Paddington Subtitrat In Romana

Paddington Subtitrat In Romana

1. dimana saja latar film paddington? 2. kosa kata apa saja yang ada di dalam film paddington? 3. alur apa yang di dalam film paddington? 4. apa jalan cerita di film paddington? tlg dijawabnya

Daftar Isi

1. 1. dimana saja latar film paddington? 2. kosa kata apa saja yang ada di dalam film paddington? 3. alur apa yang di dalam film paddington? 4. apa jalan cerita di film paddington? tlg dijawabnya

1.inggris,united kingdom

2. 1. dimana saja latar film paddington? 2. kosa kata apa saja yang ada di dalam film paddington? 3. alur apa yang di dalam film paddington? 4. apa jalan cerita di film paddington? tlg dijawabnya

1 di London

maaf kalo slh

3. cum se da in romana ? ajutor,!

bagaimana memberikan di romawi?
membangtu !
aku ga maksud

4. Q.45×23=...123×15=...Nt:jangan pernah berhenti melakukan apa yg kamu suka karena pendapat orang lain[paddington]​


45 × 23

= 1.035

123 × 15

= 1.845


45 × 23 = 1.035 (cara terlampir)

123 × 15 = 1.845 (cara terlampir)


45 × 23 = 1.035

123 × 15 = 1.845

semoga membantu ^^

5. Mengapakah era pax Romana penting dalam tamadun rom?.


Era Pax Romana merupakan masa perdamaian dan stabilitas politik yang berlangsung di wilayah kekuasaan Romawi antara tahun 27 SM hingga 180 M. Era ini juga dikenal sebagai zaman keemasan Romawi, yang menandakan peningkatan perdagangan, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan meningkatnya kesenian dan sains.


Era Pax Romana dikenal sebagai masa perdamaian yang terjadi di bawah kekuasaan Romawi di seluruh dunia. Dalam masa ini, pemerintahan Romawi mempromosikan perdagangan, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan meningkatkan kesenian dan pendidikan di wilayah mereka. Perdamaian ini penting bagi tamadun Rom karena telah memungkinkan mereka untuk membangun kerajaan besar yang meliputi sebagian besar Eropa, Afrika Utara, dan Asia Timur.

6. 1. JohnsonRomanaJohnsonRomanaJohnsonRomanaJohnsonRomana: Good Morning.: Good morning.: How are you?: I'm good, thanks for asking, how are you?:I'm fine, thank you. My name is Johnson, you can call me John.:Pm Romana, you can call me Rom for short. Well, what do you do?: I'm a lecturer, I work for Paramadina University. how about you?: That's nice. I work an Mejayan 1 Public High School as a BahasaIndonesiateacher.: It's such a pleasure to meet you today: It's very nice to meet you too John.: Goodbye: Bye.JohnsonRomanaJohnsonRomanatan​





: Selamat pagi.

: Selamat pagi

: Apa kabar?

: Saya baik, terima kasih telah bertanya, Nama saya Johnson, Anda bisa memanggil saya John.

: Pm Romana, Anda bisa memanggil saya Rom singkatnya. Nah, apa yang kamu lakukan?

Nah, apa yang kamu lakukan?: Saya seorang dosen, saya bekerja untuk Universitas Paramadina. bagaimana dengan kamu?

: Itu bagus. Saya bekerja di SMA Negeri 1 Mejayan sebagai pengajar Bahasa

Guru indonesia.

: Senang bertemu Anda hari ini

: Senang bertemu denganmu juga John.

: Bye.










7. apa itu tetrarchy?apa itu pax romana?apa itu triumvirat I dan Triumvirat II?

tetrarchy adl isitem pemerintahan yang membagi kekuasaan diantara 4 org. sedangkan pax romana yaitu persatuan internasional cendekiawan dan mahasiswa katolik utk memajukan persatuan. kalau triumvirat I dan II kurang tahu.......

8. apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Pax Romana ?

Pax Romana adalah persatuan internasional cendekiawan dan mahasiswa Katolik untuk memajukan semangat persatuan.

9. arti dari kata pleb,patricia,senat,konsul ,triumvirat ,tetrarchy,pax romana

Pleb adalah kelompok rakyat biasa dari warga Romawi, Patricia adalah kelompok yang memiliki hak-hak istimewa, Senat adalah suatu badan deliberatif yang biasanya merupakan majelis tinggi dari badan legislatif di negara yang menganut sistem dua kamar, Konsul adalah pemimpin sebuah konsulat wakil resmi sebuah negara bertindak untuk membantu dan melindungi warga negaranya serta menfasilitasi hubungan perdagangan dan persahabatan, Triumvirat adalah sebuah rezim politik yang didominasi oleh tiga orang penguasa, yang masing-masing disebut triumvir, Tetrarchy adalah bentuk kompromi untuk mengakhiri krisis dari kekaisaran Romawi serta menjamin keutuhan wilayah kekuasaan Romawi yang sangat luas pada waktu itu, dan pax romana adalah  persatuan internasional cendekiawan dan mahasiswa Katolik.

