Transformarea Fractiilor Ordinare In Fractii Zecimale Periodice Simple

Transformarea Fractiilor Ordinare In Fractii Zecimale Periodice Simple

1 Ani always red the book(active in simple present) .......................................(passive in simple present)2.We are in the tress now(active in simple) .............................................(passive in simple present​

Daftar Isi

1. 1 Ani always red the book(active in simple present) .......................................(passive in simple present)2.We are in the tress now(active in simple) .............................................(passive in simple present​


1:ani always read books

2:we are in trees now

2. make sentences with word "psychology" in simple present tense, simple past,and also in simple future form Kak tolong jawab buat sekarang


Simple Present : He studies psychology in the university.

Simple Past : When he was a student, he used to study psychology.

Simple Future : Joko will study psychology in university later this year.


3. make sentences with word "psychology" in simple present tense, simple past,and also in simple future form Jawab kak buat sekarang Terima kasih


I study psychology in University of Indonesia.

I studied psychology in University of Indonesia.

I will study psychol0gi in University of Indonesia

4. pengertian modal should in simple

Should is an auxiliary verb - a modal auxiliary verb. We use should mainly to:

give advice or make recommendations talk about obligation talk about probability and expectation express the conditional moodreplace a subjunctive structure Structure of should

The basic structure for should is:

subject+auxiliary verb
should+main verb

Note that:

The auxiliary verb should is invariable. There is only one form: shouldThe main verb is usually in the base form (He should go).

5. put the verb in the correct form (present simple ke past simple)​


is used

is heard

is made

are sent

was known

was invented

was born

was trained

was taught

was employed

was conducted

was conceived

was killed

was invented

was opened

was made

was turned

is turned

was granted

was finished

was caused

was switched

was sent

was supplied


maaf kalau salah

6. put the verb in brackets in simple past

1. were not
2. bought
3. was peter with you
4. did you phone
5. helped
6. left
7. had
8. met
9. wrote
10. broke
11. got
12. came

7. Example when in simple past

Contoh ketika di masa lalu yang sederhana

I remember falling off the bicycle, but a stranger helped me. He is very kind. I wish I had asked her for her number however that was 28 years ago.

8. simple English questions in 100

1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What's your hobby?
4. What is your favorite colour?
5. What is your favorite food?
6. What is your favorite pet?
7. Can you swim?
8. Are you hungry?
9. Are you thirsty?
10. What is your favorite drink?
11. What is your favorite book?
12. Do you have any pet?
13. Do you like playing? computer games?
14. Do you like a dog?
15. What is your favorite channel?
16. What is your favorite song?
17. Where is your mother?
18. Do you have any brother or sister?
19. Where is your dad?
20. Do you have sleeping bed?
21. What is your favorite cartoon?
22. Do you sleep with your mom?
23. Can you play basketball?
24. Who is your favorite basketball player?
25. Who is your favorite football player?
26. How often do you play it?
27. What kind of sports do you like?
28. What is your favorite badminton player?
29. How much is it?
30. What time is it?
31. Did you stay at home last night?
32. Did you study now?
33. Are you sick?
34. Were you at home last night?
35. Where was the party?
36. Whose party was it?
37. Was it great?
38. Have you been to Jakarta?
39. Have you traveled by plane?
40. Have you drink wine?
41. Have you ever got 100 on English?
42. Have you ever cooked your own meals?
43. What are you going to do this weekend?
43. What are you going to this holiday
44. What are you going to see?
45. What are you going going to do on Sunday?
46. What are you doing?
47. What colour are you going to paint?
48. Can you make tea?
49. Can you make coffee
50. Where is the tea?
51. Have you an appointment?
52. May I help you?
53. What size does you wear?
54. Would he like a style?
55. What about these?
56. Do you have anything cheaper?
57. Why don't you look on the first floor?
58. What season was it?
59. Where did they meet?
60. Where is my book?
61. Where is your homework?
62. Where is my pencil?
63. Are this book interesting?
64. Can you speak English?
65. Can you speak Mandarin?
66.Can you write with left hand?
67. Do you have any apples?
68. What time do you usually wake up?
69. What time do you have English course?
70. Do you have any correction pen?
71.Can you sing?
72. Do you have any phone?
73. Do you have bbm?
74. Where is the cat?
75. What about that?
76. What is the theme?
77. How about the lesson?
78. Are you happy?
79. How much did you buy?
80. What time do you have lunch?
81. Do you have any money?
82. Do you ever see toy Story 1,2,3?
83. Can you play musical instrument?
84. Do you know about Indonesia cultures?
85. Do you ever snorkeling in the sea
86. Are you sad?
87. Do you ever see old French film
88. Do you ever play monopoly?
89. Are you cheating?
90. When do you want to go to Mia's house?
91. What is your favorite fast food?
92. What is your favorite place?
93. Do you have any blanket?
94. Do you have any sofa? 95. Why do you left me?
96. Who is he?
97. Why you going to Jogja?
98. Are you jail?
99. Where is her house?
100. Why you just kick my bike?

9. Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris dengan ketentuan dibawah ini !!1. Kita bergotong royong membuat rumah *aktive voice in simple present tense =*passive voice in simple present tense =2. Aku dan ibu sedang memasak di dapur*Aktive voice in simple present tense =*passive voice in simple present tense =​


1. Active voice= We cooperate to make house

atau = we make house together

Passive voice= A house is made together by us

2. Active: I and mom are cooking in kitchen

Passive: Kitchen is being used to cook by i and mom


kalimat Aktif= Subject+ Predicate+ Object

Kalimat Pasif= Object + tobe + V3 (Predicate) + By Subject

Saya jawab semampu saya ya, semoga bermanfaat, semangat dan sukses ya

10. If there is no verb in Simple Present Tense, What will be used in Simple Present Tense?


to be (is,am,are)

contoh : saya di sekolah

i amat school

11. Write simple sentences in paragraph


I really don't like Oreos. I know that a lot of people would jump on me for that. It's just that they seem a bit overhyped to me. They are also very crumbly and messy. I eat Thin Mints instead.


12. make sentences :1. 5 sentences in simple present.2. 5 sentences in simple present using adverb of frequency.3. 5 sentences in simple present using can.

1. I eat banana
She cooks noodle
I go to school
They do the homework
Dad drinks coffee
2. I always take a bath in the morning
I often go to school by bus
He usually goes to work
That guy sometimes feel bored
My mom hardly ever at home
3. I can do this
I can't play with you
I'm sure she can do the best
I'm sorry i can't hear you
Can i borrow your pen please?

Semoga membantu, SELAMAT BELAJAR :)

13. simple dialogue ability and in ability

kemampuan dialog sederhana dan sederhana

14. d. Work in pairs. Fill in the blanks with the words given. use simple present or simple past in passive form​



d. Work in pairs. Fill in the blanks with the words given. use simple present or simple past in passive form​


Pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing pusing

15. Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris dengan ketentunan dibawah ini1. Kita bergotong royong membuat rumah *aktive voice in simple present tense =*passive voice in simple present tense =2. Aku dan ibu sedang memasak di dapur*Aktive voice in simple present tense =*passive voice in simple present tense =​


1. We work together to build a house

* active voice in simple present tense =

* passive voice in simple present tense =

2. Mother and I are cooking in the kitchen

* Active voice in simple present tense =


gini bukan si maaf kalo salah

16. Which of tenses that used in descriptive text? *2 poinSimple FutureSimple PastSimple Past ContinuousSimple Present ContinuousSimple Present​


soalnya mna hyungg?



17. write the sentences in past simple​


2. The old lady/ carry/ heavy bags/ yesterday morning

(+) The old lady carried heavy bags yesterday morning

(- ) The old lady didn't carry heavy bags yesterday morning

(?) Did the old lady carry heavy bags yesterday morning?

3. Darel/ send/ four e-mails/ to Wahyu/ last night

(+) Darel sent four e-mails to Wahyu last night

(- ) Darel didn't send four e-mails to Wahyu last night

(?) Did Darel send four e-mails to Wahyu last night?

4. Meli/ do/ her homework/ last weekend

(+) Meli did her homework last weekend

(- ) Meli didn't do her homework last weekend

(?) Did Meli do her homework last weekend?

