Apa Plata La Sticla De Sticla

Apa Plata La Sticla De Sticla

kepanjangan dari plata adalah ​

Daftar Isi

1. kepanjangan dari plata adalah ​


PLTA : pembangkit listrik tenaga air


pembangkit listrik tenaga air atau yg biasanya disingkat PLTA adalah pembangkit listrik yg memanfaatkan air dengan mengubahnya dari energi potensial dan energi kinetik air. jika kamu pernah mendengar pembangkit listrik tenaga mikro hidro ( PLTMH ), kedua pembangkit ini mirip namun ada sedikit perbedaan


2. Ciri ciri kingdom plata

1.Dinding sel yang tersusun atas selulosa.
2.Memiliki klorofil yang berfungsi sebagai fotosintesis.
3.Karena memiliki klorofil, maka kingdom plantae bersifat 4.autotrof (dapat membuat makanan sendiri) dengan bantuan sinar matahari.
7.Menyimpan cadangan makanan dalam bentuk amilum (pati)
8.Mengalami pergiliran keturunan dalam siklus hidupnya.

3. Buatlah contoh Plata minta dengan tema bebas​


Tema menghemat air

ayo mari kita menghemat air

Kalau bukan kita siapa lagi

4. 5. Kerajinan yang terbuat dari bahan buatan yang digunakan oleh daerah Semarang untukmenyambut awal Ramadan adalah.....a. warak ngendogc. singaptirongb. plata grustad. yonguhuu roudah tiger6. Proses berkarya kerajinan dari bahan buatan dan alami biasanya menggunakatahapan yang sama, yaitu.....a. mencari obyek dan menggambarb. pencarian gagasan sebagai motivasic. membuat sketsa yang samad. berkarya dengan akal dan pikiran untuk berkarya7. kemasan untuk produk kerajinan berbahan buatan memiliki fungsi yang hamper samadengan bahan kerajinan.....a. alamib.buatan dan alamic. buatand. natural8.plastik yang tebal disebut plastik ...a. mikab. terbalic.tebald. salah semua​


5) a .warak ngendhog

6)c.membuat sketsa yang sama

7)a. alami

8)c. tebal

5. Dolphins are mammals in the order Cetacea. They are part of the toothed whales. Generally, they are among the smaller whales. Most live in salt water oceans, but some live in rivers – there are oceanic dolphins and river dolphins. Dolphins are from 1.5 to 4 metres (4.5 ft to 13 ft) long. The Killer whale is the largest of the group, and can be about 8 metres (26 ft).The name 'dolphin' comes from the Ancient Greek δελφίς (delphis) meaning "with a womb", because it was first thought to be a fish with a womb. It is now known to be a mammal, and quite an intelligent mammal. Dolphins breathe air. A dolphin's nose is on top of its head so the dolphin can easily breathe on the surface of the water. The skin of a dolphin has no scales. It is soft and smooth. However, it is very firm, due to how much muscle they have. Dolphins use echolocation to find their food.Dolphins swim in 'pods'; a very large pod is called a herd. They are very social and help each other fight off predators. Dolphins have fought off sharks in this way. They can kill large sharks by ramming them over and over again with their snouts and heads. They look after the young when the mothers that need to leave their calves to hunt for food. The young need to breathe more often than the adults, and the food may be in deeper waters.Oceanic dolphins are marine animals living in the sea. They live in all of the oceans. Three of the four species of river dolphins live in fresh water rivers. The La Plata Dolphin lives in saltwater estuaries and the ocean. Water pollution and the loss of habitat are a threat to some dolphins, especially those living in rivers and estuaries.Dolphins do not sleep in a normal way. They have two sides of their brain, which they use to sleep. One side sleeps, while the other side stays awake. They will keep one eye open to watch for predators while they sleep.Dolphins (and other cetaceans) sleep in the water.[1] There is danger from sharks.[2] While sleeping in water, the animals go through different stages of sleep. They do some behaviours during sleep: they come to the surface occasionally to breathe, and they have an eye open most of the time.[1] The details vary in different species or groups. Predator detection is the obvious function of this behaviour. Similar adaptations are found in pinnipeds like seals.[1]The brain of a dolphin is like a human brain in size and development. Dolphins have reasonable eyesight. They can watch a thing in the water, and they can see colors, too. They can also see in dark places.A dolphin's hearing is better than their sight. There are small holes behind the eyes, and they are the ears of a dolphin. Dolphins can hear a sound underwater. They can know the direction of the sound very well.https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/DolphinAfter read the text find the meanings of these word-pharases!Toothed whales : ____________________________________________________Salt water : ____________________________________________________Intelligent mammals : ____________________________________________________Fight off predators : ____________________________________________________Large shark : ____________________________________________________Hunt for food : ____________________________________________________Keep one eye open : ____________________________________________________Human brain : ____________________________________________________Eyesight : ____________________________________________________Dark places : ____________________________________________________​


