Lecture Cursive Princesse De Clèves

Lecture Cursive Princesse De Clèves

Cursive ( Kursif ) Adalah ...

Daftar Isi

1. Cursive ( Kursif ) Adalah ...


Kursif adalah gaya tulisan tangan yang huruf - hurufnya ditulis bergabung bersama dengan cara yang mengalir, umumnya dimaksudkan agar menulis lebih cepat.

2. Erika emo princesse fleur Cahya itu atinya apa

erika emo putri bunga cahya
Erika emo putri bunga cahya
Maap klow slh

3. May I read ______________ for the classes I missed? * A. lecture notes yours B. you lecture notes C. lecture notes of your D. your lecture notes


D. Your lecture notes


Karena your termasuk pronoun yang biasanya ditempatkan di awal kalimat


D. your lecture notes

semoga membantu

4. If i finished the assignment before saturday. i.....(submit)it to my lecture




Since It Was In The Past, It's 'Submitted'.

If It Was In The Present, It Would've Been 'Submit'.

5. a-finally-up!-goal-you-two-become-achivied-lecture-your-thombs-to

finally you achieved your goal to become a lecture, two thumbs up

6. if you would like Information about lecture, what should you do

find out for some information

7. What is the main topic of this lecture?

Authorship and detailis to describe to something

8. Correct the miskateSarah not was at the lecture.​



Harusnya "Sarah wasnot at the lecture."


Semoga Membantu Kak:v

9. My father works as a lecture artinya


My father works as a lecture



Ayahku bekerja sebagai [seorang] dosen


* My Father = Ayahku

* Works = bekerja

* As = sebagai

* A Lecture = seorang dosen

==== Semoga Membantu ====

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: SMP

Materi: Profession

Kode Mapel: 5

10. Rarely Tony goes to campus every day to attend Mr. Nathan's lecture.


Tony jarang pergi ke kampus setiap hari untuk menghadiri ceramah Pak Nathan.


semoga membantu

Tony jarang pergi ke kampus setiap hari untuk menghadiri ceramah Pak Nathan

11. help dong, lecture kgk masuk masuk tp ngasi tugas blom diajarin :'

mau di ubah ke algoritma pseudo  apa gmn ya?

12. Listen your lecture and repeat what your lecture says. Notice which syllable has the main stress. Satellite invention CD-ROM Internet assignment engineer Photograph computer entertain Languages understand telephone Robots VCR mouse

[Sa]tellite in[ven]tion [C]D-ROM
Internet as[sign]ment engi[neer]
[Pho]tograph [com]puter enter[tain]
[Lang]uages under[stand][te]lephone
[Ro]bots [V]CR [mouse]

13. Deskripsikan pekerjaan lecture dalam b.inggris

A lecturer is someone who stands up in front of a class and gives an organized talk designed to teach you something. A lecturer teaches in a university.

14. a student........ask question during the lecture but he/she.......raise his hand​


a student wanted to ask question during the lecture but he/she was the first to raise his hand​


seorang siswa ingin mengajukan pertanyaan selama presentasinya tetapi dia adalah orang pertama yang mengangkat tangannya.

Mohon maaf klo salah ya, smoga membantu

15. function of profession teacher,army,head master,lecture Tolong jawab secepatnya

teacher to teach students in the school, army to protect the country, lecture to teach  college students in the campus

16. Our lecture, Mrs Neina ......... (never/be) late for lessons​

kalo menurut saya jawabannya Never, sekian terimakasih


Our lecture, Mrs. Neina... (never/be) late for lessons

*Is never.


So by using/entering the adverb of frequency we will know how often an activity or activity is carried out.

Semoga membantu-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

17. she ... have reseived the information yesterday abaout this lecture material

She should have received the information yesterday about this lecture material

18. ubah kalimat ini menjadi bahasa Indonesia,Mandarin,dan INggris! : Bonjour, je m'appelle Jehoah, j'ai 34 ans, je suis un homme. Mes hobbies sont la lecture de la Bible et l'écoute de chansons. Merci.


Halo, nama saya Jehoah, umur saya 34 tahun, saya laki-laki. Hobi saya adalah membaca Alkitab dan mendengarkan lagu. Terima kasih.


Nín hǎo, wǒ jiào yé hā, wǒ jīnnián 34 suì, wǒ shì yīgè nánrén. Wǒ de àihào shì yuèdú shèngjīng hé tīng gē. Xièxiè.

Hello, my name is Jehoah, I am 34 years old, I am a man. My hobbies are reading the Bible and listening to songs. Thank you.

Your Welcome^^

indonesia: halo, nama saya yosahu, saya berusia 34 tahun, saya seorang pria. hobiku membaca alkitab dan mendengarkan lagu

inggris: hello, my name is yosahi, I'm a man, my hobbies are reading the Bible and listening song

maaf ya aku gak bisa ngartiin bahasa mandarin

19. lf l fisnish the assigment before saturday, l ...... (submit) it to my lecture

If I finish the assignment before saturday, I will submit it to my LECTURER (dosen)

Yang saya bold itu salah soalnya atau kamu salah ketik? Lecture itu kuliah, lecturer itu pengajarnya, alias dosenAnswer:
If I finish the Assignment before saturday, I will submit it to my lecturer. (Conditional sentence type 1)


20. passive voice dari professor katsuki gives the lecture on atomic stucture​

The lector is given by professor on atomic stucture

The lecture on atomic structure is given by professor Katsuki.

Formulanya :

Objek + be + verb 3 + by subjek

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Lecture Cursive Princesse De Clèves Lecture Cursive Princesse De Clèves Reviewed by Romero on Juli 20, 2022 Rating: 5

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