Ariettes Oubliées Verlaine Analyse

Ariettes Oubliées Verlaine Analyse

observe the letter below then analyse its structure!

Daftar Isi

1. observe the letter below then analyse its structure!

1) Address (Alamat) : Place where you are writing from (Top right / Diatas kanan)
-Tempat dimana kamu menulis surat atau alamat penulis

2) Date (Tanggal) : Date when the letter is written ( Top left / Diatas kiri)
- Tanggal menunjukan kapan surat ditulis

3) Salutation & Name (Salam & Nama) : Greeting & the person name's you are writing to
- Menuliskan salam pembuka & nama penerima surat.
- (Biasanya ditulis ,"Dear... " , "Dearest.. " , "Sweetheart... " , "Darling..." , Dll)

4) Body (Isi surat) : The main part of the letter (bagian utama surat). It includes what you want to write to the other person.
- Isi / Inti surat.

5) Complimentary close (Salam penutup) : Short expression like "Love," "Sincerely yours," "Love you, "
- Berisi ungkapan pendek ( seperti diatas)

6) Signature : signatures or initials of the writer (Bisa diberi tanda tangan atau hanya nama penulisnya saja)
- Berisi tanda tangan atau nama penulis.

7) Proscript P.S (Nota bene) : Afterthought in the letter. You begin it with P.S & end it with your initials.
- Tambahan dari penulis setelah surat ditulis.

Semoga membantu :)

2. tolong buati explanation text tentang virus Corona beserta analyse


berita tentang corona dalam bhs inggris

3. *write an advertisement and then analyse the according ?​



Maaf kalau salah

4. explain why filtration could help analyse where a soil sample originally came from


Soil sample is for confirming the Soil Quality

Soil sample are gettable from Excavation Area

5. analyse the following sentences by completing the tableno 6 aja,tolong bantu​


Analyse the following sentences by completing the table.

6 . Subject: she

was/were + verb 3: was advised

(kolom ketiga): to retire from public speaking


Pada perintah soal di atas, diminta untuk menganalisis passive voice bentuk past tense.

Pada kalimat nomor 6, kalimat utamanya adalah

she was advised (by someone) to retire from public speaking.

Sehingga, subject-nya adalah she

was/were + verb 3 adalah was advised

Kolom ketiga adalah (by someone) to retire from public speaking.

kalimat "following a series of small strokes in 2002" merupakan keterangan waktu.

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi passive voice pada


6. Write a text of Descriptive text, and analyse the linguistic features of the text..!​


Indonesia is a country with abundant natural wealth from Sabang to Merauke. Indonesia's natural beauty is considered no one can match it in any country in the world.

Almost all natural charms are found in Indonesia, from land to sea. Therefore, it is not surprising that many foreign tourists are willing to come all the way to Indonesia to enjoy the natural beauty of the motherland.

In addition to the natural beauty that is presented, it turns out that in this beauty there are many hidden things that are rarely known, such as very rare and exotic flora and fauna. Indonesia's most famous nature in the eyes of the world is the beauty of its beaches that stretch from west to east.

The number of islands in Indonesia makes the wealth of the sea and beaches more colorful. In addition to the beach, the beauty of the underwater world is also the target of tourists to enter it and enjoy the underwater life in Indonesia.

Areas that have stunning beaches in Indonesia, the most famous are Manado, Bali, and Raja Ampat. Not only the beauty of the beach, Indonesia is a country with the largest forest coverage in the world. Therefore, Indonesia is called the lungs of the world, because 1⁄3 of the world's forests are in Indonesia.

The beauty of the forests in Indonesia does not need to be doubted, because the green expanse of trees makes the eyes seem hypnotized. In addition, many endemic animals and plants are hunted by tourists who only take pictures to capture the moment.

