Fluide Gazeux 3 Lettres

Fluide Gazeux 3 Lettres

tekanan di dalam fluide bekerja ke

Daftar Isi

1. tekanan di dalam fluide bekerja ke

Tekanan di dalam fluida bekerja ke segala arah dengan sama besar
(Hukum Pascal)

2. my job is delivering lettres I am.........

postman.......jawaban benera post man karena tugasnya mengirim surat

3. apa bahasa indonesia tyepes lettres,answer,phone

menulis surat, menjawab, hp(ponsel)



4. the following are some important wordes used ini this. srange the lettres fo form the wordes 1. Anem 2.kinth 3. netlis​


1. Name

2. Think

3. Listen


5. Mr.ridwan is a.....he delivers lettres to people's homes

Jawaban: postman

dia mengantarkan surat atau namanya sering disebut tukang pos

6. tolong jawab lagi ya, he delivers lettres everyday. he is ha......​


dia mengirimkan surat kabar setiap hari. dia ha ......




7. *Arrange the lettres to find out the name of animals 1.woc2.bbrati3.tac4.cudk5. obat6.Nechki7.Iqp8.rsohe9. pshee10.qdo*Match the names of the animals with their characteristics1. A Giraffe. a.sharp teeth 2. a snake. b. a useful shell3. a tiger. c.beautiful wings4. a deer. d.green skin5. an elephant. E.useful hump6. a lobster. F. a long neck7. a camel. G.poisonous8. a snail. H.beautiful antlers9. a froq. I. a long trunk10. a peacock. J.pincers*Match the animals with parts of theirs bodies1.Bird. a.fur, claws,whisker tooth canine2.cat. b.Anlers3. fish. c.mane,tail,leq fore lock,hoof4.Deer. d.shellklo yg tau bhs inggris atau yg tau jawabannya tolong dijawab yg benar yaaa soalnya mau dikumpul besok ​

yg kedua
yg ketiga ga seberapa tau
tapii semoga membantu !!

8. A. Créate lettres of invitation based on oné of thé following situations. ? you are thé secrétary of à vocational school. it is going to hold a graduation ceremony on June 15th , 2015. you are inviting students parents to attend thé ceremony.thé formal of à formal invition and informal invitation.​

Create Invitation letter for student's parents in graduation ceremony on June 15th , 2015


                                                                                 Surabaya, June 15th , 2015

Dear Student's Parents

We glad to announce to all the student's parents in Vocational High School 5 Surabaya for graduation with highly, remarkable and well result for your children in our school. They have already passed all the up and down for being a part in our family in school. We proud being the one who have already been trusted by all of you which put your children in our school.

Before finishing the journey in three years during study here.  You are highly encouraged to attend this event with your children in our graduation ceremony on June 15th , 2015.

We do appreciate for your attending in this graduation ceremony. It would mean a a lot to me if you could grace the occasion with your presence as I believe that for me, the graduation ceremony would not be complete without your being there to witness it.

The details of ceremony are as follows:

Venue: Queens Hall, Vocational High School

Date: June 15th , 2015

Time: 9.00 a.m

The invitation card enclosed with this letter bears all the necessary information. Please do bring your invitation card with you for security reasons.

Yours sincerely,

Secretary of School


Keep Working ! Palajari lebih lanjut dengan mengunjungi link dibawah ini:


9. 8) Salah seorang tokoh yang berminat pada retorika dan berusaha untuk menghidupkan kembali pada zaman Renaissance adalah....A. Roger Bacon (1214 - 1219)B. Cicero (106-43 SM)C. Aristoteles (384-322 SM)D. Peter Ramus (1515 - 1572 M)9) George Campbell (1719 1796) menelaah dengan tekun karya-karya Aristoteles, Cicero, dan Quintillianus melalui suatu pendekatan yang disebut pendekatan...A. retorikaB. persuasifC. psikologis fakultasD. naratif10) Aliran belles lettres (tulisan yang indah) lebih menekankan aspek keindahan bahasa, segi-segi estetis pesan, juga kadang-kadang mengabaikan aspek informatif. Salah seorang pendukung aliran ini adalah Hugh Blair (1718-1800 M) yang menulis buku, dengan judul...A. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles LettresB. The art of SpeakingC. Political DisquisitionsD. Institutio Oratoria​


1.D. Peter Ramus (1515 - 1572 M)

1. adalah Peter Ramus (1515 - 1572 M). Persuasi pada zaman modern berakar dari zaman Renaissance.

2.George Campbell (1719 - 1796), menelaah dengan tekun karya-karya Aristoteles, Cicero, dan Quintillianus melalui suatu pendekatan yang disebut dengan pendekatan psikologis fakultas.

3.A. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres


maaf kalau salah satu ya

Jangan lupa like dan follow me

10. A place to sand lettres artinya


sebuah tempat untuk mengirim surat (semoga membabtu)

11. ExerciceMettez ces lettres en bon ordre (Susunlah huruf-huruf berikutmenjadi kata yg benar):1. u-a r-r-e-0-1-V:2. r-u-e-i-s-n-o-m3. c-m-e-n-m-o-t4. b-r-0-u-j-n-o5. m-m-a-a-d-e​


Maafkan aku !!!!!!!!!!!!


