Exercice Anglais A An Ou Article Zero

Exercice Anglais A An Ou Article Zero

Kenapa kita menggunakan zero article di 'at night'dan 'by night'?

Daftar Isi

1. Kenapa kita menggunakan zero article di 'at night'dan 'by night'?

Karena "at night" dan "by night" adalah noun yang bisa berdiri sendiri tanpa adanya article a/an/the

2. Tolong jwb pliss Materi definite, indefinite and zero article ​


1. A

2. The

3. A

4.tanpa a


6 tanpa a


8. The










maaf kalau salah ya

3. apa pengertian dari article a dan an​


penggunaan a untuk satu benda yang kalimat berikutnya berawalan huruf mati ( B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, dsbg )

Contoh =

Its a Bowl He is a Human

2.Penggunaan an untuk satu benda yang kalimat berikutnya berawanan huruf hidup ( A, I, U, E, O )

Contoh =

Its an Owl He is an Alien


Memilih antara article “a” atau “an” sangat tergantung pada kata yang didahuluinya. Jika diletakkan sebelum sebuah kata yang diawali konsonan  dan tidak dibaca silent , maka bentuk “an” lah yang digunakan. Jika kata benda yang didahului article ini diawali huruf vokal atau konsonan yang silent atau hilang, maka kita gunakan “an”.

“A” biasanya digunakan sebelum kata benda yang berawalan huruf konsonan

“An” digunakan jika berhadapan dengan kata berawalan huruf vokal

Maaf Kalau Salah


4. Penjelasan article a an the


In the explanation


"A" is an article used when mentioning something (one object) for the first time, and for objects that start with consonants.

"The" is an article used when mentioning the same thing for the second time, third time, and so on

ex: There is a tree in my garden, the tree makes my garden look nice.

"An" has the same function as "a", but it can only be used for objects that start with vowels (a i u e o)

ex: The farmer in my village bought an ox.

"a" and "an" mustn't be used for plurals, except if the plurals are collective nouns.

ex: A flock of birds, a parliament of owls.

5. 1. What does a plural noun represent? * a. More than one thing b. One thing c. Explain the noun d. Can be counted 2. The words are the plural nouns, except....... * a. list b. friends c. shoes d. trees e. girls 3. Cindy recommended .... good dentist, but ....dentist doesn't have any opening for two months * a. An - the b. A - An c. A - the d. The - A 4. A: Oh no, where is it? You: don't worry, ..... Is in my pocket. * a. An b. A c. The d. Zero article 5. Rosy doesn't have ..... useful item that I need at her desk. * a. An b. A c. The d. Zero article 6. What are the 2 nouns in the following sentence:Trees can grow to be very tall plants. * a. grow & tall b. very & tall c. grow & plants d. trees & plants 7. .... Answer. * a. An b. A c. The d. Zero article 8. .... Web site * a. An b. A c. The d. Zero article​​


1. A

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. D

8. B



6. Contoh penggunaan article a dan an





A/an memiliki arti yang sama, hanya saja penggunaannya berbeda.

Kata "A" digunakan untuk benda yang apabila di ucapkan, maka kata nya berawalan huruf mati. Contoh :

A Giraffe => Yang mana kata "GIRAFFE" disini ketika di baca berbunyi "Jiref" yang mana berawalan huruf mati yaitu "J".

Contoh lain :

A university => university (dibaca yuniversiti)

A bird

A cat

A Lion, etc

Sedangkan kata "AN" digunakan untuk benda yang apabila di ucapkan, maka kata nya berawalan huruf hidup (A,I,U,E,O). Contoh :

An Umbrella => Yang mana kata "Umbrella" disini ketika dibaca berbunyi "Ambrella" yang mana berawalan huruf hidup yaitu "A".

Contoh lain :

An hour => Hour (dibaca awe:r)

An egg

An apple

Jadi ingat yah.. Bukan tulisannya melainkan pengucapannya. Jadi jika kata benda saat di ucap menggunakan awalan huruf mati maka gunakan article "a", sedangkan jika saat di ucap berawalan huruf hidup maka gunakan "an"

7. Fill in the blank with the suitable article a, an, or without article

kak, kok soalnya gaada? aku gabisa jawabb

8. fill on the blanks with the suitable article a , an, or without article​


11. a solution

12. an american car

13. a european model

14. a unique style

15. an antique type

16. a dynamos

17. an explosive matterial

18. an ion

19. an atomic age

20. a funnels


meskipun huruf depan dari kalimat tersebut adalah vokal, jika cara membacanya menggunakan konsonan seperti unique dibaca Yuniq maka kita harus menggunakan "a" bukan "an"