toothed whales: Paus bergigi

salt water: air garam

intelligent mammals: mamalia pintar/cerdas

fight off predators: melawan pemangsa

large shark: hiu besar

hunt for food: berburu makanan

keep on eye open: tetap membuka satu mata

human brain: otak manusia

eyesight: penglihatan

dark places: tempat yang gelap

semoga membantu

6. kak tolong bntuin dong kak plis​ kk. text:Dolphins are mammals in the order Cetacea. They are part of the toothed whales. Generally, they are among the smaller whales. Most live in salt water oceans, but some live in rivers – there are oceanic dolphins and river dolphins. Dolphins are from 1.5 to 4 metres (4.5 ft to 13 ft) long. The Killer whale is the largest of the group, and can be about 8 metres (26 ft).The name 'dolphin' comes from the Ancient Greek δελφίς (delphis) meaning "with a womb", because it was first thought to be a fish with a womb. It is now known to be a mammal, and quite an intelligent mammal. Dolphins breathe air. A dolphin's nose is on top of its head so the dolphin can easily breathe on the surface of the water. The skin of a dolphin has no scales. It is soft and smooth. However, it is very firm, due to how much muscle they have. Dolphins use echolocation to find their food.Dolphins swim in 'pods'; a very large pod is called a herd. They are very social and help each other fight off predators. Dolphins have fought off sharks in this way. They can kill large sharks by ramming them over and over again with their snouts and heads. They look after the young when the mothers that need to leave their calves to hunt for food. The young need to breathe more often than the adults, and the food may be in deeper waters.Oceanic dolphins are marine animals living in the sea. They live in all of the oceans. Three of the four species of river dolphins live in fresh water rivers. The La Plata Dolphin lives in saltwater estuaries and the ocean. Water pollution and the loss of habitat are a threat to some dolphins, especially those living in rivers and estuaries.Dolphins do not sleep in a normal way. They have two sides of their brain, which they use to sleep. One side sleeps, while the other side stays awake. They will keep one eye open to watch for predators while they sleep.Dolphins (and other cetaceans) sleep in the water.[1] There is danger from sharks.[2] While sleeping in water, the animals go through different stages of sleep. They do some behaviours during sleep: they come to the surface occasionally to breathe, and they have an eye open most of the time.[1] The details vary in different species or groups. Predator detection is the obvious function of this behaviour. Similar adaptations are found in pinnipeds like seals.[1]The brain of a dolphin is like a human brain in size and development. Dolphins have reasonable eyesight. They can watch a thing in the water, and they can see colors, too. They can also see in dark places.A dolphin's hearing is better than their sight. There are small holes behind the eyes, and they are the ears of a dolphin. Dolphins can hear a sound underwater. They can know the direction of the sound very well.












7. 3. Teks berikut termasuk teks nonfiksi jenis ... Diego Armando Maradona merupakan pemain sepak bola asal Argentina. la lahir pada 30 Oktober 1960. la mendapat julukan “Tangan Tuhan" karena gol yang ia cetak pada Piala Dunia 1986 ketika melawan Inggris. Maradona merupakan pemain sepak bola berbakat. Setelah pensiun sebagai pemain, ia berkarir sebagai pelatih tim sepak bola. Beberapa yang pernah ia latih antara lain tim nasional Argentina, klub bola Al Wasl, Textil Mandiyu, Dorados, Racing Club, dan Fujairah. Sampai saat kematiannya pada 25 November 2020, ia menjabat sebagai pelatih tim Gimnasia La Plata.​


Maradona memulai debutnya bersama Argentina pada usia 16 tahun melawan Hongaria pada 27 Februari 1977. Pada usia 18 tahun Maradona berpartisipasi dalam Piala Dunia Junior yang diselenggarakan di Jepang, di mana Argentina sempat berhadapan dengan Indonesia dengan hasil 5-0. Maradona mencetak 2 gol bersama Ramón Díaz yang mencetak hattrick.

Maaf jika salah, semoga bermanfaat


8. 43. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!A And lots of posters on my bedroom wallB. I've got a football shirt, a scarf, a wallet and abackpackC He is a top goal scorer.D. I've also got photos of some players on mycameraE. I'm from Mar del Plata in Argentina.F. Messi is my favourite player.G. We've got a great football team here. mohon arti kan​


43. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!