12. B-I-S-L-N-I-G the correct word of these lettres is :​



artinya adalah saudara kandung


semoga membantu, semangat belajar yaa



13. 2.) (+) Siti (write/wrote) some lettres to her pen-friends yesterday. (-) ....................... (?) ....................... 3.) My father (drink/drunk) a cup of coffe three days ago. (-) ........................ (?) ....................... 4.) The students (spoke/speak) English to their English teacher. (-) ................... (?) ................... 5.) Mrs. Laura (go/went) to the school before yesterday. (-) ................... (?) .................. 6.) Ronaldo (kick/kicked) the ball into the goal last night (-) ................ (?) ................ 7.) My sister (bought/buy) medicine in the drugstore last month (-) ................. (?) ................. 8.) My family (eat/ate) gado-gado in the restaurant last day (-) .................. (?) .................. 9.) My class (get/got) the first price in classroom competition two days ago (-) .................. (?) .................. 10.) Hilda (see/saw) some tourists in Bali last month (-) .................. (?) ................ *Tolong di jawab hari ini dikumpulka


2.) (+) Siti wrote some lettres to her pen-friends yesterday.

(-) Siti didn't write some letters to her pen-friends yesterday.

(?) Did Siti write some letters to her pen-friends yesterday?

3.) My father drunk a cup of coffee three days ago.

(-) My father didn't drink a cup of coffee three days ago.

(?) Did My father drink a cup of coffe three days ago?

4.) The students spoke English to their English teacher.

(-) The students didn't speak English to their English teacher.

(?) Did the students speak English to their English teacher?

5.) Mrs. Laura went to the school before yesterday.

(-) Mrs. Laura didn't go to the school before yesterday.

(?) Did Mrs. Laura go to the school before yesterday?

6.) Ronaldo kicked the ball into the goal last night

(-) Ronaldo didn't kick the ball into the goal last night

(?) Did Ronaldo kick the ball into the goal last night?

7.) My sister bought medicine in the drugstore last month

(-) My sister didn't buy medicine in the drugstore last month.

(?) Did My sister buy medicine in the drugstore last month?

8.) My family ate gado-gado in the restaurant last day

(-) My family didn't eat gado-gado in the restaurant last day

(?) Did My family eat gado-gado in the restaurant last day?

9.) My class got the first price in classroom competition two days ago

(-) My class didn't get the first price in classroom competition two days ago

(?) Did My class get the first price in classroom competition two days ago?

10.) Hilda saw some tourists in Bali last month

(-) Hilda didn't see some tourists in Bali last month

(?) Did Hilda see some tourists in Bali last month?


Soal di atas itu mengenai Simple Past.

Berikut rumus simple past

(+) S+V2

(-) S+did+not+V1

(?) Did+S+V1+?

(-?) Did+S+not+V1+?

* did not = didn't

cmiiw. maaf kalau salah


2.) (+) Siti (write/wrote) some lettres to her pen-friends yesterday.

(-) Siti didn't (write) some lettres to her pen-friends yesterday

(?) Is Siti wrote some lettres to her pen-friends yesterday?

3.) My father (drink/drunk) a cup of coffe three days ago.

(-) My father does not drink a cup of coffe three days ago

(?) Is My father drunk a cup of coffe three days ago?

4.) The students (spoke/speak) English to their English teacher.

(-) The students can't speak English to their English teacher

(?) Are The students spoke English to their English teacher?

5.) Mrs. Laura (go/went) to the school before yesterday.

(-) Mrs. Laura hasn't went to the school before yesterday.

(?) Is Mrs. Laura went to the school before yesterday.

6.) Ronaldo (kick/kicked) the ball into the goal last night

(-) Ronaldo doesn't kick the ball into the goal last night

(?) Is Ronaldo kicked the ball into the goal last night?

7.) My sister (bought/buy) medicine in the drugstore last month

(-) My sister doesn't buy medicine in the drugstore last month

(?) Is My sister bought medicine in the drugstore last month?

8.) My family (eat/ate) gado-gado in the restaurant last day

(-) My family didn't eat gado-gado in the restaurant last day

(?) Are My family ate gado-gado in the restaurant last day?

9.) My class (get/got) the first price in classroom competition two days ago

(-) My class doesn't get the first price in classroom competition two days ago

(?) Are My class got the first price in classroom competition two days ago?

10.) Hilda (see/saw) some tourists in Bali last month

(-) Hilda hasn't see some tourists in Bali last month

(?) Is Hilda saw some tourists in Bali last month?


14. sending-lettres-is-the-postmen-thetolong di jawab dgn kata kata yg benar​


the postman is sending letters


The postman is sending the letters.


Jadi tulisannya adalah The postman karena to be nya adalah is. Kalau tulisannya The postmen, maka to be nya adalah are.

Semoga membantu ya.

Video Update

Fluide Gazeux 3 Lettres Fluide Gazeux 3 Lettres Reviewed by Romero on Maret 14, 2022 Rating: 5

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