Functia Sintactica A Substantivului

Functia Sintactica A Substantivului

Buat artikel tema sintactic

Daftar Isi

1. Buat artikel tema sintactic


ini kakak kunci jawabannya

2. Apa perbedaan dari kata syntax dan syntactic ?


sintaksis atau ilmu nahu adalah ilmu mengenai prinsip dan peraturan untuk membuat kalimat dalam bahasa alami. Selain aturan ini, kata sintaksis juga digunakan untuk merujuk langsung pada peraturan dan prinsip yang mencakup struktur kalimat dalam bahasa apapun.

syntax berarti seperangkat aturan grammar pada kata atau klausa dalam membentuk kalimat.

putri cinta solontika Ainun madanika

4. 1. what word is not necessarily required in syntactic analysis?


구문분석이 뭔지 모르겠네요 죄송합니다 구문분석이 뭔지 모르겠네요 죄송합니다

5. Dalam Teori pemisahan kekuasaan menurut Gabriel A. Almond terdapat Istilah Rule Making Function,Rule Application Function dan Rule Adjudication Function. Coba jelasakan?.

Salah satu tokoh yang mengemukakan teori mengenai trias politika di dunia adalah Gabriel A. Almond. Berikut adalah penjelasan dari masing-masing komponen yang ada pada trias politika tersebut:

Rule making function: komponen dalam trias politika yang merupakan adanya kekuasaan untuk membuat undang-undang dan peraturan yang dimiliki oleh kekuasaan legislatif.Rule application function: komponen dalam trias politika yang merupakan adanya kekuasaan untuk melaksanakan undang-undang dan peraturan yang dimiliki oleh kekuasaan eksekutif.Rule adjudication function: komponen dalam trias politika yang merupakan adanya kekuasaan untuk mengadili pelanggaran yang dilakukan terhadap undang-undang yang dimiliki oleh kekuasaan yudikatif.


Trias politika adalah suatu prinsip dalam dunia politik yang merupakan adanya keharusan untuk melakukan pembagian tugas dan tanggung jawab. Trias politika ini dilakukan untuk mencegah adanya penyelewengan kekuasaan yang dilakukan oleh pihak penyelenggara pemerintahan. Secara garis besar, trias politika ini dibedakan menjadi kekuasaan legislatif, yudikatif, dan juga eksekutif.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang pengertian trias politika

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

6. bagaimana pemetaan dari strukture kalimat (syntactic aspect) ke makna kalimat (semantic aspect)?

sintatik aspek adalah berusaha memahami sebuah kalimat menjadi frase frase kecil seperti 
He was cooking when his parents called him 
dua frase
He was cooking
his parents called him 

Nah kemudian ke semantik yang artinya berusaha memahami perilaku manusia berdasarkan diksi seperti sinonim, antonim, dsb

sinonim dari cooking 
He was boiling 
His parents look for him (look for past tense : mencari)

He was boiling when his parents look for him 

7. What does a robot function?​


To help people work in pandemic corona



8. What is the function of a park?A: What is the function of a restaurant?What is the function of a bank?A: What is the function of a jail?NADE MEDiWhat is the function of athe function of a brary?AWhat is the function or a no​

Function of:

Park: A park is an area of natural, semi-natural or planted space set aside for human enjoyment and recreation or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats. Restaurant: a place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises.Bank: bank is used to save money of some people. many people save money because in bank their money is save well stored.Jail: Jails are an indispensable part of our criminal justice system. They serve many different roles. As you know, jails hold inmates while they await charges, trial or sentencing.Library: to show and can read many books as you can as you want and as you strong.

9. Answer the questions correctly.seves for stores antenaWhat is the function of a park?A: What is the function of a restaurant?SylfabarasBayuA: What is the function of a jail?What is the function of a bank?What is the function of a library?A: What is the function of a hospi​


1.fungsi taman(garden function)

Parks can be a storage area for ground air, thus ensuring a supply of groundwater and preventing flooding. Parks can be used as a means of conserving the environment (ecosystem). ... As a function of ecological communication, parks can provide various benefits, namely: as a place for social communication.

2.fungsi restoran(restaurant function)

The restaurant serves as a sales service and service to customers of the type of product. Restaurants keep the smooth running of activities which are a turnover of investment costs. The main restaurant operation is to serve various types of food and the appearance of the atmosphere of the restaurant room.

3.fungsi penjara(prison function)

Forming Correctional Assistance to become fully human, aware of mistakes, improving themselves and not criminal acts so that they can be accepted back by the community, can actively play a role in development and can live naturally as good and responsible citizens ...

4.fungsi bank(bank functions)

It is clear that the main function of a commercial bank is to collect funds from the public. Efforts to carry out this function are carried out by issuing various financial products to store funds, ranging from savings, current accounts to time deposits.

