Problematique Etude De Gestion

Problematique Etude De Gestion

apa itu etude musik ?

1. apa itu etude musik ?

Etude adalah musik yang diciptakan sebagai permainan teknik.

Sebagai contoh ketika murid mengalami kesulitan untuk memainkan musik dengan teknik Legato (not satu dengan lain dimainkan dengan menyambung dan tidak terpatah).

2. explain the differences between mechanical digestion and chemical digestion!

Mechanical digestion involves physically breaking down food materials into smaller parts, this increases the surface area of the food, larger surface area means easier chemical digestion by the gastrointestinal organs. Mechanical digestion begins with chewing and churning food material.

Chemical digestion involves enzymes and acids in the gastrointestinal organs that breaks the food from complex nutrients that the cells cannot benefit from into smaller and simpler nutrients that cells can actually use. Chemical digestion begins when the food enters the mouth, where they are digested by enzymes lipase and amylase.

3. Explain the process of Physical digestion and chemical digestion ?

While mechanical digestion involves physical movements, such as chewing and muscle contractions, chemical digestion uses enzymes to break down food.

4. The digestion ends in the small intestine A.TRUE B.FALSE


semoga membantu


maaf klo salah

5. sisa proses anaerobic digestion dapat di gunakan sebagai

pupuk urea
sisa lahan padi
pembakaran iodin

6. we must eat more____and___then drink more water to aid digestion​


kita harus makan lebih banyak __dan___ kemudian minum lebih banyak air untuk membantu pencernaan


makanan bergizi dansehat


saya cmn memikir dng otak sy walaupun soalnya agak membingungkan

andai klo ada foto oasti jawaban saya bakal benar..


7. Arrange the following stages of digestion process! 1. stomach digestion 2. swallowing 3. chewing 4. small intestine digestion 5. waste elimination 6. absorption

(I'm not sure, but I will try)

It's 3-2-1-4-6-5

8. Which digestion process that happen in big entestine​




karena memakai enzim


Jawaban ada di foto yaa


Jangan lupa like dan follow : )

9. apa yang di maksud digestion

Digesti (Pencernaan) Adalah Proses Pemecahan Zat-Zat Makanan Sehingga Dapat Diabsorpsi Oleh Saluran Pencernaandigestion adalah pencernaan

10. The alimentary canal is adapted for chemical and mechanical digestion. (a) Explain how chemical digestion differs from mechanical digestion. Jgn dijawab kalo g tau!! (Yes i know this is biology just please help me ;v;)


Mechanical digestion occurs with the help of teeth and the squeezing motion of the stomach, located in the mouth and stomach.

chemical digestion occurs with the help of digestive enzymes, located in the mouth, stomach, small intestine and pancreas

hopefully it's helpful

11. artinya helps with digestion and keeps you full between meals​


Membantu Pencernaan dan menjaga rasa kenyang diantara jam makan


msmbantu pencernaan dan perut tetap terasa kenyang diantara jam makan/sampai jam makan berikutnya

12. what is It produce bile, which useful for fat digestion?


One of the functions of bile in digestion is to neutralize stomach acid. This process helps digestive enzymes to work properly in a more neutral environment.


Apa itu menghasilkan empedu, yang berguna untuk pencernaan lemak?



13. Apa gunanya digestion system​

untuk mencerna makanan, artinya digestion system adalah sistem pencernaan

semoga membantu

14. the digestion of food happens in our......​


Once filled with food, the stomach grinds and churns the food to break it down into small particles. It then pushes the small particles of food into the first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum. The small intestine is where most of the digestion and absorption of

our food takes place.


semoga membantu ^^)


in the human digestive system: Food enters through the mouth. Organs in the oral cavity such as teeth, tongue, and oral glands take part in this process. In the mouth, food is chewed mechanically and chemically.


sorry if it's wrong;)

15. Apa gunanya digestion system​


Berfungsi untuk memecah makanan(fisik dan kimiawi)menjadi partikel kecil(nutrient molecules) untuk diabsorpsi ke dalam darah

16. what is enzyme required for protein digestion?​


Protein digestion begins when you first start chewing. There are two enzymes in your saliva called amylase and lipase. They mostly break down carbohydrates and fats. Once a protein source reaches your stomach, hydrochloric acid and enzymes called proteases break it down into smaller chains of amino acids.


Jadikan Jawaban tercedas ya

17. what is digestion mean

Digestion = Pencernaan jawabannya adalah pencernaan berarti

18. 7. Which statement does reflect sug-gestion in the picture? ​



A. Ifyouwanttobuildmuscle,youshouldexercisemore

19. kelebihan konveksi limbah melalui proses anaerobic digestion

Konversi limbah melalui proses anaerobik digestion dengan menghasilkan biogas memiliki beberapa keuntungan, yaitu : 
a)Biogas merupakan energi tanpa menggunakan material yang masih memiliki manfaat termasuk biomassa sehingga biogas tidak merusak keseimbangan karbondioksida yang diakibatkan oleh penggundulan hutan (deforestation) dan perusakan tanah.
b)Energi biogas dapat berfungsi sebagai energi pengganti bahan bakar fosil sehingga akan menurunkan gas rumah kaca di atmosfer dan emisi lainnya.
c)Metana merupakan salah satu gas rumah kaca yang keberadaannya duatmosfer akan meningkatkan temperatur, dengan menggunakan biogas sebagai bahan bakar maka akan mengurangi gas metana di udara.
d)Limbah berupa sampah kotoran hewan dan manusia

20. artinya helps with digestion and keeps you full between meals​


membantu pencernaan dan membuat Anda kenyang di antara waktu makan

Jawaban: Artinya Adalahh

membantu pencernaan dan membuat Anda kenyang di antara waktu makan


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Problematique Etude De Gestion Problematique Etude De Gestion Reviewed by Romero on September 29, 2022 Rating: 5

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