10. On Sunday, the Paddington family shopped for celebrating Thanksgiving Day. They got in the car. They drove to the Barkeley Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Paddington walked around the shop with their kids. The Paddington family looked at all the turkey. They looked at big turkey and small turkey. They looked at the import and local one. They looked at every turkey in the shop. They wanted the perfect turkey. The Paddington kids finally found the perfect one. It wasn't too big or too small. It wasn't too much or too less. The turkey was exactly what they wanted. It was the perfect turkey for Thanksgiving Day! Questions: 1. What did the Paddington family do on Sunday? 2. What kind of turkey did the Paddington family look for? 3. What did the Paddington kids finally find? 4. Why do they choose that turkey? 5. What kind of turkey available in the shop?​



1. What did the Paddington family do on Sunday?

They shopped for celebrating Thanksgiving Day.

2. What kind of turkey did the Paddington family look for?

The perfect turkey

3. What did the Paddington kids finally find?

The perfect turkey

4. Why do they choose that turkey?

It wasn't too big or too small. It wasn't too much or too less.

5. What kind of turkey available in the shop?​

Big turkey, small turkey, import and the local one

11. 1.what did the Paddington family do on sunday?​


Paddington Family were go on trip with mommy old carravan (sejenis mobil) and have picnic. But then the carravan was broke and need some time to repair it. and no long time it get rainning.


pokoknya episode yang pergi piknik..


12. Romana only needs three minutes fifty

Romana hanya membutuhkan 53 menit (fifty three)

askmeenglish (tanya gue Inggris!) Romana hanya membutuhkan waktu 3 menit 50. jadikan solusi terbaik yaaa

13. Task 10Read the text and underlined the past verb!On Sunday, the Paddington family shoped for celebrating Thanksgiving Day. They got in thecar. They drove to the Barkeley Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Paddington walked around the shop with theirkids.The Paddington family looked at all the kalkun. They looked at big kalkun and small kalkun.They looked at the import and local one. They looked at every kalkun in the shop. They wantedthe perfect kalkun.The Paddington kids finally found the perfect one. It wasn't too big or too small. It wasn't too muchor too less. The kalkun was exactly what they wanted. It was the perfect kalkun for ThanksgivingDay!Tunjukan Kalimat Simple Past Tense​


Past Verb

On Sunday, the Paddington family shoped for celebrating Thanksgiving Day. They got in the

car. They drove to the Barkeley Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Paddington walked around the shop with their


The Paddington family looked at all the kalkun. They looked at big kalkun and small kalkun.

They looked at the import and local one. They looked at every kalkun in the shop. They wanted

the perfect kalkun.

The Paddington kids finally found the perfect one. It wasn't too big or too small. It wasn't too much

or too less. The kalkun was exactly what they wanted. It was the perfect kalkun for Thanksgiving


Simple Past Tense

S + Past Verb + O

yang di bold itu simple past tense

dan yang di underlined itu past verb

14. sinopsis paddington dalam tulisan b.inngris

In the deep jungles of darkest Peru, a British geographer named Montgomery Clyde happens upon a previously unknown species of bear. He is about to shoot it to take back a specimen to England when another bear playfully takes his gun away. He learns that this family of bears is intelligent and can learn English, and that they have a deep appetite for marmalade. He names them Lucy and Pastuzo. As he departs, he throws his hat to Pastuzo and tells the bears that they are always welcome should they wish to go to London.

Years later, the two bears are living in harmony with their nephew when an earthquake strikes their home, forcing them to seek shelter underground. Distracted and upset at the loss of his home, Pastuzo is unable to reach the shelter in time. He disappears, with his hat being found the next day by his nephew. Aunt Lucy encourages her nephew to go and find solace in London, and stows him away on a cargo ship, after which she says she will move into the Home for Retired Bears.

The young bear reaches London, but he fails to find a home. He is taken in briefly by the Brown family, who name him after Paddington Station, where they found him. Henry Brown, a devoted risk analyst, is adamant that Paddington stay only one night while they find a place for him to live permanently. Paddington causes a series of accidents across the house, further isolating himself from the Browns.

Paddington thinks he can find a home with the explorer who found his aunt and uncle, but does not know the explorer's name. Mary Brown takes Paddington to an antique shop owner who discovers that the hat bears the stamp of the Geographers Guild, but the Guild says that it never sent a member to explore darkest Peru. With the help of Mr. Brown, Paddington infiltrates the Geographers Guild archives and discovers an expedition to Peru was undertaken by Montgomery Clyde. He uses the city's phone books to track the addresses of all the "M Clyde"s in London.

Meanwhile, a sadistic museum taxidermist named Millicent Clyde captures, kills, and stuffs exotic animals to house in the Natural History Museum. When she becomes aware of Paddington, she immediately sets out to hunt him down. The Brown family departs for the day, leaving Paddington home alone. Scheming with the Browns' nosy neighbour Mr. Curry, Millicent sneaks in and attempts to capture Paddington; he inadvertently repels her, but burns the kitchen in the process. Oblivious to Paddington's statement of Millicent's capture attempt, the Browns state that he must move into a new house as soon as possible.