9. Write and give20 example for article a20 example for article an​




a ruler

a car

a paper

a bag

a jar

a pen

a pencil

a glass

a shirt

a pan

a banana

a grape

a handphone

a headset

a motorcycle

a bike

a lamp

a dasboard

a troly

a cookies

a fan

a worm

a dog

a cat

a children

an apple

an air conditioner

an owl

an elephant

an arrow

an elf

an ink

an egg

an orphan

an idiot

an hour

an honor

an honest

an orrange

an umbrella

an invitation

an actor

an eagle

an ambulance

semoga semoga membantu dan jangan lupa untuk meletakkan bintang jaddiin jawaban tercerdas ya


a pen.a pencil.a glasses.a glass of water.a book.a shirt. a pencil case.a cupboard.a mobile phone.a uniform.a school.a pillow.a door.a window.a lamp.a plate.a spoon.a fork.a bowl.a table

an apple.an umbrella.an eraser.an elephant.an ant.an eagle.an ostrich.an orange.an hour.an owl.an exam.an idea.an old woman.an honest girl.an empty room.an angry man.an easy task.an alligator.an uncle.an aunt.an honor

10. contoh soal penggunaan article a an dan the

an apple is being eaten by me

the apple is being eaten by me\

sorry kalau salah 

11. penggunaan a/an/the dalam article






6.an1.i have "an" idea. let's go on "the" pichnic saturday.

2.did you have fun at "the" pichnic yesterday?

3.you'd better have "a" good reason for being late!

4.did you think "the" reason jack gave for being late. was believable?

5.it's in "a" washing machine. you'll have to wear "a" different shirt.

6.i wish we had "a" washing machine.

12. 1. What does a plural noun represent? * a. More than one thing b. One thing c. Explain the noun d. Can be counted 2. The words are the plural nouns, except....... * a. list b. friends c. shoes d. trees e. girls 3. Cindy recommended .... good dentist, but ....dentist doesn't have any opening for two months * a. An - the b. A - An c. A - the d. The - A 4. A: Oh no, where is it? You: don't worry, ..... Is in my pocket. * a. An b. A c. The d. Zero article 5. Rosy doesn't have ..... useful item that I need at her desk. * a. An b. A c. The d. Zero article 6. What are the 2 nouns in the following sentence:Trees can grow to be very tall plants. * a. grow & tall b. very & tall c. grow & plants d. trees & plants 7. .... Answer. * a. An b. A c. The d. Zero article 8. .... Web site * a. An b. A c. The d. Zero article​


1. A

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. B



13. Lengkapi dengan article a/an yang sesuai


1)an orange

2)an apple

3)an umbrella

4)a rabbit

5)a bus

6)an university

7)a desk

8)an elephant

9)a sheep

10)a lemon

11)an egg

12)an uniform

13)an igloo

14)a giraffe

15)a banana

16)an uncle

17)a flower

18)an ear

19)a bear

20)a ring

21)an arm

22)a farmer

23)an eye

24)an eraser


Untuk kata yang diawali huruf a,i,u,e,o maka digunakan an. Sedangkan untuk kata yang diawali huruf mati menggunakan a.

Maaf kalau ada yg salah semoga membantu

14. fill on the blanks with the suitable article a , an, or without article​

1. a

2. a

3. an

4. a

5. a

6. a

7. a

8. an

9. a

10. a

*a digunakan untuk kata-kata yang diawali dengan suara konsonan, an digunakan untuk kata-kata yang diawali dengan vowel (a, i, u, e, o)


1. a

2. a

3. an

4. ((Without article)) alias principles only

5. a

6. a

7. a

8. an

9. a

10. a


15. isi bagian yang kosong dengan article a, an, atau the​


1. the

2. a

3. the

4. an

5. a

6. the

7. a dog , a cat. The dog , the cat

8. a , the

9. the

10. the

11. the

12. the

13. the

14. the

15. an


A,I,U,E,O —> AN

Sisa dari huruf an itu pakai —> A

The digunakan jika ad v2 di kalimatnya, dan juga harus nyambung dgn kalimatnya.

smg membantu


1. "The" presents...

2. "A" feeling...

3. "The" car...

4. "An" opera singer

5. "A" waitress

6. "The" books...

7. "A" dog and "a" cat. "The" dog is big and "the" cat is small

8. "A" new album. "The" album...

9. "The" restaurant...

10. "The" prime minister...

11. "The" biggest problem...

12. "The" best

13. "The" window

14. "The" cd...

15. "The" old coin...


