Dissertation Princesse De Clèves Vertu

Dissertation Princesse De Clèves Vertu

Bagaimana simpulan anda mengenai ponsel Vertu?

Daftar Isi

1. Bagaimana simpulan anda mengenai ponsel Vertu?

Fungsinya sama saja, yang membuatanya mahal hanya karena diproduksi dalam jumlah terbatas dan design yg menarik.

2. Erika emo princesse fleur Cahya itu atinya apa

erika emo putri bunga cahya
Erika emo putri bunga cahya
Maap klow slh

3. QUIZ[tex]f(x) = \frac{10}{5} \times x + \frac{2}{1} - \frac{30}{15} + x \div \frac{40}{10} [/tex][tex]f(4) = [/tex]___Hanya orang "berduit/kaya raya" yang mampu membeli hp Vertu, harganya hampir 95 juta rupiah.​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]f(x) = \frac{10}{5} \times x + \frac{2}{1} - \frac{30}{15} + x \div \frac{40}{10} \\ f(4) = \frac{10}{5} \times 4 + \frac{2}{1} - \frac{30}{15} + 4 \div \frac{40}{10} \\ f(4) = (2 \times 4) +( 2 - 2 )+ (4 \div 4) \\ f(4) = 8 + 0 + 1 \\ f(4) = 8 + 1 \\ f(4) = 9[/tex]


Semoga Membantu[tex]\small \boxed {\tt \red {By : aalamir1966}}[/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

f(x)= 10/5 . x + 2/1 - 30/15 + x : 40/10

f(x) = (2 . x) + 2 - 2 + (x/4)

f(x) = 2x + x/4

f(x) = (8x + x)/4

f(x) = 9x/4

f(4) = 9(4)/4

f(4) = 9

4. TOLONG BANTU YA TEMAN TEMAN Dialogue A (A knock at the door) Gretchen: Good morning, Dr. Hampton. May I come in? Dr. Hampton: Good morning, Gretchen. Of course. How can I be of help? Gretchen: Well, it's not about school, Dr. Hampton. It's just that Alan and I wanted to have a few people over for a dinner party to celebrate finishing my dissertation, and we'd like to invite you especially since you're chairman. Would you be able to come the weekend after next, on Saturday? Dr. Hampton: I'd be delighted to, Gretchen. Saturday, did you say? Gretchen: If that's all right for you and Mrs. Hampton. Dr. Hampton: I'll have to check with Elizabeth, but I'm pretty sure 10 its'll be all right. Gretchen: Good. If you could come around six-thirty or seven o'clock, that would give us time to chat a while over a glass of wine before dinner. Dr. Hamton: That sounds fine. We'll be there around seven. Gretchen: That would be great! Oh, I'm so pleased that you and Mrs. Hampton will be able to make it! Dr. Hamton: Well, it should be fun. And you deserve it after all that hard work. But, say, Gretchen, will I have to start calling you Doctor Schmeltzer now? Gretchen: Of course not, Dr. Hampton! Dr. Hampton: Well, then can't you reciprocate by calling me, Henry? Gretchen: Of course, Dr... I mean Henry - but it'll take some getting used to PERTAYAAN 1. Describe the speakers' relationship. What forms of address do they use? 2. Where does the conversation take place? What is the topic of conversation? 3. How does Gretchen introduce the invitation? Why is she being so flexible about the time in her invitation? 4. What kind of gathering is it going to be? Is anyone besides Dr. and Mrs. Hampton going to be invited? 5. What is the function of lines 24-26? 6. What do you think the guests will be wearing to the dinner party? 7. How formal is this dialogue?