(Susunlah kalimat berikut menjadi sebuah paragraf yang baik)

A And lots of posters on my bedroom wall

(Dan banyak poster di dinding kamarku)

B. I've got a football shirt, a scarf, a wallet and a backpack

(Aku punya sebuah kaos sepakbola, sebuah syal, sebuah dompet dan sebuah ransel)

C He is a top goal scorer.

(Dia adalah pencetak gol teratas)

D. I've also got photos of some players on my


(Aku juga mendapatkan foto-foto dari beberapa pemain di kameraku)

E. I'm from Mar del Plata in Argentina.

(Aku dari Mar del Plata di Argentina)

F. Messi is my favourite player.

(Messi adalah pemain favoritku)

G. We've got a great football team here.

(Kami memiliki tim sepak bola yang hebat di sini)

9. Biografi Singkat Maradona Diego Armando Maradona merupakan pemain sepak bola asal Argentina. Ia lahir pada 30 Oktober 1960. Ia mendapat julukan “Tangan Tuhan” karena gol yang ia cetak pada Piala Dunia 1986 ketika melawan Inggris. Maradona merupakan pemain sepak bola berbakat. Setelah pensiun sebagai pemain, ia berkarir sebagai pelatih tim sepak bola. Beberapa yang pernah ia latih antara lain tim nasional Argentina, klub bola Al Wasl, Textil Mandiyu, Dorados, Racing Club, dan Fujairah. Sampai saat kematiannya pada 25 November 2020, ia menjabat sebagai pelatih tim Gimnasia La Plata..... Berdasarkan teks, bagaimanakah karakter unggul tokoh biografi tersebut?​

Jawaban :

Maradona memulai debutnya bersama Argentina pada usia 16 tahun melawan Hongaria pada 27 Februari 1977. Pada usia 18 tahun Maradona berpartisipasi dalam Piala Dunia Junior yang diselenggarakan di Jepang, di mana Argentina sempat berhadapan dengan Indonesia dengan hasil 5-0. Maradona mencetak 2 gol bersama Ramón Díaz yang mencetak hattrick.

10. No.B. Inggris,Date 03-ogr 2020choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, ord the text forquestions no 1-4Last Week Valerie and her friends from sme PerdamaianSuralaya, karned how to make donuts in Ring Master.Donuts and coppe at Tunjungan Plata, surabaya.first, they listened to the story of Mister Rings, thebater, and soon the had a trip to the kitchen. The bakershowed them how to shope the donuts, to restore tofry and add the donuts with various kinds oftopping and fillingfinally the students had their chance to make their owndonuts the kaker only gave each them a plece of Yellowdough and some flour Amating ly, the students couldMake their own donuts1. Where did the students go last week?a) to SMP Perdamaian Surabaya6) To Vakne's PlazaTo Mister Ringodi To Ting Master Donuts Coffea2) Why did the Visif there3)which of the followings are the things done by the students 4)dis master ringo give the student any donutstolong dijawab kak besok di kumpul ​


1. ring master

2. to learn how to make donuts

3. mana pilihannya?

4. yes

11. martiniqueGreenlandRupert LandNORTHNewfoundlandAMERICANova SootiaLouisianaColonies-Bermuda NeSpanish FloridaSpainArfantic*BahamasOceanCubaPuerto RicoJamaics HaitiBritishHonduras"BarbadosDutoh GuianaFrench GuianaGranada-EquatorGalapagosIslandsSOUTHAMERICAPeruPacificBrazilPenuLa PlatadiodBritishDanishDutohFrenchPortugueseRussianSpanish​


