Le Message Andrée Chedid Analyse

Le Message Andrée Chedid Analyse

Faites une analyse comparative entre le système politique français et le système politique américain !​

Daftar Isi

1. Faites une analyse comparative entre le système politique français et le système politique américain !​



politique françaispolitique américain

La France et lAmerique ont des systemes et un leadership differents dans leurs pays.

Because this matter influenced by differences "politique"

[Comparative analysis]

Sistem politik Prancis dan Amerika tentu berbeda dari segi cara pemerintahan maupun konsep yang diterapkan dalam pemerintahan setiap negaranya.

Sistem politik Prancis dan Amerika sama sama kepresidenan yaitu presiden sebagai pengusaha tertinggi.

Cette analyse est basée sur le niveau de qualité de e.t progres dans chaque payss.

Aspek analisis

Topik/hal yang dibahaspengamatan (direct/nondirect)kesimpulan

sujet, observation, conclusion

Kata dasar/istilah(terme)

gouvernement(pemerintah)Systeme politique(sistem politisis)and other

perspective/is use in searc a analisis on politique in a country(payss)


Mapel: Bahasa Prancis

Kelas: X

Materi: Part 4 Comparative analysis

Kata Kunci: Analisi

Kode soal: 17

Kode Kategorisasi : 10.17.4

2. TEceThe text is for questions 3 and4. 3. The message is intended toPL4 poinLE​


maaf mengganggu


maksud nya gimana ya

3. Task 9 Listen to the parts of phone calls. Then, write the messages. Message 1 Message 2 Message 3 Message 5 Message 7 Message 9 Message 4 Message 6 Message 8 Message 10​

The following is an example of massages on the phone calls:

Message 1: Father asks me to pick up my little brother on his school.Message 2: Dion invites me to play football tomorrow.Message 3: I have to buy vegetables for dinner.


Pada soal kita diminta untuk menuliskan pesan-pesan yang kita dapatkan dari percakapan telepon. Sayangnya tidak ada teks percakapan telepon yang bisa digunakan sebagai panduan. Oleh karena itu, pada jawaban di atas merupakan contoh pesan yang didapat dari panggilan telepon.

Berikut terjemahan dari setiap pesan:

Pesan 1: Ayah meminta saya untuk menjemput adik laki-lakiku di sekolahnya. Pesan 2: Dion mengajak saya bermain sepak bola besok. Pesan 3: Saya harus membeli sayuran untuk makan malam.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang taking simple phone message https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12913631

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

4. -isi short message-kesimpulan short message

pesan singkat yang ditujukan seseorang untuk memberitahukan informasi . form : Simple Present tenar .

5. Please analyse Ed Sheeran song "PHOTOGRAPHS" please help me


Photograph is a song recorded by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran for his second studio album, 2014. Sheeran wrote the song with Snow Patrol member, Johnny McDaid, who had a piano loop from which the composition developed. The lyrics to the song chronicle a long-distance relationship.[11] It contains detailed imagery such as the protagonist remembering his girlfriend kissing him "under the lamppost, back on 6th street" and keeping a picture of him "in the pocket of her ripped jeans".

6. le médecin traite le patient artinya​

le médecin traite le patient bahasaPerancisyangartinyadokter merawat pasien


le médecin traite le patient artinya dokter merawat pasien


7. lu=150.le=10= lu=100.le.20= lu=50.le.5=


Goo Hye sun life insurance Monday IPS or crafts, if you want to hurry

8. 1. Pengertiannya message2. Function message3. Contoh messageSmw harus dalam bhasa inggrizplis​


Definition Message: Message is something the work of a communicator who is considered to be able to realize the motive (intent) of his communication. Message communicator's work.

Function Message: to give messages to friends, family, or coworkers that cannot be found directly.

Example Message: Hi Eddy,

Can I ask File about "Karate Kids" movie? I am very interested to watch it. Please send the file by email.

Thank you in advance

Your Best Classmate


9. observe the letter below then analyse its structure!

1) Address (Alamat) : Place where you are writing from (Top right / Diatas kanan)
-Tempat dimana kamu menulis surat atau alamat penulis

2) Date (Tanggal) : Date when the letter is written ( Top left / Diatas kiri)
- Tanggal menunjukan kapan surat ditulis

3) Salutation & Name (Salam & Nama) : Greeting & the person name's you are writing to
- Menuliskan salam pembuka & nama penerima surat.
- (Biasanya ditulis ,"Dear... " , "Dearest.. " , "Sweetheart... " , "Darling..." , Dll)

4) Body (Isi surat) : The main part of the letter (bagian utama surat). It includes what you want to write to the other person.
- Isi / Inti surat.

5) Complimentary close (Salam penutup) : Short expression like "Love," "Sincerely yours," "Love you, "
- Berisi ungkapan pendek ( seperti diatas)

6) Signature : signatures or initials of the writer (Bisa diberi tanda tangan atau hanya nama penulisnya saja)
- Berisi tanda tangan atau nama penulis.

