Exemple Candidature Koh Lanta

Exemple Candidature Koh Lanta

mention 5 exemple verb:[sebutkan 5 contoh verb:]-mention 5 exemple verb 'can'-mention 5 exemple verb 'will'-mention 5 exemple verb 'may'-mention 5 exemple verb 'could'-mention 5 exemple verb 'would'please help me:(​

1. mention 5 exemple verb:[sebutkan 5 contoh verb:]-mention 5 exemple verb 'can'-mention 5 exemple verb 'will'-mention 5 exemple verb 'may'-mention 5 exemple verb 'could'-mention 5 exemple verb 'would'please help me:(​



1.i can cook

2. i can swim

3.i can dance

4.i can sing

5.i can wash


1.i will dance

2.i will study

3.i will make a cup of coffe

4.i will draw

5.i will hug you


1.i may go

2.i may buy a bag

3.i may sleep

4.i may run

5.i may hit you


1. i could make a cup of tea

2.i could dance

3.i could sing

3.i could hug you

5.i could live you


1.i would miss you

2.i would study

3.i would run

4.i would miss you

5. i would watch


semoga membantuu maaf klu kurang tepaf

2. Exemple irregular plural

contoh yang tidak teratur plural. Maaf ya, kalo salah

3. for exemple halaman 63

for example, bahasa inggris hal 63 kelas 8 kurikulum 2013 adalah soal yang meminta kita untuk memeca atau membagi percakapan sesuai dengan urutan yang diminta pada contoh.


Dalam mengerjakan soal seperti ini, sebenarnya kita hanya perlu melihat contoh yang sudah disediakan pada buku. Dalam soal ini, kita diminta untuk memisahkan sebuah kalimat dan meletakkan kata-katanya ke dalam tabel sesuai dengan urutan yang diminta seperti pada contoh di buku. Semua percakapan di soal ini berhubungan tentang making request.  

Dalam soal ini, terdapat 5 kolom kosong yang harus diisi dengan:

Kolom 1: Nama atau subject

Kolom 2: Kata perintah atau permintaan

Kolom 3: Kata kerja

Kolom 4: kata benda

Kolom 5: Kata Keterangan

Sebagai contoh: You cannot go outside.

kita pisah menjadi:

You(1)     cannot(2)     go(3)     -      outside(5)

You adalah subject, cannot adalah kata perintah, go adalah kata kerja dan outside adalah kata keterangan.

NB: angka menunjukan urutan kolom dimana kata tersebut harus diisi.

Jawaban untuk soal pada halaman 63 buku bahasa Inggris kelas 8 adalah:

Beni:  May(2)  I(3)  wash my hands(4),  Ma’am?(5)

Udin:  Please(1)  excuse  me(3). I will return this  dictionary to the  library(4).

Siti:  May(2) I(3)  ask my group to help  me to do it?(4)

Edo:  May(2) I(3)  open the window(4), Ma’am?(5)

Siti:Can(2) I(3)  wrap it later?(4)

Edo:  May(2) I(3)  use the paper to wrap  my gift?(4)

Udin:  Edo(1), may(2) I(3)  wipe my hands with  this cloth?(4)

Siti:  Dayu(1), may(2) I(3)  use your ribbon to put  on my gift?(4)

Lina:  Can(2) I(3)  use your pen?(4)

Udin: Can(2) I(3)  sit here?(4)

Siti:  Beni (1),  can(2)  we(3)  do it here?(4)

Udin:  Can(2) I(3)  wear your jacket?(4)

Beni:  Can(2)  I(3)  use used newspaper to  wrap my gift?(4)

Semoga membantu menjawab. Terimakasih :)


Pelajari lebih lanjut  

1.  Making request brainly.co.id/tugas/293797

2. contoh making request brainly.co.id/tugas/3250973


Detil Jawaban  

Kelas : 8

Mapel : B Inggris

Bab : Making request

Kode :8.5.2

Kata Kunci: associating sentence, making request

4. exemple for asking help

hello, may i ask for your help?
hello, will you help me?

5. give me the exemple of greeting?​

Hi! Good Afternoon.


Hi, Good Afternoon

6. give a exemple folklore legend??

malin kundang,sangkuriang

7. Exemple sings and noticies


examples of notification sentences :

- tomorrow there will be community service at school

- school tomorrow is off because the teacher will have a meeting


notification sentence is a sentence that tells something

the notification sentence can be in the form of information that someone has done or will do

semoga membantu,.

8. dati exemple diftong es

Es potong :v maaf kalo salah :)es krim
es potong

9. 10 exemple of past tense

i went to school late yesterday.
i did my homework last night.
i took a nap for a while this afternoon.
i bought a new book two days ago.
i sent a letter a week ago.
my mother cooked chicken soup this morning.
we studied english yesterday.
they played football last sunday.
he did not come late thi morning.
what did he do yesterday?1. i went to singapore last week
2. Sarah brang a flower yesterday
3. Sani sang a song last month
4. Harry gave a wallet last year
5. Beni drank a coke 2 week ago
6. Erika ate fried rice 5 month ago
7. Sinta saw an eagle last morning
8. Yera and his friends cooked egg 3 days ago
9. Yemima played game yesterday
10.Sania cleaned a chair last night

10. give a exemple folklore legend???

Sangkuriang, Malin Kundang, etcdanau toba/ lake toba

11. many os usep with countable noun. exemple

Banyak os usep dengan dapat dihitung benda exemple.Uang digunakan dengan contoh kata benda yang bisa dihitung
Semoga membantu :)

12. Give the exemple expression abuot congralation


1. Congratulations bud, I proud of you

2. That's a fantastic performance, congratulations!

3. Congratulations for being a team leader John!

Hope it helps~ヾ(^∇^)


Give the example expression about congratulation!