dgkhkhkvufixkdclhcjlvjlchlchcchlchlchof mana lh kutahu

5. (a knock at the door) Gretchen :Good morning, Dr.Hampton. May i come in? Dr.Hampton :Good morning, Gretchen. Of course. How can i be of help? Gretchen :Well,it's not about school, Dr.Hampton. It's just that Alan and i wanted to have a few people over for a dinner party to celebrate finishing my dissertation, and we'd like to invite you especially, since you're chaiman. Would you be able to come the weekend after next, on Saturday? Dr.Hampton :I'd be delighted to, Gretchen. Saturday, did you say? Gretchen :If that's all right for you and Mrs.Hampton. Dr.Hampton :I will have to check with Elizabeth, but i'm pretty sure it will be all right. Gretchen :Good. If you could come around six-thirty or seven o'clock, that would give us time to chat a while over a glass of wine before dinner. Dr.Hampton :That sounds fine. We’II be there around seven. Gretchen :That would be great!Oh, i'm so please that you and Mrs.Hampton will be able to make it! Dr.Hmpton :Well, it should be fun. And you deserve it after all that hard work. But, say, Gretchen, will i have to start calling you Doctor Schmeltzer now? Gretchen :Of course not, Dr.Hampton! Dr.Hampton :Well, then can't you reciprocate by calling me Henry? Gretchen :Of course, Dr... I mean Henry. But It’II take some getting used to. DISCUSSION 1. Describe the speakers relationship. What forms of address do they use ? 2. Where does the conversation take place ? What is the topic of conversation ? 3. How does Gretchen introduse the invitation ? Why is she being so flexible about the time in her invitation? 4. What kind of gathering is it going to be ? is any one besides Dr. and Mrs.Hampton going to be invited? 5. What is the fuchtion of lines 24-26 ? 6. What do you think the guests will be wearing to the dinner party? 7. How formal is this dialogue?

1. Lecturer and student
2.Dr. Hampton's house
3.Plan for discuss about Gretchen's dissertation
4. Alan
5. (sorry I don't know what's your mean)
6. (i just miss it for answer this question, sorry)
7. Very formal

6. 1. Sebuah botol berisi minyak goreng 718 liter tu menangan terteam wacanBerapa sisa minyak goreng dalam botol2. Sebuah onum berisi minyak 15 bagian Becera tagang manus ditanca agar uma3bmarbatanges.325glepurg terg cer 115gmentega raagreat4. Vertu staram sings oohon cemaa 025 meter erat auremudian ingginya 55meter. Betapa om verarbara finge oonon era seara eroan?5. bu mempunyai 7+12 ter sirup 0000 vendar Srup tersebutacar dituangian pada bo-botolkes berukuran 0.5 ter Betara od Subang dibuturan​


Sisa minyak goreng dalam botol adalah \frac{5}{8}




7. tolong bantu saya kakak. Tuliskan ide utama atau ide pokok text dibawah ini, A. The law course at Cambridge is intended to give a thorough grounding in the principles of law viewed from an academic rather than a vocational perspective. There are opportunities 5 to study the history of law and to consider the subject in its wider social context. The emphasis is on principle an technique. Skills of interpretation and logical reasoning are developed. and students are encouraged to 10 consider broader questions such as ethical judgement, political liberty and social control. B. Although many undergraduates who read law do so with the intention of practising, many do not, preferring instead to go into 15 administration, indusrial management or accountancy. Candidates intending to read law need not have studied any particural subject at school. It is as common for undergraduates to have a scientific or 20 mathematical backgraund at A-level as it is for them to have studied history or languages. C. Undergraduates reading law for three years take Part IA of the Tripos at the end of the first years. This comprises four papers: Criminal 25 Law, Contitutional Law, the Law of Tort and Rowan Law. In the second year five subjects are studied for Part IB of the Law Tripos which is taken at the end of the year. The range of subjects on offer is wide - from 30 Famili Law to International Law - though in practice most undergraduates take Contract and Land Law as two of their papers. In the third year, five subjects are studied for Part II of the Tripos. The range of options is even 35 wider than in Part IB. According to preference an undergraduate may delevop his or her interest in property law (including trusts and conveyancing law), commercial law, public law (including Administrative law and EEC 40 Law), or in more academic and sociological aspects of law, such as Jurisprudence, Legal History, Labour Law and Criminology. Candidates may also participate in the seminar course, submitting a dissertation in 45 place of one paper. D. Candidates for the postgranduate LL.M. take any four papers selected from a wide range of options in English Law, Legal History, Civil Law, International law, and 50 Comparative Law and Legal Philosophy.

the following are the main idea of the paragraphs
a. The law course at Cambridge is intended to give a thorough grounding in the principles of law viewed from an academic rather than a vocational perspective. 
b.Candidates intending to read law need not have studied any particural subject at school
c.undergraduates reading law of three years
d. the candidates for the postgraduate LLM who take any four papers selected from wide range of options. 