ini pelajaran apa ya? kok aneh Bukannya soal arab

12. kk tolong bantuin dong kak pliss.Dolphins are mammals in the order Cetacea. They are part of the toothed whales. Generally, they are among the smaller whales. Most live in salt water oceans, but some live in rivers – there are oceanic dolphins and river dolphins. Dolphins are from 1.5 to 4 metres (4.5 ft to 13 ft) long. The Killer whale is the largest of the group, and can be about 8 metres (26 ft).The name 'dolphin' comes from the Ancient Greek δελφίς (delphis) meaning "with a womb", because it was first thought to be a fish with a womb. It is now known to be a mammal, and quite an intelligent mammal. Dolphins breathe air. A dolphin's nose is on top of its head so the dolphin can easily breathe on the surface of the water. The skin of a dolphin has no scales. It is soft and smooth. However, it is very firm, due to how much muscle they have. Dolphins use echolocation to find their food.Dolphins swim in 'pods'; a very large pod is called a herd. They are very social and help each other fight off predators. Dolphins have fought off sharks in this way. They can kill large sharks by ramming them over and over again with their snouts and heads. They look after the young when the mothers that need to leave their calves to hunt for food. The young need to breathe more often than the adults, and the food may be in deeper waters.Oceanic dolphins are marine animals living in the sea. They live in all of the oceans. Three of the four species of river dolphins live in fresh water rivers. The La Plata Dolphin lives in saltwater estuaries and the ocean. Water pollution and the loss of habitat are a threat to some dolphins, especially those living in rivers and estuaries.Dolphins do not sleep in a normal way. They have two sides of their brain, which they use to sleep. One side sleeps, while the other side stays awake. They will keep one eye open to watch for predators while they sleep.Dolphins (and other cetaceans) sleep in the water.[1] There is danger from sharks.[2] While sleeping in water, the animals go through different stages of sleep. They do some behaviours during sleep: they come to the surface occasionally to breathe, and they have an eye open most of the time.[1] The details vary in different species or groups. Predator detection is the obvious function of this behaviour. Similar adaptations are found in pinnipeds like seals.[1]The brain of a dolphin is like a human brain in size and development. Dolphins have reasonable eyesight. They can watch a thing in the water, and they can see colors, too. They can also see in dark places.A dolphin's hearing is better than their sight. There are small holes behind the eyes, and they are the ears of a dolphin. Dolphins can hear a sound underwater. They can know the direction of the sound very well.•Reread the text to answer the next question!1.How many kinds of dolphins are there?mention them !2.Where can you find dolphins nose and dolphins ears?3.How do the dolphins kill sharks?4.why does a dolphin sleep with one eye opens?5.How is the dolphins brain like?6.How are the dolphins eyes while they are sleeping?7.How can dolphins see in dark places?8.Why don't dolphins sleep in a normal way?9.How is a dolphins hearing better than their sight?10.How do the young need to find food?pliss bantuin kak​


1. 3 kind of dolphins . Oceanic, Rivers , and The La Plata Dolphin lives in saltwater estuaries and the ocean.

2. Nose : On top of its head. Ears : Small holes behind the eyes.

3. Dolphins have fought off sharks in this way. They can kill large sharks by ramming them over and over again with their snouts and heads.

4. To watch for predators will come to them or not.

5. The brain of a dolphin is like a human brain in size and development.

6. They will keep one eye open.

7. Dolphins have reasonable eyesight. They can watch a thing in the water, and they can see colors, too. They can also see in dark places.

A dolphin's hearing is better than their sight.

8. Dolphins do not sleep in a normal way. They have two sides of their brain, which they use to sleep. One side sleeps, while the other side stays awake.

9. Dolphins have reasonable eyesight.

10. They look after the young when the mothers that need to leave their calves to hunt for food. The young need to breathe more often than the adults, and hunt the food may be in deeper waters.


Good Luck !

13. 43. Arrange thèše sentences into a good paragraph!A. And lots of posters on my bedroom wall.B. I've got a football shirt, a scarf, a wallet and abackpackC. He is a top goal scorer.D. I've also got photos of some players on mycamera.E. I'm from Mar del Plata in Argentina.F. Messi is my favourite player.G. We've got a great football team here.​


E. I'm from mar Del Plata ini Argentina.

G. we've got a great football team here

F. Messi is my favourite player

C. he is a top goal scorer

B. I've got a football shirt,a staf and backpack

D. I've also got photos of some Players on my camera

A. and lots of posters on my bedroom wall

14. Jelaskan yang dimaksud rift velley,plata,dan basin​


Great Rift Valley adalah sebuah fitur geografi dan geologi, yang panjangnya kira-kira 6.000 kilometer (3.700 mil), yang terbentang dari Suriah utara sampai Mozambik tengah di Afrika Timur. Nama lembah ini diberikan salah seorang pengelananya, John Walter Gregory.

plato (dataran tinggi) adalah dataran luas yang bergelombang dan berbukit-bukit dengan bagian atas yang rata, dibatasi tebing terjal, terletak pada ketinggian di atas 200 m, terbentuk akibat erosi dan sedimentasi.

Basin (lubuk laut) adalah relief permukaan bumi di dasar lautan yang merupakan hasil depresi geologi yang besar alami maupun buatan, yang terjadi di muka bumi yang berbentuk baskom, cekungan, lembah, atau lubuk.