7. Please analyse Ed Sheeran song "PHOTOGRAPHS" please help me


Photograph is a song recorded by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran for his second studio album, 2014. Sheeran wrote the song with Snow Patrol member, Johnny McDaid, who had a piano loop from which the composition developed. The lyrics to the song chronicle a long-distance relationship.[11] It contains detailed imagery such as the protagonist remembering his girlfriend kissing him "under the lamppost, back on 6th street" and keeping a picture of him "in the pocket of her ripped jeans".

8. analyse the descriptive text about butterflies above! use your own words

menganalisis desriptive text tentang kupu-kupu abuve! gunakan kata-kata anda sendiri

9. Please analyse the generic structure of the text above


Terjemahan:"Harap analisis struktur umum teks di atas"

Dimana gambar teks nya?


Generic structure of the text about Kartini is:


Every April 21 people in Indonesia commemorate the Kartini day. It is a beautiful day for the woman because we celebrate the birth of great lady R.A. Kartini. Everyone knows who Kartini is. She is our national heroine and a great lady with bright idea.


Kartini was born in 1979 April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her father was Rama Sosroningrat a Wedana (assistant of head of regency) in Mayong. Her mother, Ma Ngasirah was a girl from Teluk Awur village in Jepara as a daughter of a noble family, she felt luck because she got more than the ordinary people got. She got better education than other children. In November 12 1903 she married Adipati Djoyoningrat, the head of rembang regency. According to Javenese tradition Kartini had to follow her husband. Then she moved to Rembang  

In September 3 1904 she gave birth to her son. His name was Singgih. But after giving birth to a son, her condition was getting worse and she finally passed away on September 17 1904 on her 25 years old.


Now Kartini has gone, but her spirit and dream will always be in our heart. Nowadays Indonesian women progress is influenced by Kartini’s spirit stated on collection of letter “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang” or from the dusk to the dawn.

10. Analyse the information of the label by completing the following table.


A. Nancis Frozen Yogurt

B. In the refrigerator

C. 12-31-2020


Kasih Bintang 5 Kawan

11. Analyse the following or sentences below by completing the following columns

Salution greeting: Dear my lovely girl Illona,
The Body of letter: i wish we can soon possibly end our long distance relationship, i miss you so much, that i can bare this miss long enough just to meet you my love, i wish when i come back to paris, we can spent our time just by two of us walking aroud paris, have some good coffee, and some good night
Closing: Sincerely, your flappy bird of love
Signature: Affandi

12. Read these two conversations. Analyse the conversations and fill the table.


Conversation 1

Expresssion of congratulation that you find : "Well, Congratulations, my friend! That is fantastic!"

Reason for congratulating : "I heard you won the speech contest" Because David's friend (Ken) winning the speech contest

Future Plans : David said "I wish you success in next years's contest" and Ken answered "I hope so. i have to work hard for it". So the future plan of ken is winning another speech contest next year, but Ken must work hard for achieve it

Conversation 2

Expresssion of congratulation that you find : "I've just heard about your graduation. Congratulations, that's brilliant!"

Reason for congratulating : " I've just heard about your graduation. Congratulations, that's brilliant!" Because Sany has graduated from the school

Future Plans : Sany still don't know what he/she(?) gonna do for future, but Sany will decide it after holiday

13. Analyse the ing and find the messeges byond the lyrics dari lagu let it go


The song 'Let it go', which is the original soundtrack of the phenomenal animated movie, 'Frozen' has been popular among children, young adult and adult. Here are some -ing words in the lyric. 
- howling (as a verb for present continous)
- swirling (gerund)
- spiraling (as a verb for present continous)
- going (same as above)
The first three Ving is a quite descriptive word. 

The message beyond the song is that you need to embrace who you are along with your potential. Never mind about others say that you are not ideal or perfect as others see, but ideal in your own way. Such can be seen visually to get the meaning actually if you see the movie. This song was played in the full length for the first time at the scene where the older sister has been aware of her power to be the ice queen and start embracing herself as well as controlling it instead of being fear about it. 