8. B.J. HABIRIEBacharuddin Jisuf Habibie is a former politician in the State of Indonesia. Habibie was born on Jure 25th 1936, in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province to Abdul Jalil Habibie and R. A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo.In 1960. Habibie received a degree in engineering in Germany, giving him the little Diplom-Ingenieur. He remained in Germany as a research assistant under Hans Ebner to conduct research for his doctoral degre. In 1962, Habibie returned to Indonesia for three months on sick leave. During this time, reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the daughter of R Mohamad Besari, The two married on May 12th 1962, returning to Germany shortly afterwards. Habibie and his wife settled in Aechen for a short period befare moving to Oberfarstbach. In May 1963 they had a son , IIham Akbar Habibie.In 1965 Habibie delivered his thesis in aerospace engineering and received the grade of "verv good" for his dissertation, During the same year he accepted hans Ebner's offer to continue his research on Thermoelastisitas and work forward his Habitation, but he declined the offer to join RWTH as a professor. His thesis about light construction for supersonic or hypersonic states also attracted offers of employment from companies such as Boeing and Airbus, which Habibie again declined. Habibie accepted a pasition with Messerchmitt-Bolkow-Blohm in Humberg. There, he developed theories on thermodynamics, construction and aerodynamics known the Habibie Factor, Habibie theorem, and Habibie Method, respectively.On his returm to Indonesian in 1974, Habibie was made Chief Executive Officer of the new state-owned enterprise Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN). In 1985 PT. Nulanio changed its name to indonesian Aviation industry and it is now known as Indonesian Aerospace Inc.(Dirgantara), By the 1980, IPTN had grown considerably, specializing in the manufacture of helicoplers and small passenger plares.In January 1998, after accepting nomination for a 7th term as President Soeharto announced the selection criteria for the nomination of a vice precident. Habibie was elected as vice president in March 1998. On Mav 21st 1998, Soeharto publicly announced his resignation and Habibie was immediately sworn in as president.1. Based on the text, Habibie was good in this field,except...a. Politics b. Aerospacec. Healthd. Engineeringe. Research2. In what paragraph did the writer tell about Habibiespersonal identity?a. Paragraph 1b. Paragraph 2c. Paragraph 3d. Paragraph 4e. Paragraph 53. What is the character is not suitable given to Habibie?a. Visionaryb. Ambitiousc. Respectedd. Motivatede. Hardworking4. "........changed its name to Indonesian Aviationindustry and it is now known as Indonesian AerospaceInc. (Dirgantara)"The word "it" refers to......a. Indonesian Aerospaceb. Dirgantarac. IPTNd. Indonesian Aviation Industrye. Habibie theorem​


1. B





maaf salah ya kak


1. C. Health

2. A. Paragraph 1

3. B. Ambitious

4. C. IPTN


hope you find this helpful ^•^

9. Vocabulary He did a … degree at Liverpool University. I wanted to go to university, but I couldn’t afford the tuition …. * The … sentenced the thief to six months in prison. We were surprised by the harshness of his sentences. * The … took days to find him guilty. * A good referee has to be … and fair. * He … his dissertation on nineteenth-century American poetry. * I really wish I’d taken a … year before I went to university. * It’s never … to keep a bird in cage, is it? * No witnesses were found to give … , so the police had to drop the case. * He … through his exams. They were no problem at all. * Pliss bantuin akuu