15. 38. Simaklah teks berikut!Brasil boleh memiliki bomber andal semacam Neymar, Alexandre Pato, dan Robinhoketajaman mereka layak kembali dipertanyakan seusai terisingkir di perempat final Copa Amerika2011. Paraguay menghentikan kiprah tim samba melalui adu penalti di stadion Ciudad de la PlataArgentina, senin (18/7)Kesimpulan dari paragraf di atas adalahA. Brazil memliki bomber yang handalB. Ketajaman Brazil perlu dipertanyakanC. Brazil dikalahkan Paraguay lewat adu penaltiD. Brazil tersingkir di perempat final Copa Amerika​




karena walaupun Brazil punya bomber handal spt Neymar, Alexandre, dll namun ia tersingkir di final Copa Amerika, kemudian dihentikan Paraguay melalui adu penalti.

semoga membantu..

16. Bonjour Comment-allez vous? Aujourd'hui, je veux raconter mon expérience en allant dans divers lieux touristiques. Le premier lieu touristique que j'ai visite était Mar de Plata, un endroit célèbre pour ses belles plages surplombant l'océan Atlantique, où j'ai passé du temps à voyager avec mes parents. À Mar de Plata, j'ai acheté du Choripan qui est l'un des aliments typiques de l'Argentine, qui a la forme d'un hot-dog contenant du chorizo, généralement à base de porc. Puis le deuxième site touristique que j'ai visité était Mendoza, là j'ai fait diverses activités, à savoir je montais à cheval, pêchais et j'ai apprécié le beau paysage naturel, Mendoza était très agréable car les gens là-bas étaient très sympathiques, pour aller à cet endroit j'ai uti lisé le bus avec mon frère aîné, mon homme. Ensuite, le dernier endroit que j'ai visité était le Teatro Colon, ici il y a un bâtiment d'art qui affiche de nombreuses performances qui peuvent être vues ici allant de l'opéra, de la culture argentine et de beaux paysages autour du bâtiment. Il y a aussi un cinéma, un théâtre et des attractions culturelles locales uniques chaque semaine. Pour aller ici, ma famille et moi allons en voiture. Lorsque je me rends dans des lieux touristiques, j'apprécie de nombreux plats argentins tels que la provoleta à base de lait de vache et saupoudrée d'origan, et la boisson de spécialité est le maté, qui est une boisson à base de plantes à base de feuilles sèches broyées de l'arbre Yerba, et bien d'autres. Je pense que c'est assez merci d'avoir lu, à bientôt. tolong ubah kata-kata ini jadi present tense ya ka, mkaasih


Selamat pagi bagaimana kabarmu? Hari ini saya ingin menceritakan tentang pengalaman saya pergi ke berbagai tempat wisata. Tempat wisata pertama yang saya kunjungi adalah Mar de Plata, tempat yang terkenal dengan pantainya yang indah menghadap ke Samudera Atlantik, tempat saya menghabiskan waktu bepergian dengan orang tua saya. Di Mar de Plata, saya membeli Choripan yang merupakan salah satu makanan khas Argentina yang berbentuk seperti hot dog berisi chorizo, biasanya terbuat dari daging babi. Kemudian tempat wisata kedua yang saya kunjungi adalah Mendoza, disana saya melakukan berbagai kegiatan yaitu saya menunggang kuda, memancing dan menikmati pemandangan alam yang indah, Mendoza sangat bagus karena masyarakat disana sangat ramah, untuk menuju tempat ini saya menggunakan bus dengan kakak laki-laki saya, laki-laki saya. Kemudian tempat terakhir yang saya kunjungi adalah Teatro Colon, disini terdapat gedung seni yang menampilkan banyak pertunjukan yang bisa dilihat disini mulai dari opera, budaya Argentina dan pemandangan indah disekitar gedung. Ada juga bioskop, teater, dan atraksi budaya lokal yang unik setiap minggu. Untuk pergi ke sini, saya dan keluarga saya pergi dengan mobil. Ketika saya pergi ke tempat-tempat wisata, saya menikmati banyak hidangan Argentina seperti provoleta yang dibuat dengan susu sapi dan ditaburi oregano, dan minuman spesialnya adalah mate, yaitu minuman nabati dengan dasar daun kering pohon Yerba yang dihancurkan, dan banyak lainnya. Saya rasa cukup sekian terima kasih sudah membaca, sampai jumpa.


maaf kalau salah

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Apa Plata La Sticla De Sticla Apa Plata La Sticla De Sticla Reviewed by Romero on Juni 08, 2022 Rating: 5

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