Feeling unwanted at the Browns, Paddington leaves and attempts to track Montgomery Clyde himself. He finally locates the house, only to discover that Clyde died many years ago, and that Millicent is actually his daughter – who resents her father for losing his job and membership with the museum; out of a change of heart, he refused to bring a valuable Peruvian bear specimen home, even though it would have made him the wealthiest man in the world. Millicent is determined to succeed where her father failed and become rich and famous herself. She tranquilises Paddington and prepares to stuff him, but when Mr. Curry discovers her true intentions, he informs the Brown family and they rush to save Paddington. They rescue him, and Paddington subdues Millicent by throwing a marmalade sandwich at her, which attracts a huge flock of pigeons, distracting her as family relative Mrs. Bird opens a roof hatch and inadvertently pushes her off of the roof, trapping her on a flagpole.

In the aftermath, the Browns adopt Paddington into their family and Millicent is sentenced to community service at a petting zoo. Paddington writes to Aunt Lucy saying he is happy and has finally found a home.

15. În ce stadiu se afla procesul de integrare a României în Uniunea Europeană si in NATO? si vreau raspunsul in romana

nati si integrare romana

16. Johnson : How are you?Romana : I'm good, thanks for asking.(2)?Johnson: I'm fine, thank you. My name is Johnson, you can(3) me JohnRomana I'm Romana, you can call me Rom for.....(4) Well, what do you do?Johnson: I'm a lecturer, I work for Paramadina University(5)?Romana That's nice. 1...... (©) at Mejayan 1 Public High School as a Bahasa Indonesia teacher.Johnson It's such a pleasure to(7) you todayRomana : It's very(8) to meet you too JohnJohnson Goodbye.Romana Byepliss bantu jam 2 suruh kumpulin​

Bagaimana kabarmu?

Aku baik saja, terima kasih sudah bertanya.


Aku baik-baik saja, terima kasih. Namaku Johnson, kau bisa

(3) aku John

Romana aku Romana, kau bisa memanggilku Rom

… (4) nah, apa yang anda lakukan?

Aku dosen, aku bekerja di universitas Paramadina


Romana itu bagus. 1 …… Di Mejayan 1 sekolah menengah.

Johnson, senang bertemu denganmu

(7) anda hari ini

Ini sangat

(8) untuk bertemu anda juga John

Johnson selamat tinggal.

Sampai jumpa Romana

Tolong bantu jam 2 bantu kamu

Johnson: How are you?

Romana: I'm good, thanks for asking. How about you?

Johnson: I'm fine, thank you. My name is Johnson, you can call me John

Romana: I'm Romana, you can call me Rom for short. Well, what do you do?

Johnson: I'm a lecturer, I work for Paramadina University. What do you do?

Romana: That's nice. I work at Mejayan 1 Public High School as a Bahasa Indonesia teacher.

Johnson: it's such a pleasure to meet you today

Romana: It's very nice to meet you too John

Johnson: Goodbye

Romana: Bye

17. vorbiti romana ce aveti


maksut nya apa ya?!?..........

tolong soalnya

nanti aku jawab lagi

18. Wajah, cara bicara, dan penampilan Romana sangat persis dengan ibunya. Hanya ketegasan, bakat, dan kemampuan dalam berprinsip lebih mengikuti ayahnya. Ini semua didapat dari kedua orangtuanya.Dari pernyatan di atas, Romana berarti menampilkan ....  ​




wajah jawabannya dek


karena emang itu jawabannya. syukur2 sy jawabin. klo salah jangan marah. maap

19. pada pendapat anda,mengapakah tamadun Rom telah mencapai kegemilangan pada era pax Romana?​

Pax Romana [paks] (Bahasa Latin untuk "Perdamaian Roma") adalah suatu tempoh panjang yang relatif damai dan kurang berlakunya pengembangan kekuatan tentera Romawi yang dirasakan Empayar Rom setelah berakhir Perang Akhir Republik Romawi dan sebelum awal Krisis Abad Ketiga. Selama waktu ini, empayar Rom mencapai kemuncak wilayah dan kependudukan meningkat sehingga mencecah 70 juta orang, yakni satu pertiga kependudukan dunia pada ketika itu.[1]. Zaman ini juga disebut Pax Augusta sempena maharaja Augustus yang menerintah. Zaman ini dijangkau selama 206 tahun (27 SM sampai 180 M), dari saat Augustus menjadi maharaja hingga zaman pemerintahan Maharaja Marcus Aurelius.[2] Zaman ini bisa diibaratkan seumpama zaman Pax Sinica di dunia Timur oleh China dinasti Han.[3]

20. buat ringkasan cerita PADDINGTON dalam bahasa inggris

vadminton atau paddington saya gk ngerti

Video Update

Paddington Subtitrat In Romana Paddington Subtitrat In Romana Reviewed by Romero on November 16, 2022 Rating: 5

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