bachelor's feesjudgejuryunbiased wrotegapjustifiable evidencesailed

10. THE BIOGRAPHY OF HARRY MARKOWITZHarry Markowitz was born to a Jewish family, the son of Morris and Mildred Markowitz. During high school, Markowitz developed an interest in physics and philosophy, in particular the ideas of David Hume, an interest he continued to follow during his undergraduate years at the University of Chicago. After receiving his B.A., Markowitz decided to continue his studies at the University of Chicago, choosing to specialize in economics. There he had the opportunity to study under important economists, including Milton Friedman, Tjalling Koopmans, Jacob Marschak and Leonard Savage. While still a student, he was invited to become a member of the Cowles Commission for Research in Economics, which was in Chicago at the time.Markowitz chose to apply mathematics to the analysis of the stock market as the topic for his dissertation. Jacob Marschak, who was the thesis advisor, encouraged him to pursue the topic, noting that it had also been a favorite interest of Alfred Cowles, the founder of the Cowles Commission. While researching the then current understanding of stock prices, which at the time consisted in the present value model of John Burr Williams, Markowitz realized that the theory lacks an analysis of the impact of risk. This insight led to the development of his seminal theory of portfolio allocation under uncertainty, published in 1952 by the Journal of Finance.In 1952, Harry Markowitz went to work for the RAND Corporation, where he met George Dantzig. With Dantzig’s help, Markowitz continued to research optimization techniques, further developing the critical line algorithm for the identification of the optimal mean-variance portfolios, relying on what was later named the Markowitz frontier. In 1955, he received a PhD from the University of Chicago with a thesis on the portfolio theory. The topic was so novel that, while Markowitz was defending his dissertation, Milton Friedman argued his contribution was not economics. During 1955–1956 Markowitz spent a year at the Cowles Foundation, which had moved to Yale University, at the invitation of James Tobin. He published the critical line algorithm in a 1956 paper and used this time at the foundation to write a book on portfolio allocation which was published in 1959.Markowitz won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1990 while a professor of finance at Baruch College of the City University of New York. In the preceding year, he received the John von Neumann Theory Prize from the Operations Research Society of America (now Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, INFORMS) for his contributions in the theory of three fields: portfolio theory; sparse matrix methods; and simulation language programming (SIMSCRIPT). Sparse matrix methods are now widely used to solve very large systems of simultaneous equations whose coefficients are mostly zero. SIMSCRIPT has been widely used to program computer simulations of manufacturing, transportation, and computer systems as well as war games. SIMSCRIPT included the Buddy memory allocation method, which was also developed by Markowitz.The company that would become CACI International was founded by Herb Karr and Harry Markowitz on July 17, 1962 as California Analysis Center, Inc. They helped develop SIMSCRIPT, the first simulation programming language, at RAND and after it was released to the public domain, CACI was founded to provide support and training for SIMSCRIPT.In 1968, Markowitz joined Arbitrage Management company founded by Michael Goodkin. Working with Paul Samuelson and Robert Merton he created a hedge fund that represents the first known attempt at computerized arbitrage trading. He took over as chief executive in 1970. After a successful run as a private hedge fund, AMC was sold to Stuart & Co. in 1971. A year later, Markowitz left the company.Markowitz is co-founder and Chief Architect of Guided Choice, a 401 managed accounts provider and investment advisor. Markowitz’s more recent work has included designing the backbone software analytics for the Guided Choice investment solution and heading the Guided Choice Investment Committee. He is actively involved in designing the next step in the retirement process: assisting retirees with wealth distribution through Guided Spending.tolong carikan past tense dan present perfect tense ​


past tense (waktu lampau):After a successful run as a private hedge fund, AMC was sold to Stuart & Co. in 1971. A year later, Markowitz left the company.

present perfect tense(use v3)

published in 1952 by the Journal of Finance.

11. 1.The education minister encouraged students take out loan to cover their fees. 2).At the interview he asked did I want to start the job tomorrow. 3).We agreed making our presentationto the group first. 4).My tutor promised mark the first draft of my dissertation immediately. ada bisa bantu kalimat yang terdapat salah, satu dua jga boleh​


2. at the interview he asked me to start the job tomorrow

(penataan bahasanya yang pas gitu)

3. We agreed to make the presentation.

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Dissertation Princesse De Clèves Vertu Dissertation Princesse De Clèves Vertu Reviewed by Romero on April 07, 2022 Rating: 5

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