benda tertentuFur: Bulu


Berikut adalah terjemahan dari masing - masing definisinya:

Geometric shape = The appearance of something in terms of a geometric figure such as a square, triangle, or rectangle: Penampilan sesuatu dari benda geometrik, seperti persegi, segitiga, atau persegi panjang.Behaviour = The way a living creature generally behaves or acts: Cara makhluk hidup secara umum bertingkah laku. Character = A set of non-physical characteristics, such as a humorous, kind, or polite: Satu set dari karakter non fisik seperti humoris, baik, atau sopan. Dimension = A measure of spatial extent in a particular direction, such as height, width, breadth, or depth: Ukuran dalam arah tertentu, seperti tinggi, lebar, ketebalan atau kedalaman. Physique = The physique of a human body, such as muscular, thin, or sturdy: Fisik dari tubuh manusia, seperti berotot kurus atau tegak. Facial feature = A distinguishing element of a face, such as an ice, a nose, or lips: Elemen pembeda dari wajah seperti hidung, bibir. Material = The substance that something is made or composed of, such as wooden, plastic, or leather: Zat bahwa sesuatu dibuat seperti kayu, plastik atau kulit. Origin = The place where something is coming from, such as England, Indonesia, Banjarmasin, or Medan: Tempat dimana sesuatu itu berasal, seperti Inggris, Indonesia, Banjarmasin, atau Medan. Proper Nouns = Any nounal word of phrase which indicates a particular, person, place, class, or thing: Kata atau frase yang mengindikasikan orang, tempat, kelas atau sesuatu secara tertentu. Fur = The hairy coat of various mammal species, especially when fine, soft, and thick: Bulu berambut dari spesies mamalia, khususnya ketika lembut, tebal, dan bagus.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang contoh dari proper noun tentang perbedaan fur dan feather tentang arti dari fur


Detil jawaban

Kelas: SD

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Definisi Kata dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kode: -


14. J’ (essayer) d'éviter les fautes d'orthographe. 2. Alice ( dormir ) au salon devant la télévision. 3. Le logiciel d'exploitation ( assurer ) le bon fonctionnement de l'ordinateu 4. Vous ( rexploits incroyables. 5. Il ( surpasser) son désespoir. 6. Elles (finir) leurs devoirs. 7. Tu ( taper) tes camarades. 8. Je (être) bien amusée. 9. Tu ( courir) dans la rue. 10. Ils ( choisir) les bonnes décorations de Noël. 11. Vous (faire) de l’exercice physique. 12. Elles (finir) leurs devoirs. 13. Il (croire) que nous avons raison. 14. tu (voir) le film. 15. Tu ne (oublier) pas ! 16. Tu (descendre) l’escalier. 17. je (lire) un journal tous les matins. 18. Tu (entendre) ce bruit ? 19. Tu (remplir) le pot d’eau. 20. Tu (envoyer) le message à tes amis, d’accord ?


Saya (mencoba) untuk menghindari kesalahan ejaan.

2. Alice (tidur) di ruang tamu di depan televisi.

3. Perangkat lunak operasi (pastikan) komputer berfungsi dengan benar

4. Anda (eksploitasi ulang yang luar biasa.

5. Dia (mengatasi) keputusasaannya.

6. Mereka (menyelesaikan) pekerjaan rumah mereka.

7. Anda (tipe) rekan Anda.

8. Saya (akan) bersenang-senang.

9. Anda (lari) di jalan.

10. Mereka (memilih) dekorasi Natal yang tepat.

11. Anda (melakukan) olahraga.

12. Mereka (menyelesaikan) pekerjaan rumah mereka.

13. Dia (percaya) bahwa kita benar.

14. Anda (melihat) filmnya.

15. Anda tidak (lupa)!

16. Anda (turun) tangga.

17. Saya (membaca) koran setiap pagi.

18. Apakah Anda (mendengar) suara ini?

19. Anda (mengisi) tiang air.

20. Anda (mengirim) pesan ke teman-teman Anda, oke?


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