Kelas: SMP
Mapel: English
Kategori: song intrepretation

14. in pairs, analyse the meanings of these correlative conjunctions in bahasa indonesia. ​

Correlative conjunctions always appear in pairs. They are used to link the equivalent sentence elements.  

1. Not only ... but also ...

Presents two related pieces of information: Menampilkan dua informasi yang berhubungan.

Sentence : She is not only beautiful but also smart.

2. Both ... and ...

Presents two related pieces of information: Menampilkan dua informasi yang berhubungan.

Sentence : Both My family and I will go vacation next week.

3. Either ... or ...

To indicate that there are only two options or that both of two options are acceptable or equivalent : Mengindikasikan bahwa hanya ada dua pilihan atau kedua pilihan tersebut diterima/sejajar.

Sentence: They like playing either badminton or football.

4. Neither ... nor ...

To talk about two or more things that are not true or that do not happen : Membicarakan tentang dua hal atau lebih yang tidak benar atau tidak terjadi.

Sentence: Her car is neither green nor brown.


1. You use Either .. or .. to connect similar structures, such as two verb phrases, two adjectives, two noun objects, etc.


I will see you either at home or in the coffee shop

You can either take a bus or drive  a motorcycle.

When a sentence has singular subjects and plural objects, verb follows the subject closest to the verb.


Either my family and I am going vacation next week

Either my father or my mother is coming to visit me.

2. You use Neither.. nor .. to connect similar structures.


Neither he nor she is coming to my party.

You are neither fat nor short.

When a sentence has singular subjects and plural objects, verb follows the subject closest to the verb.


Neither my sister nor her friends are speaking Japanese.

3. You use Not only.. but also .. to connect similar structures.


He is not only good looking but also friendly.

She not only cooked dishes but also cleaned the house.

When not only .. but also wants to connect two complete sentences,

Not only did she cook the dishes, but she also cleaned the house.

Not only is he good looking, but he is also friendly.

4. You use Both.. and .. to connect similar structures.

He play both soccer and tennis

He can both speak Japanese and Irish

When a sentence has singular subjects and plural objects, use plural verbs.


Both my sister and my brother are very kind

Both her family and she are attending the seminar.

Pelajari lebih lanjutCorrelative conjunctions correlative conjunctions


Detil jawaban

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Correlative conjunctions

Kode: 10.5.3

Kata Kunci: Correlative conjunction definition, Usage of Correlative conjunction, Both .. and .. Neither .. nor ..

15. 19.analyse the song lyrics according to the past tense and present tense​


Analisis lirik lagu sesuai dengan past tense dan present tense


16. 18. Analyse the following sentences by completing the table ​

2. Subject: Margaret Hilda Thatcher

Was/Were: Was described

Verb 3: As the greatest leader of the world in the 1990s

3. Subject: She

Was/Were: Was the only

Verb 3: Woman prime minister the UK had ever had

4. Subject: She

Was/Were: Was appointed

Verb 3: The Secretary of State for Education and Science

5. Subject: She

Was/Were: Was elected

Verb 3: Prime minister in 1979

Maaf kalau salah ya.

17. analyse the text structure above by completing the table

text dan tablenya mana mas

18. Please analyse the generic structure of the text above


Harap analisis struktur umum teks di atas


semoga membantu

19. analyse the descriptive text about butterflies above! use your own words! Identification................................... Description....................................

(translate sendiri)
Identification: kupu kupu merupakan serangga Yang visa terbang Yang dapat terbang dengan kecepatan 12 mile per jam Serra kupu kupu visa terbang Dalam jangka waktu Yang lama Ada Yang visa dari America sampai Mexico Tampa berhenti terbang
Sekian saja Yang visa saya Bantu trms ksh

20. Make a simple text, then analyse the coherence and cohesion !

yes,of course ,sir. when do you mean teacher lazy

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Ariettes Oubliées Verlaine Analyse Ariettes Oubliées Verlaine Analyse Reviewed by Romero on Mei 01, 2022 Rating: 5

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