5.fungsi perpustakaan(library functions)

library functions to provide a variety of information for the community. The function of education is that the library becomes a place and provides a means of learning both in formal and non-formal environments.

6.fungsi dari sebuah hospital(the function of a hospital)

Hospital is a health service institution that provides complete individual health services that provide inpatient, outpatient and emergency services. ... provide legal certainty to patients, communities, hospital human resources, and hospitals.

Sola itu dah ku terjemahkan.

moga bermanfaat.

10. Function reading a book is


The function of reading books is to give us our knowledge and understanding of various things ranging from education, work, to everything in this world

what we didn't know at first became known

semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa



Function from reading a book is we getinformation from its theme (entertainment,education,etc)From entertainment:We are entertained from its story (like comic,etc)From Education:We are achieving various of knowledge that may be helpful from something.

11. 1. A : What is function of umbrella? B : It is function for ...... 2. A : what is function of Lamp ? B : It is function for.... 3. A : What is function of chair ? B : It is fuction for.... 4. A : What is function of comb? B : It is fuction for... 5. A : What is function of cup ? B : It is function for...


1. A : What is function of


B : It is function for protecting from rain and sun

2. A : what is function of Lamp ?

B : It is function for lighting our room

3. A : What is function of chair ?

B : It is function for sitting

4. A : What is function of comb?

B : It is function for making hair neat

5. A : What is function of cup ?

B : It is function for drinking

12. 1.Bayu :what is the function of a market ? Ari :......2.Dimas :what is the function of a libary ? Intan :.....3.Fino :what is the function of a supermarket ? Adelia :......4.Laras :what is the function of a harbour ? Banu :....5.Bonai :what is the function of a city park? Adi :.....Tolong yaa:(​


1.Bayu : what is the function of a market ?

Ari : a place used to buy and sell things.

2.Dimas : what is the function of a libary ?

Intan : a place used to read and borrow books

3.Fino : what is the function of a supermarket ?

Adelia : a shop used to buy all daily necessities

4.Laras : what is the function of a harbour ?

Banu : a place used for ships to stop or come, and to transfer a cargo

5.Bonai :what is the function of a city park?

Adi: a place used for sightseeing, relaxing, and urban greenery

13. IN A: what is its function?Biits Function is forWhat is invention it is function is for bahasa Indonesianya apa ​


fungsinya untuk...


Terima Kasih untuk Mempercayai Jawabanku,    

Maaf Jika Ada Kesalahan :)    

Jangan Lupa Jadikan Yang Terbaik/Brainliest Answer Ya :)

14. Tolong jawab ya 1 what is the function ofc a park 2 what is the function of a bank 3 what is the function of a library 4 what is the function of a restaurant 5 what is the function of a jail 6 what is the function of a hospital

1. A park is a place to play together with friends or family
2. The function of bank is to save our money
3. The library is full of books. The function of library is to read many book
4. The function of restaurant is to eat some food
5. The jail is a place for the prisoner
6. The hospital is a place of a patient

15. the derivative of a rational function is a rational function. Apakah pernyataan tersebut benar atau tidak,dan beri alasan

Remember that a rational function h(x)h(x) can be expressed in such a way that h(x)=\frac{f(x)}{g(x)},h(x)=



, where f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x) are polynomial functions. Using this basic fundamental, we can find the derivatives of rational functions.

16. Bagaimana cara membuat fungsi di JavaScript?A.) function nama_fungsi()B.) function => nama_fungsi()C.) function : nama_fungsi()D.) function [nama_fungsi]​


A. function nama_fungsi()


17. What are phonetic / phonological variation, morphologocal variation, syntactic variation, lexical variation? Give an example for each category


Apa itu variasi fonetik / fonologis, variasi morfologokal, variasi sintaksis, variasi leksikal? Berikan contoh untuk setiap kategori

18. function a driving license ?

to let other people know that you have acquired a license and is now legal for you to drive

19. Análise sintática da frase Céus, se o homem não mudar, o mundo continuará em guerra.


maksudnya gimana ?


pen jawab tapi gatauu heheh

20. pemetaan syntactic aspect ke semantic aspect

sintatik aspek adalah berusaha memahami sebuah kalimat menjadi frase frase kecil seperti 
He is singing when he is taking a shower 
dua frase
He is singing
He is taking a shower  

Nah kemudian ke semantik yang artinya berusaha memahami perilaku manusia berdasarkan diksi seperti sinonim, antonim, dsb

antonim dari singing
He is so silent
He is taking a shower

He is so silent when he is taking a shower  

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Functia Sintactica A Substantivului Functia Sintactica A Substantivului Reviewed by Romero on Agustus 06, 2022 Rating: 5

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