5. The film/ end/ very late/ at midnight

(+) The film ended very late at midnight

(- ) The film didn't end very late at midnight

(?) Did the film end very late at midnight?


semoga membantu, mohon maaf jika ada kata-kata dan jawaban yang salah

18. Make sentences using simple past, simple present, and simple future in positive, negative, question form​

Simple Past tense:

(+) She baked a cookies yesterday

(-) She didn't bake a cookies yesterday

(?) Did she bake a cookies yesterday?

Simple Present tense:

(+) My mother reads book every morning

(-) My mother doesn't read book every morning

(?) Does my mother read book every morning?

Simpel Future tense:

(+) I will go to school tomorrow

(-) I will not go to school tomorrow

(?) Will i go to school tomorrow?


Rumus Simple Past tense:

(+) Subjek + Verb 2 + Objek

(-) Subjek + did + not + verb 1 + objek

(?) Did + subjek + verb 1 + objek + ?

Rumus Simple Present Tense:

(+) Subjek + verb 1 (s/es) + objek

(-) Subjek + do/does + not + verb 1 + objek

(?) Do/does + subjek + verb 1 + objek + ?

Rumus Simple Future Tense:

(+) Subjek + will + verb 1 + objek

(-) Subjek + will + not + verb 1 + objek

(?) Will + subjek + verb 1 + objek + ?

semoga membantu ya

jadikan jawaban terbaik yh plis :)



(+) She eats the fried noodle every Sunday

(-) She doesn't eat the fried noodle every Sunday

(?) Does she eat the fried noodle eveey Sunday


(+) She went to Paris last year

(-) She didn't go to Paris last year

(?) Did she go to Paris last year ?


(+) She will go to the library next week

(-) She will not go to the library next week

(?) Will she go to the library next week?











(?) DID+S+VERB1+C ?





(?) WILL+S+VERB1+C ?


19. make sentences :1. 5 sentences in simple present.2. 5 sentences in simple present using adverb of frequency.3. 5 sentences in simple present using can.

sentences in simple present tense :
The sun rises from the east.
I usually go shopping every week.
My mother's name is Tika.
Cats are mammals.
Goats eat grass.
The sky is blue.
Tigers are carnivore.
The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM.

sentences in simple present using adverb of frequency.
I always visit my grandparents on Sunday afternoons.
She often watches TV on weekends. 
I am never busy on Monday mornings. 
They usually go to the club on Saturdays. 
I sometimes go to work by car.

sentences in simple present using can:
I can drive you to Jakarta.
She can make a toast.
We can speak English.
You can sing
I can play ping-pong.

Ok. semoga membantu dan semoga dijadikan jawaban terbaik ya terima kasih :) oops thank you haha :D
1. Simple present tense
formula : S + Tobe / Verb I + O/C
I am a student in Budi Mulia Senior High School
My Mother gives me something before i departed
My brother makes me some cookies just now
I love rain alot
You can make any sentences you want as long as you know the formula

2.Simple present tense ( + adverb of frequency)
the formula's just the same as the first.
I wear this uniform two times a week
The sun rises brightly every morning
the teacher makes me write lines thousands times for detention
I teach the biology class 3 times a day in this school
My mother forces me to eat my meal 3 times a day

3. Simple present tense (+ can)
the formula's just the same
I can wear this sweeter like forever
You can make friends with anybody around the world using the social media
mother say, she can makes me the delicious muffins anytime i want. I love you, Mom
The man in charge in my house, that my Father actually can clean up all the cakes him self.
I can write a thousands more sentences like this, but it feels kind of pathetic. :D


20. verb 2(simple past) kata "in" apa? ​


Tidak ada karena in adalah preposition yang berfungsi menunjukkan hubungan antara objeknya dengan bagian lain di dalam kalimat.


Contoh: I am studying English in library right now




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Transformarea Fractiilor Ordinare In Fractii Zecimale Periodice Simple Transformarea Fractiilor Ordinare In Fractii Zecimale Periodice Simple Reviewed by Romero on Mei 03, 2022 Rating: 5

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