7) Proscript P.S (Nota bene) : Afterthought in the letter. You begin it with P.S & end it with your initials.
- Tambahan dari penulis setelah surat ditulis.

Semoga membantu :)

10. Please analyse the generic structure of the text above


Terjemahan:"Harap analisis struktur umum teks di atas"

Dimana gambar teks nya?


Generic structure of the text about Kartini is:


Every April 21 people in Indonesia commemorate the Kartini day. It is a beautiful day for the woman because we celebrate the birth of great lady R.A. Kartini. Everyone knows who Kartini is. She is our national heroine and a great lady with bright idea.


Kartini was born in 1979 April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her father was Rama Sosroningrat a Wedana (assistant of head of regency) in Mayong. Her mother, Ma Ngasirah was a girl from Teluk Awur village in Jepara as a daughter of a noble family, she felt luck because she got more than the ordinary people got. She got better education than other children. In November 12 1903 she married Adipati Djoyoningrat, the head of rembang regency. According to Javenese tradition Kartini had to follow her husband. Then she moved to Rembang  

In September 3 1904 she gave birth to her son. His name was Singgih. But after giving birth to a son, her condition was getting worse and she finally passed away on September 17 1904 on her 25 years old.


Now Kartini has gone, but her spirit and dream will always be in our heart. Nowadays Indonesian women progress is influenced by Kartini’s spirit stated on collection of letter “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang” or from the dusk to the dawn.

11. 18. Analyse the following sentences by completing the table ​

2. Subject: Margaret Hilda Thatcher

Was/Were: Was described

Verb 3: As the greatest leader of the world in the 1990s

3. Subject: She

Was/Were: Was the only

Verb 3: Woman prime minister the UK had ever had

4. Subject: She

Was/Were: Was appointed

Verb 3: The Secretary of State for Education and Science

5. Subject: She

Was/Were: Was elected

Verb 3: Prime minister in 1979

Maaf kalau salah ya.

12. Please analyse the generic structure of the text above


Harap analisis struktur umum teks di atas


semoga membantu

13. *write an advertisement and then analyse the according ?​



Maaf kalau salah

14. Make a simple text, then analyse the coherence and cohesion !

yes,of course ,sir. when do you mean teacher lazy

15. Help mi plis (Gimana le tolong aku le aku binggung jwb ini le) :v​


10 a in front of

b under

11 a.fourteen Desember two thousand and Ten

b.first July one thousand nine hundred six tee six



semoga bermanfaat



10.A.In front of


11.A=the fourteenth of the twelfth, two thousand and ten

B=the first of the eighth, nineteen sixty-six


Maaf no.12 aku kurang paham...

16. apa yang dimaksud dengan short message, ciri cirinya, contoh short message dan contoh soal shot message? ​

Short message adalah pesan singkat yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan sesuatu kepada orang lain agar orang tersebut melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu karena kita tidak bisa bertemu secara langsung kepada orang yang akan kita beri pesan tersebut.

Ciri ciri short message:

kalimatnya pendek.

biasanya bersifat pribadi.

contohnya seperti SMS

Contoh short massage

Kepada: Diah

Mari bertemu di perpustakaan sakit ini jam 3 untuk mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris bersama. Jangan telat!

jangan lupa untuk membawa buku paket Bahasa Inggris, dan alat perekam karena kita akan membebaskan percakan kita dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Terima kasih


pesan pendek.


1.adanya nama orang pengirim pesan

2.nama orang yang dituju,dan isi pesan.

isi pesan ditulis secara jelas agar mudah dimengerti.

jika pesan pendek berupa sms atau chat boleh mnggunakan kata singkat yang sudah diketahui maksudnya seperti: btw,4u,r u ok.

contohn sorht message.

dear deo.

there will be a web design championship.i think it is a good chance for us to chalange our creativity in making an interesting web designe by using some application.

i am pretty sure it will be great if we can participate.

the competition will be held in pemuda hall in the next two months.i intend to find further about it.we need to discuss it further tomorrow after school.looking forward to hearing from your ideas.



contoh pertanyaan:

the message aims to.......???.......

17. tolong buati explanation text tentang virus Corona beserta analyse


berita tentang corona dalam bhs inggris

18. tolong jawab plis dari message 1 sampai message 3​


Massage 1:


Massage 2:



Cara milih kata yang tepat bisa diliat kok dari kalimat sesudahnya. Jadi tinggal disambungkan antara kalimat yang disampaikan sebelumnya dan kalimat yang disampaikan sesudahnya.

Maaf kalo kurang tepat, dan semoga membantu :)

19. analyse the text structure above by completing the table

text dan tablenya mana mas

20. Task 9 Listen to the parts of phone calls. Then, write the messages. Message 1 Message 2 Message 3 Message 4 Message 5 Message 6 Message 7 Message 8 Message 9 Message 10​


the number you have dialed is not active


maaf banget kalau salah terus ini aku jawabnya 1 ajah ya dah

Video Update

Le Message Andrée Chedid Analyse Le Message Andrée Chedid Analyse Reviewed by Romero on Februari 12, 2023 Rating: 5

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