Dalam memasukkan kata artikel dalam kalimat harus diamati dari obyek yang disasarkan apabila obyek:

→ Obyek hanya satu gunakan: "a/an"

→ Obyek lebih dari satu gunakan: "the"

→ Obyek yang dimaksud (baik satu/lebih) gunakan: "the"

Untuk artikel a/an memiliki ketentuan:

→ "an" digunakan untuk kata yang berawalan huruf vokal (a/i/u/e/o) dan huruf konsonan yang dibaca vokal

→ "a" digunakan untuk kata yang berawalan huruf konsonan (huruf mati)

Kita ambil contoh:

→ I am "an" opera singer

Karena 'opera' merupakan huruf awalan vokal dengan obyek memiliki status maka artikelnya adalah "an"

→ She is "a" waitress

Karena 'waitress' merupakan huruf awalan konsonan dan obyek tidak merupakan sasaran maka artikelnya "a"

→ Dan fixed "the" car

Karena obyek yang dimaksud dari Dan maka gunakan artikel "the"

→ "the" books seem like they're going to fall

Karena obyek berupa lebih dari satu maka gunakan artikel "the"

Semoga dapat membantu ya...

16. apa ejaan dari door.a. di/ou/ou/elb. di/ou/ou/arc.di/ai/ou/ar​


B. di/ou/ou/ar

maapkeun kalo salah hehe

17. II. Articles (a-an-the-zero) Choose the right answer! My little brother has ____ new toy * A An The No/Zero 2. We need _____ uniform every Monday * A An The No/Zero My dad always brings ____ laptop in his old bag * A An The No/Zero ____ fire is very dangerous for everyone * A An The No/Zero They will have ____ orange cake before lunch * A An The No/Zero Tom found ____ mystery box under the old bridge. _____ box was made from metal * A - a A – the The - a No - the I believe that we’ll get _____ best in life if we do the right things * A An The No/Zero People have kept _____ cats as pets for thousand years * A An The No/Zero We really need to drink fresh _____water everyday * A An The No/Zero I didn’t have ____ cars. So I walked everywhere * A An The No/Zero Yesterday I saw _____ unhappy boy sat in class alone * A An The No/Zero This is _____ really expensive _____ food * A – a A – no The – a No - No I have met many ____ people in life * A An The No/Zero I ate ____ piece of pizzas. _____ pizza was really delicious * A – the The – a The – the A - Zero Sasa has _____ new magic trick * A An The No/Zero


a new toy

the uniform

a laptop

the fire

orange cake

a mystery box - the box

the best





a really expensive food


a piece of pizzas. the pizza

a new magic trick

18. Peux-je, écouter la musique?-oui, écoute-la-non, ne l'écoute pas !1. Je fais ces exercices aujourd'hui ?-oui,.......-non,.......2. Je preépare le repas maintenant ?-oui,.....-non,......3. Je laisse ta veste sur le feuteuil ?-oui,....-non,....4. Nous devons lire cet article ?-oui,....-non,....​



-Oui, je pratique

- Non, je ne pratique pas !


-Oui, je l'ai préparé !

-Non, je n'ai pas préparé


- Oui, laisse-le là !

-Non, mets-le ailleurs !


-Oui, nous devrions lire

-Non, c'est pour quoi ça !?



19. Choose the correct article: a, an, the, or x (no article)​


I bought a pair of shoes.I saw a movie last night.They are staying at a hotel.Look at the woman over there! She is a famous actress.I do not like x basketball.That is the girl I told you about.The night is quiet. Let's take a walk!The price of gas keeps rising.John traveled to x Mexico.Juan is x Spanish.I read an amazing story yesterday.My brother doesn't eat x chicken.x Love is such a beautiful thing.I live in an apartment. The apartment is new.I would like a piece of cake.


"a" biasanya digunakan sebelum kata benda yang berawalan huruf konsonan. Sedangkan "an" digunakan jika berhadapan dengan kata berawalan huruf vokal (a, e, i, o, u). Kata "the" dalam istilah bahasa Inggris disebut dengan ‘definite article’. Biasanya artikel "the" digunakan untuk menunjukkan kata benda (noun) yang spesifik dalam bentuk singular ataupun plural.

20. fill in the blanks with the suitable article a, an, or without article.​

A thermostat, a wire, an appliance, a principles, a soap, a chamber, a cooking-pot, an automatic knob, a metal filler, a mixture, a solutions, an american car, an europan model, a unique style, an antique type, a dynamon, an explosive matter, an ion, an atomic age, a funnels

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Exercice Anglais A An Ou Article Zero Exercice Anglais A An Ou Article Zero Reviewed by Romero on Mei 19, 2022 Rating: 5

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