Congratulations on winning the International Mathematics Competition!

Congratulations on having a Handsome Baby Boy!


Kedua kalimat dicetak tebal pada jawaban di atas merupakan contoh cara mengucapkan selamat dalam bahasa Inggris kepada seseorang yang berhasil meraih prestasi dan mendapatkan kebahagiaan.

Congratulations + on + Gerund + Object/Complement + !

Semoga membantu ya.

13. comlete the following table such as the exemple​












14. function of giving exemple ​

Function examples. A function is a mapping from a set of inputs (the domain) to a set of possible outputs (the codomain). The definition of a function is based on a set of ordered pairs, where the first element in each pair is from the domain and the second is from the codomain.

15. please give an exemple asking capabiliti

Who are you?

What are you doing?

Why you asking asking this?

16. Exemple simple present tense (+) (-) (?) masing masing 5​

Simple Present Tense adalah salah satu tense yang dipakai untuk menunjukkan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan sehari - hari, atau kegiatan yang sering kita lakukan sehari - hari

Maka dari itu, untuk menanya dalam simple present tense, menggunakan kata "Do"

Kalau negatif, menggunakan (don't) sebelum predikat

Kalau interogatif, menggunakan (do) di awal kalimat

Jangan lupa menambahkan imbuhan (s/es/ies) di belakang predikat ketika subjeknya (he/she/it). DAN JUGA, ketika sedang ada di kalimat negatif dan interogatif jangan tambahkan imbuhan (s/es/ies) di belakang predikat

Example :

(+) I make a cake every day (Saya membuat sebuah kue setiap hari)

(-) I don't make a cake every day (Saya tidak membuat sebuah kue setiap hari)

(?) Do you make a cake every day? (Apakah kamu membuat sebuah kue setiap hari?)

(+) Nisa practices piano every week (Nisa berlatih piano setiap minggu)

(-) Nisa don't practice piano every week (Nisa tidak berlatih piano setiap minggu)

(?) Does Nisa practice piano every week? (Apakah Nisa berlatih piano setiap minggu?)

(+) My Father always back home every year (Ayahku selalu pulang setiap tahun)

(-) My Father doesn't always back home every year (Ayahku tidak selalu pulang setiap tahun)

(?) Does your Father always back home every year? (Apakah Ayahmu selalu pulang setiap tahun?)

(+) We usually walk to school (Kami biasanya berjalan ke sekolah)

(-) We don't usually walk to school (Kami tidak biasanya berjalan ke sekolah)

(?) Do you usually walk to school? (Apakah kamu biasanya berjalan ke sekolah?)

(+) Donny often goes to the mall (Donny sering pergi ke mall)

(-) Donny doesn't often go to the mall (Donny tidak sering pergi ke mall)

(?) Does Donny often go to the mall? (Apakah Donny sering pergi ke mall?)

17. Task 15Do like the exemple !The exemple : Father likes giving some nice to a poor person He is generousMohon di bantu..

1.Dad works as a farmer to support the family, he is very good.

2.I like to water the plants so they don't die, I love the environment.

3I always study every day to be smart, I'm very diligent.

4.me and my friends always play soccer, it's very exciting.



maaf kalau salah,yang nomor 5 itu kurang jelas gambarnya.

18. Exemple mind mapping report text comodp


Bagaiaman contoh report text bahasa ingggris ini disusun? Cara menulis dan menysusun karangan pendek berjenis report ini cukup gampang. Ikuti saja generic structurenya, yaitu

1. General classification: Apa yang mau ditulis. Object harus umum, tidak merujuk pada object tententu yang besifat kasuistis

2. Descriptions: Apa hal yang bisa dijelasakan kepada pembaca tentang object yang sedang dibicarakan. Biasanya pada paragraf ini berisi penjelasan bagian dan bentuk fisik obje, diikuti dengan penjelasan, kebiasaan object tersebut, dan tak jarang juga akan diberikan uraian tentang fungsi dan manfaat object tesebut bagi pembaca.

Nah sekarang kita lihat salah satu contoh report text tentang hewat berikut, dalam kesempatan ini adalah tentang hewan langkah yang masih ada di Indonesia.

Do you know what is the largest lizard? This lizard is called komodo. It lives in the scrub and woodland of a few Indonesian islands.

Komodo dragon is the world’s heaviest lizard, weighing 150 pounds or more. The largest Komodo ever measured was more than 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg) but the average size of komodo in the wild is about 8 feet (2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91 kg)

Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail. They use their keen sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains from several miles away. They also hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic.

The Komodo dragon’s teeth are almost completely covered by its gums. When it feeds, the gums bleed, creating an ideal culture for virulent bacteria. The bacteria that live in the Komodo dragon’s saliva causes septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon will bite its prey, then follow it until the animal is too weak to carry on.

This lizard species is threatened by hunting, loss of prey species and habitat loss.


Ini Penjelasannya Jadikan Yang Terbaik:)

Dont Forget Follow My Account:)

19. Contoh Exemple simple present tense (+) (-) (?) mading masing 5


(+) she studies english

he plays football

they study math

we play badminton

she cooks fried rice

(-) she doesn't study english

he doesn't play football

they don't study math

we dont play badminton

she doesnt cook fried rice

(?) does she study english?

does he play football?

do they study math?

do we play badminton?

does she cook fried rice?

20. 6 pangkat 3 with the questions and exemple

6³= 6 x 6 x 6 = 216

smoga brmanfaat.

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Exemple Candidature Koh Lanta Exemple Candidature Koh Lanta Reviewed by Romero on Juli 27, 2022 Rating: 5

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